Peacelily Hybrid & Full Latex Mattress Any Good. Need Suggestions

Hi Forum,

Am planning to buy peacelily mattress assuming below.

1) Made with natural latex — How true is that ? I couldn't verify the genuinety of their certifications
2) Completely natural, no chemicals used
3) Cheap compared to other latex mattress
3) Thought natural latex is better than memory foam (Koala matrress as comparision)

Product links :……

Would you take your suggestions and opinions before I make decision. Also suggest any better product that this, but preferably latex mattress.


  • Like all things in life, unless you have a chemistry lab to test these things you're going to have to trust them to some degree.

    I wouldn't be too worried though, synthetic latex is generally safer than the natural stuff. Doesn't let off fumes, doesn't have the proteins that people have allergic reactions to, personally I'd rather a synthetic one (but I believe synthetic is more expensive).

  • I've never heard of the company, but be wary that a 15 year warranty means nothing if the company goes out of business. I bought a mattress from another company and it had a 10 year warranty, 2-4 years later the company is gone.

  • Latex mattresses come with their on issues. You sleep hot and they are heavy and cumbersome to manage. Fine for 20 somethings.

  • +5

    I have a mattress factory and I import latex. Maybe I can help.

    Made with natural latex — How true is that?
    It's probably true. Some latex factories use fillers and make cheaper versions of latex (apparently), but I've never encountered it. If you're importing latex, you usually get the real stuff. Genuine latex is typically 95-97% pure tree sap (not really sap but that's another story) and 3-5% additives to ensure it sets properly.

    Completely natural, no chemicals used
    There are always 3-5% additives to make it set. Compare this to plastic foam/memory foam, which are 100% petroleum byproducts and chemicals.

    Cheap compared to other latex mattresses
    Other places have different configurations. For example, Quokka's mattresses are more expensive but have removable layers and better covers. Both are far cheaper than the King Koil retail version at nearly $10,000.…

    Natural latex vs. memory foam (Koala mattress comparison)
    Koala mattresses are mainly polyfoam. Natural latex lasts 3-5 times longer than plastic foams. It beats plastic in every attribute except weight, and the density of latex helps with durability. I love selling latex because it's not plastic and lasts a long time. However, I don't sell all-latex mattresses; I mix latex with pocket and micro springs.

    Quality of materials doesn't guarantee comfort. All-latex mattresses, like Peacelilly, can feel dense. If you don't like that, you won't like the mattress. But if you do, it's a good long-term solution at a reasonable price.

    "Latex mattresses come with their issues. They sleep hot and are heavy and cumbersome to manage. Fine for 20-somethings."
    Latex can sleep hot, not because it's latex, but because it's a big block of material that absorbs body heat. The more material, the more heat it absorbs. Many people say Tempur mattresses are hot, not just because of the memory foam, but because it's a thick block of dense material.

    If you use a pocket spring unit with a 5cm piece of latex on top, it will absorb far less heat than a 27cm thick block of latex, memory foam, or polyfoam.

  • +1

    regarging this comment

    "I wouldn't be too worried, though. Synthetic latex is generally safer than natural latex. It doesn't let off fumes and doesn't have the proteins that cause allergic reactions."

    This doesn’t make much sense to me. Synthetic latex is made from petrochemical-based materials, primarily styrene and butadiene. I’m not sure how these products would be safer than something that comes from a tree. That’s just my feeling on the subject.

    About latex allergies in latex mattresses: I've never had a case of someone being allergic to a latex mattress. I believe it's because there are so many layers separating you from the latex. Latex allergies are more common with items like latex gloves, which are directly against your skin.

  • Hi @venkigarlapti1, also interested in Peacelily, did you end up getting it?

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