Wera 6003 Joker 1 Combination Wrench 15-Pieces Set, Silver
Lowest price that I've seen so far.
Wera 6003 Joker 1 Combination Wrench 15-Pieces Set, Silver
Lowest price that I've seen so far.
Comparing a Hyundai to a Mercedes, just because it's not a deal to you, doesn't mean it's not for someone else.
Still just a waste of money for 99% of ozbargainers, WTF do you need these particular expensive spanners?
Obviously not a tradesman or you would know the answer
I would say the answer completely depends upon the purchaser's use case, budget and expectations.
With that in mind, objectively speaking: no.
It's very clear they are not the same.
Just walk away if you can't tell the difference and just want a cheap one.
Wera are so over-rated…..almost as bad as SnapOff and Stahlewille.
Don't believe me? Have a look at some reviews and what many workshops really use.
I am a workshop and we use wera tools, as do many others i know.
@Wayne7497: Not ours (a major Defence contractor) or any I know of.
Bahco, Force, Kinchrome….or even Teng. The only Wera tools I'm aware of are a bit driver set that's rarely used since a few bits broke.
What a joker
That's like comparing chalk and cheese LOL.
Thanks OP grabbed a set
I recently got this 12 piece set for $160 instead as it suited the sizes I wanted - https://amzn.asia/d/iDEfEdm
Just spend your money on most commonly used sizes and rest just get cheap ones, make no difference except you don't lose sleep that they will get stolen!
These are better value. $99, 16 pieces and ratchet.
or these if you don't watch Ratchet.