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Samsung PS51E550D 51" Full HD 3D SMART Plasma TV - $760 Free Shipping Aus Metro


Hi guys, was searching for a new good brand name TV after my Xbox 360 Star Wars console Ozbargain and found this one for an amazing price on Appliances Online or Big Brown Box (same company). Ordered it on Tuesday night and it arrived today out of delivery preference.

Hot tip:
- Choose COD (Cash on delivery) to avoid stock outs or just to keep money in our pocket
- If you find a cheaper price they have a Price Match Guarantee
- Delivery is free to Australian metro areas

Quick Info:
- Wifi
- HDMI ports x 3
- USB ports x 2
- 640kWh/annum
- 2 Pairs 3D Glasses (Active 3D)

Other quotes:

Harvey Norman: $897 online (Unofficial phone quote $830 from Fountain Gate VIC) - Stock in Fountain Gate, Chadstone, Frankston, Springvale

Statice ice: http://www.staticice.com.au/cgi-bin/search.cgi?q=PS51E550&sp…
$761.20 Videopro (QLD)
$765.15 Zylax Computer (NSW) | www.zylax.com.au
$799.00 The Cable Connection logo The Cable Connection (NSW, QLD, VIC, WA)
$829.00 Exeltek Solutions (VIC)
$829.75 Top Buy
$849.00 Bing Lee (ACT, NSW) | www.binglee.com.au | updated: 15-11-2012

Referral Links

Referral: random (241)

Until 31/7/2025, $50 off minimum $500 spend voucher for referee and referrer.

Related Stores

Appliances Online
Appliances Online

closed Comments

  • Don't know if I should buy now, or wait for boxing day sales…

    How much cheaper could it get?

    Do I want to deal with Boxing Day traffic to save, maybe $50.00?

    • +16

      mate i have worked on 3 boxing days at a major retailer and its all BULL. It's all a mentality, people basically come in demanding we take their money regardless of what price we display. There are MUCH better bargains to be had during the year and haggling.

      • +1

        I believe you.

        My only issue is I don't need a TV for at least another month.

        I can only imagine it will be cheaper by then.

      • +1

        I would temper that by saying that yes, it can be bull; but sometimes there are bargains to be had!

        A few years back I picked up a 42" LCD TV for $998 that was already on sale for $1498…right place, right time! That said, if you wanted this TV now I wouldn't quibble over this price with free shipping! :)

      • +1

        I agree that the sales on Boxing Day are mostly crap (I find them to be hyped normal prices, most of the time), but people can respond to haggling a bit better. I bought a 32" Samsung for $100 less than ticket price through some haggling last Boxing Day, and some other accessories.

      • Definitely true - first hand experience working at electronics retail.

    • or wait for the 2013 models to come out & watch this price drop by $100

  • Was virtually the same price from Bing Lee just a few days ago http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/84116

    Many other online retailers have the same TV at sub $800, so may be able to bargain and get the price lower

    Appliancesonline are great to deal with and free delivery is a bonus

    • +4

      Unless I'm mistaken, Appliances Online is Big Brown Box

      • Yup, the OP disclosed that in the body…

        Appliances Online or Big Brown Box (same company)

    • +3

      Generally speaking, Plasmas have a better image for things with high motion, like sports. Also your information is a bit old, most new Plasmas (from decent brands) tend to draw no more power than LCDs, in fact some draw less.

      • Picture quality is generally better on a plasma, yes, but power consumption is still around twice the equivalent sized LED-LCD. Compare this plasma's usage of 640kwh/a vs the samsung 50" led-lcd at 250.

        That being said, plasma's these days are far more efficient then those of a few years ago, its just the whole market has moved to more efficient displays.

        • Not to mention, you will never make back the few hundred dollar difference between this and an equivilent LED/LCD.

        • Of course you would. Between the two examples - 390kWh/a at $0.25 per kWh, is a saving of $98 per year. You make it back in two years (and you'll keep the TV for at least that long, I assume).

        • Also energy consumption is double only at its peak when it is displaying a full white image. How many times does that happen? Most plasmas are rated at their peak usage, which is more than LCD/LED. Otherwise they are not that far off from the LED consumption. thier

    • Yes they use more power but it’s a few dollars a year and considering plasma can be half the cost its not an issue.

      The Plasma vs LCD really just boils down to LCD for rooms with direct sunlight and Plasma for rooms that can be darker i.e curtains closed.

      Plasma vs LCD Article.

  • I'm looking for a drop in price of the 64" E550 to replace my 65" ST50. Will wait for a 15% or 20% off at retailers :)

    • +1

      That's more of a downgrade than upgrade, if you ask me.

      • Agreed.

        • Anything is better then the hive of bees which my buzzing ST50 sounded like.

  • how much is an extra pair of 3D glass ?

    • They are RRP $29 but can be had for less. (Battery type)

      The batteries last quite some time and you can always buy a pallet from Ebay for same price as a loaf of bread!

      • +1

        Passive 3D is better for the environment.. no battery $1 glasses from the cinema work fine

  • I have been looking recently and just got really confused , currently have a 5 year old Plasma. Should i go plasma or LCD or LED ?

    • +1

      You've been looking, your answer is right there…what did you like?

    • +1

      Either plasma or led. Plasma generally has better picture quality, and better blacks, while led has better power consumption and are still better in brighter rooms.

    • I was leaning towards LED LCD LG but the price was $1200 approx and I heard the Samsung had a better Smart TV. So I have help off for now.But this looks a great price

      • +2

        Personally, I find smart TV to be a bit of a gimic. Very limited apps and navigating through them is not fun with a remote.

        That being said, Samsungs have excellent media play back. In my Sammy, i can stick in whatever media format on a USB and it will play it without complaint. Mine is an LED but I assume the plasmas would be the same, would want to check before pulling the trigger though.

    • With the extra money I am saving I can put this into a new amp and speakers, Hmm now some more confusion ahead. Whats the best amp and speakers. I know I only want bookshelf speakers not something that is huge.

  • Damn this deal is tempting, I'm moving house soon and i'll only have a 32" TV to take with me. I might have to pull the trigger on this one.

  • -2

    Why do people feel the need to say LED or LED LCD? Are they really trying to differentiate from the CCFL LCD's?

    Or is it simply that they do not know it is the back lighting tech and think it's some kind of new LCD tech altogether?

    • +5

      LED-LCD is a pretty normal catchphrase. It basically indicates the TV has LED lighting that lights up the LCD screen.

      What's wrong with saying LED-LCD?

      • -3

        We never called CCFL LCD's, CCFL LCD or CCFL did we?

        • +7

          We never had another competing LCD technology to compare it to back then either…

  • +1

    My brother in law brought this last week before the sale. Great TV, amazing service, they called an hour after he placed the order on line to organise what time he wanted them to deliver next day and turned up 5 minutes
    after quoted time.

    Plasma vs LCD Article I posted in another reply:

  • -3

    Plasma is eating your money for electricity bill!

  • I have this TV, in my bedroom.

    • -2

      YUHAVESUCHABIGTV in your bedroom? Do you watch pron on it? :)

      • when it comes to 3D, 55" doesn't feel that big.
        and anything under 42" is too small.

  • This is an awesome deal! Bought this TV a few weeks ago wish I had waited. Nevertheless I am very happy with my purchase.

  • -2

    Jesus, 640kWh! If your not planning on changing TV's in a few years its not a bargain!

    • See spawnpoint's comment above for an explanation of what appears to be an outlandish figure based on the theoretical max of 325w with full white display.

      The actual consumption for 'normal' watching averages closer to 130w for most modern plasma sets, which is pretty close to equivalent size LCD panels.

  • +2

    From Samsung official site specs, "Typical Power Consumption 186 "

    I presume that would be 186kW per year, that's pretty low for a plasma generally i think.

    42" LED TV's last time i check was around 150-190kW per year.

    Nice price for a Samsung 51".

    EDIT: Just saw this on Appliance Online website, it's actually "Energy Consumption(kWh/annum) 640"

  • +2

    I have this TV… great picture. Best to tune it up after it's had a little burn in, colours are nice!

    Pair it up with a cheap Logitech K400 keyboard with mouse (it will work with basically any wireless K+M) but the K400 is inexpensive and lightweight, the mouse touch pad is built in. Tap to click all menu's no remote required.

    For those eye popping at the power consumption… you sure you have enough money to buy this TV? Only a tight wad tree hugger looks at the kW! I'd run this baby on Whale blood if it needed it…. best value Big TV around.

    Sucks on Wifi… best use a LAN cable or EOP wall plug!

    Stop Whining, start buying! Consumption is good for the soul and a good bask in it's radiation will give you a tidy complexion! Win Win!

  • +1

    Question OP:

    The 3 USB ports - do they work?

    On cheaper models, the trend I've noticed is that they disable them just to say "Screw you!" so they advertise them and then manually disable them because it's deemed "too cheap" to have working ports. I've encountered this without fail.

    Easy way to test is just copy a short clip off your computer onto a USB drive (The Windows sample video in 'My Videos' is what I use) and just plug it in and see if it works…

    Would be interested to know, if you have the time!



    • There are only two usb ports but they work! Usb photos and portable hard driv
      e movies (avi) tested: )

      They are apart of the allshare play app on the smart tv. One port is 5v .5a and the other 5v 1a (for HDD). I tried and my HDD didn't boot up in the .5a port

    • I know alot of tv's require the hard drive to be formatted to fat32, some will only play video that the tv itself records and some have HDD limits such as cannot play over 1TB. You will need to figure out all of this before you purchase the tv just by looking at the box most of the time. Personally I just use my modded wii over wifi to play movies (you can get those bad boys for under $100 these days) or if need be I'll just convert them to dvd and play them on my dvd player.

  • Anyone know if this has a dual-core processor in it?

    • You wish

      • +1
        • Not that it's a big concern, the connection you have at home is more important than the processor in this unit.

          Smart Hub needs a good connection, WiFi doesn't cut it no matter how good it is on any other device at home it will be crap on this TV.

          Have to go wired or it will be a crap experience. WiFi will cause a fair amount of frustration with Smart Hub. I've tested this on three different 2012 models and WiFi is a poor performer for Smart Hub.

          If you can get EOP adapters instead, much better overall. The TP-Link 500mbps ones for $80 are a good choice.

        • I have this TV and have heavily used its network-features with WiFi for the last few months and it as been generally great. I do have a new high-end Netgear router in the same room, if that makes any difference. The only problem is it seems to lose remote control reception sensitivity when there's a lot of network data transfer going on.

  • Currently renting a 2 bedroom unit and apart from my room and the kitchen the house is unfurnished, slowly buying bits a pieces as I go. Furnishing the lounge room wasnt too high on my priority list, but I can tell you now that that has changed. Just dove right in on this bargain.

    Now to find a good lounge suite. Seems I am destined to be poor.

    • +2

      Better to be poor and comfortable than poor and have nothing! Wait for plush to have it's next 50 months interest free and grab a "Softy" 2.5 seater in premium medium grain leather!

      You might as well get comfortable in that debt if your going to be sitting at home all the time :-)

      Just sayin!

  • I just go one from video pro paid extra $10 but I can pick it up or else I'd have to organise for someone to be home.

  • Heads up all, just got the tv yesterday, got it working for half an hour before the screen went blank but with the audio playing. Reattached all cables/left the tv turned off the whole night but same problem this morning. I've googled this issue and it does seem to be a recurring issue with Samsung's TV (http://forums.cnet.com/7723-13973_102-332598/samsung-hl-r508…). I've asked Appliances Online for a replacement which comes Tuesday and i'm keeping my fingers crossed this is a one off situation so just be aware of this issue.

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