Mathematicians suggest new way for aircraft boarding

The airlines have been trying out new boarding schemes for years with mixed results. It may be worse these days as passengers are trying to avoid baggage fees thus bringing more carry on luggage on board.

Mathematicians from Curtin University and Beihang University suggest a different way for aircraft boarding. Instead of the typical family, eldery and then zones, they suggest rating each passenger with their optimal speed, luggage attributions and using electronic equipment to check tickets when boarding. Basically, old, handicapped, families or generally slow people will be ranked last. People with big bags or lots of bags will also be ranked lower. It's an interesting idea but as this commenter points out:

If the goal is to improve an aircraft's ability to leave on time then statistics will show that efficiency of boarding is an insignificant factor. Flight deck paperwork, errant passengers, runway congestion, baggage loading and mechanical failure would all be ahead as reasons for delays. There are many parallel processes that need to be completed before take-off. My experience has been that boarding efficiency is mostly irrelevant, and is a solved problem.

Not much incentive for airlines to pursue these new techniques but certainly would make passengers happy unless you are marked as slow.

Science Network WA
Research paper - Site is down ATM


  • +2

    Shh, don't let Michael O'Leary find out. He'll charge a premium to be classified fast. :)

  • and then you have landing.
    People are in such a hurry to take their seatbelts off once the plane stops (before the seatbelt light goes off). And then when that light goes off, people are out of the blocks faster than Usain Bolt to get their overhead bags. Then, like a flash of lightning they…………. stand pretty much where they were sitting waiting for the doors to open and the queue to move along!!

    on top of that, esp with most int'l travellers, you have to wait for your bags so its not like you will be out of the airport any quicker.

  • They would have to start weighing carry ons and would this then affect where you sit? It'll never fly.

    • Not really sure it's the weight that's the issue although could be for the weak or old. Probably more the shape and trying to fit it in overhead compartments.

  • They had this on mythbusters. I didnt watch the entire segment but they apparently found a faster way

    • +1

      A cattle prod would help. Maybe a film in the departure lounge on how to not be a dick.

      • Wouldn't that be cowed bullying? :)

        • It's called the end justifies the means. As long as those who were zapped were the troublemakers and not those stuck behind the troublemakers.

        • Ooh, kinkee! Can I come watch? :)

        • You can operate the prod.

  • It seems to take forever for boarding to finish on the A380… perhaps it could work for those super jumbos ?

  • One interesting way of doing it is with the 'flying carpet':

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