Pre Purchase Car Inspection Recommendation in Melbourne Metro

Hoping to buy a used car and get the car inspected by a reliable mechanic. Google does give me a lot of results but I want get opinions from ozbargainers who have used this type of service and their recommendations. Needs to be mobile and service the Melbourne Metro area


  • +1

    What sort of car is it?

    • +9

      Purple FG Falcon.

      • +3

        No inspection necessary on that bad boy.

        • +2

          State Government legislation will return it back to factory condition for free.

          • @Muzeeb: Only thing the state government ever got right.

      • Gave me a lol

  • Always get an inspection, saves a lot of trouble. RACV is the standard…

  • How old is the car and how many kms? Buying from a dealer? A reputable/large business or a small one man band dealer? Under warranty?

    • -1

      Yep, how long is a piece of string

  • +3

    want get opinions from ozbargainers who have used this type of service

    OzBargainers just buy sight unseen with no inspection.

    • Come on, in all the cars and bikes ive owned i only did that once. 😆

  • To answer all questions in general. I've just started looking. Would be 2019+ Kia or Hyundai hatchback. Dealer or private sale doesn't matter but not buying without comprehensive check

    • So, most likely still under factory warranty then (Kia definitely, Hyundai only just)…

      • If still under warranty id only bother with an inspection if from a private seller - but then I've bought multiple cars without a professional inspection.

  • -2

    An inspection is worthless if the person selling it won't drop the price if you find a lot of things wrong with it.

    You might be happy with the price as it is… if everything generally checks out for age and km etc, but what if there's a lot wrong with it and they still won't move on the price? Something to consider.

    • In other words, make sure you ask the seller beforehand if they are moveable or immovable on price, depending on the issues found etc.

  • If the cars aren't common often it's best to take them to their authorised dealers/specialists.

  • I've used the redbook inspection service twice and have been happy with their reports. Both showed different issues with the cars which was enough to convince me not to buy them.

  • State Roads

    I've used them before, very very detailed.

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