Every single episode of 'Dr Harry' that I watch these days seems to include him prominently/very deliberately naming a specific drug, and 'prescribing' it/recommending it to some starry-eyed/'fan-boy'-type family for their pet … often seemingly 'at the drop of a hat'. He routinely does this when (in my opinion) a bit of behavioural training would most likely achieve a good result, and sometimes he appears to do it for no real reason at all.
A recently witnessed (on the telly) case in point:
'Old Hazza' visits a family who wants to stop one of their two chickens laying her eggs while standing up, because sometimes those eggs are breaking. Hazza tells the dad in the family to build a better nesting box (fair enough); but then his ears prick up as he hears the other hen making a crowing-type sound. He then launches into an enthusiastic account of how in the absence of a rooster, one of the hens in a group will sometimes take on some male-type traits.
Importantly, there is nothing bad about this entirely natural occurrence/evolved behaviour/adaptation by the way, and in fact it has some positive consequences for a rooster-less flock of chickens. But Hazza is having none of it!
He spends a good part of the segment recommending that this poor hen be administered a quite powerful human female hormone, which he names—as far as I can gather—a specific brand of, in his words to get the hen to start 'behaving more like a lady!' (his emphasis).
As the kids say these days, 'totes redic' …
This is far from an uncommon occurrence on the show. In other episodes Hazza visits a family with a dog or cat with a very mild behavioural 'problem'/habit (such as liking to sleep on the couch or the bed) that the owners find undesirous. Rather than a simple course of reward training combined (if required) with gentle water spray 'discouragement' training, Hazza predictably suspects/verbalises some sort of deeper problem, 'whips out' a drug, and as far as I can tell, names a specific brand of that drug, not the generic name of the drug.
I would be interested to know if others have noticed this.
Just another show scripted by Big Pharma. Same with the highly popular fake evening news.