Is This Seller Trustworthy (Electronics Superstore via Kogan Marketplace)

Hi, I just stumbled across this deal on Kogan today and wanted to know if it is trustable. I've heard some dodgy stuff about Kogan in the past but wanted to double check. Is this seller trustable ?

Google Pixel 6a (128GB, Chalk) $359

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Electronics Marketplace
Electronics Marketplace


  • +1


  • nah

  • The seller is trustable to take you money. After that use the OZB search to see how people have issues.

  • Yes
    I mean no

  • yeah/nah

  • Ive heard some dodgy stuff about kogan in the past

    Kogan is the marketplace here; the seller is not Kogan.

  • The issue is, did you sign up for Kogan subscription when you did that order?

  • Pixel 6a will received its guaranteed last update on July 2025. It is better to go with 7a (May 2026) or even 8a espcially with the launch bonus (trade in and GC cashback)

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