Grill’d Gluten Free - Any Idea of Manufacturer?

Folks, desperate to find the manufacturer of Grill’d’s gluten free buns. Any ideas?

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  • You could just ask them. A large commercial bakery probably supplies them frozen.

    • I have, they refuse to tell me.

      • +16

        Have you considered just getting a job at Grill'd and working your way up the corporate ladder until you are in the position to find out where the buns come from?

        • I had, but I can’t use a spatula.

      • Ask guys in the store.

        • I did, but they didn’t know. Hoping there may be an employee on here…

  • -2

    Can't disclose due to confidentiality agreement.

    • That’s the spin I got. can’t release IP

  • +4

    Likely a dedicated bread supplier that make it specific to grill'ds requirements. There's a few of them around that do stuff like half-baked bread for large scale providers that's cooked on site, or specific products they partner on.

    If you're looking the buy the buns at retail yourself, you're probably out of luck.

    • Cheers. That’s the plan, but also for other allergen concerns. Riviera make their other rolls, just not the gluten free bun. I need to confirm the ingredients list primarily, but they won’t play ball there either.

      • +1

        Allergen list should be on Grill'd website. If you are concern about any other ingredients that are not on that last, you can probably contact HQ and ask them specifically about those ingredients.

  • Manildra

    • Looked at their site, they make rolls?

      • They supply heaps of things like flour, pre mix, etc…They supply the premix for companies such as Coles & Baker's Delight so they can make bread, etc…

  • +4

    Look around the back where they dispose of their rubbish/recycling. The cardboard boxes that they came in will probably have the name and address of the supplier.

  • Sadly, can’t get there.

    • +2

      Find the name of their garbage truck company and get a job there. Get the run that picks up their rubbish. It's the OzBargain thing to do.

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