Woolies marketplace seller
Free shipping which is normally $10
Use PAY10 coupon code and check out with PayPal for another $10 off original price.
Woolies marketplace seller
Free shipping which is normally $10
Use PAY10 coupon code and check out with PayPal for another $10 off original price.
Those are cheaper via OPs link, also on sale.
Not quite. You'd agree Sucralose is not sugar. These are packed with carbohydrates not sugars to add mass.
The other variants are also on sale, high protein, regular
High protein has less protein than regular per 100g.
Work that out….
Whey protein is not "regular". It's the most bio-available source.
Bought one, even though I have 3 in the cupboard :) thanks OP
Did you get any confirmation email? My order doesn't even pop up in the Woolworths order list.
I just tried the pay10 and then paid with american express and it gave me the discount so doesn't have to be paypal.
Same, the discount applied even before selecting payment method.
Did you get any confirmation email? My order doesn't even pop up in the Woolworths order list.
My order has been delivered today.
100% Whey 2KG $51.49 (inc free shipping) with PAY10: https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/productdetails/1075343211…
High Protein 2KG $48.49 (inc free shipping) with PAY10: https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/productdetails/1075343239…
For reference, Chemist Warehouse has the High Protein 2KG half price at $58.49 atm: https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/buy/91355/musashi-high-p…
All the other Musashi products here from this seller:
Also, 3x reward points if you spend over $100 on Everyday Market items apparently: https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/everyday-market
Also can use your reward dollars credit to pay
When I click on this link (https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/productdetails/1075343211…) it is showing me $99.99 instead of $51.49.
All of the protein prices in the deal and comments have gone back to full price.
Where is this product made? Where are ingredients from?
So I placed an order but didn't get any confirmation email. Anyone else have similar stories? Yes the money is taken from my account
sorta newb.. which one to get 100% whey or high protein just for protein benefits… also any update on shipping?
100% whey has less sugar than high protein (2.4g per 100 as opposed to 6.9g per serve) yes, it has less protein (26g as opposed to 30g) but the 100% whey also has less ingredients (which is generally a good thing).
Both have sucralose as a sweetener
Shipping wise, I ordered yesterday, got updates via SMS, delivery was attempted later that afternoon.
thanks mate! order placed :-)
It’s Bulk - be sure that’s what you are after. Full of sugar to gain mass. Otherwise get 100% or high protein Musashi ones currently 50% off at chemistwarehouse.