I ordered a touch pad ainol 7 mars from this company 3 weeks ago after seeing post on OzBargain. I have now found out that stock cannot be shipped because of lithium battery and pad has been returned to China warehouse. What I want to know is has this happened to any other ozbargainer and have they received refund as promised. I paid via Paypal. What is the problem with lithium batteries?
Ainol store touch pads with lithium batteries

This was a statement from Mp4nation, a reseller of tablets:
Generally speaking, the shipment of China Post and Hong Kong Post is airmail which will not allow the lithium battery and liquid.
The courier has their channel to solve the problem in the normal days. But due to the 18th CPC National Congress, the packages we sent via China Post and Hong Kong Post have been badly delay. Even some parcels which were sent in Sep also has been returned or hold by Post office for security inspection. I think Ainol store is not the only over seas supplier which effects by the congress. But it's definitly our negligence that we did not take this issue into consideration.
Another reason of the strict custom inspection of lithium battery was due to the fire on Xiamen airport. This fire was caused by the lithium battery on the flight. Thanks godness, there was no anyone hurt in this accident. We did not mention this issue to our customers as we thought it was not the excuse. But we finanlly reliase, the customers have the rights to know everything they concern."
TLDR: There's been a massive crackdown on lithium batteries being shipped overseas from China because of political issues.
Hmmm…looks like ordering tablets from China is now hit or miss affair..
Another issue you must realise as well, is how to ship it back if you have a fault.
Months later….
Lithium batteries cannot be on a Plane within Australia, only via the roads.
The product with the battery must also be packed very well.
Your seller has probably paid for Airmail within Australia, or uses some dog eaten packaging.