My Muscle Chef - Meal Prep Time Inaccurate

Now that I’ve got your attention.

Yes this is just a joke post but I’m curious for others to point out food packaging that’s a bit of a laugh because we could all use some humour in these dark days.

My Muscle Chef meals say “READY IN 2 MINS” but instructions say “microwave for 2 minutes”, then let the “meal stand for 1 minute”. Now I’m no mathlete but that don’t add up right?

Next question.. has anyone managed to go from prep to consume of two minute noodles in two minutes?

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My Muscle Chef
My Muscle Chef


  • Inb4 ‘U5ern4m3 cH3cKz 0uT’

    • Did you hear about the Pelican?
      It’s beak can fit more than it’s belly can!

      • Did you know fish only go one way down a pelican’s throat so they use their beak pouch to flip the fish the right way around.

        • I feel sorry for the pelicans that learn the hard way.

  • +1

    Must be the weekend before pay week…..

    • Or the morning after payday the night before.

  • +1

    Username checks out

  • +2

    Because it is ready in two minutes……. It's just hot after 2 minutes.

  • +1

    The same could be said for 2 minute noodles. What's your point?

    meal stand for 1 minute

    That's just the manufacturer tin plating their arse because some pelican will burn their mouth on it.

    WhErE's My CoMpEnSaItIoN?

  • +1

    It doesn't say "ready to eat". Just says ready. It's ready to start cooling down.

  • +1

    meal stand for 1 minute

    I mean u could just eat it straight after it’s done

    Like take it all in one gulp piping hot out of the microwave, no chewing… like a duck I guess. Or my ex from high school iunno

  • letting it stand/cool could potentially be classified as serving time - not cooking time.
    Just saying - OP if you really want to be pedantic.

    who lets meals stand for 1 minute - certainly not me !!!
    I dig into them - straight after taking out of microwave.

    Time from microwave - to eating == 10-15 seconds ….
    +++ that accounts for putting on a tray + walk over to tv + sit down.

  • Next question.. has anyone managed to go from prep to consume of two minute noodles in two minutes?

    There is a thread on another forum - regarding whether possible to sue Maggi over such claims of "2 minute noodles".
    +++ possible legal viewpoints +++ also some hacks to speed up process.

    [EDIT] …
    the other month - I bought some noodles from local Coles - thought was buying Maggi brand (as it had same yellow packaging) … but when got home, it was a chinese variant + said on packet 3 minute noodles.

    Blew my mind.

    • S’pose you could eat them in two minutes and eat them when they’re firm and chewy. Much like me eating MMC meals and burning my tongue haha

      • -2

        mate … IMO your tongue is already burnt - it is not connecting with your brain.
        Much like this thread.

        You get me?
        Just saying.

  • +6

    This is the most blatant case of false advertising since my suit against the movie The Neverending Story

    • I know a guy who will represent you for No money down

      • +1

        No, money down!

      • +2

        mr altomic, I don't use the word "hero" lightly, but you are the greatest hero in American history.

      • Yes pls

  • It is ready in 2 minutes … ready to be taken out of the microwave …

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