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[PC] Free to Play: Star Citizen - 17-29 May @ RSI


Play for free, simply follow the prompts and enjoy the game.


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5,000 UEC (United Earth Credits) for the referee. If the referee buys a Game Package (with minimum value of $40 USD), referrer earns 1 Recruitment Point (RP)

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closed Comments

  • +29

    This game is either one for the fanatics or possibly the biggest ponzi PC game in history.

    After playing previous free play weekends, its a) either so buggy its unplayable, b) i don't have a super high end PC thats able to cope with its onerous demands or c) its such a short free play i can't get my head around its actual value.

    In the end its just all too hard to sort out to play the game when the free plays are active.

    • +5

      i've followed for a decade, it's 100% scam lol

      • +1

        100% scam. I was an early backer (only kickstarter I have or ever will do.)

  • +9

    I just wanted to share it as no one else had :)

    I might not even play it but someone might not know about the free event :)

  • +1

    Only took me 45 minutes to escape the planet you spawn on last time I played this…

    • +4

      Lucky you. Took me ages and then when i was in space i accidentally pressed eject which was something like an easily accessible key like T and was drifiting in space with no escape but rage quit and uninstall.

      • +1

        At least you got into space; I managed to do that exact same thing whilst still in the hanger and didn't even get to take off.

  • +1

    This is ridiculous. I registered new account, confirmed via email and download their client. And it won't let me sign in: "You don't have the permissions to sign in"

    • +2

      Maybe its getting hammered and bugging out

      • +2

        Strange, I had to sign in via web, looked up my computer name, which was "Computer", used that in the client and it worked. Now I'm downloading the game.

        • +1

          thanks this worked for me too. device name must be "Computer"

          definitely a massive bug in their login flow

      • +1

        Great advertisement to lure paying customers innit…

        • +1

          Kickstarter release date was stated to be November 2014

          Why would anyone play a game released in 2014?

  • +2

    Vulkan and DLSS/FSR/TSR upscaling added with this update, lots of optimisation being done to make things a lot smoother.

    Plenty of bugged NPCs when I had a look, and the server tick rate in the MMO component is a bit of a joke currently, but they're making serious progress.

    • +10

      Serious progress after…. looks at backing date Okay so I can find the date I backed, but I did pay $US35 for a Digital Scout LTI back in NOVEMEMBER 2012.

      Yes November 2012. Which is around 25% of my life ago.

      I now see from logging on that they are creating significant ground war assets. Not what I backed, I just wanted another Wing Commander like experience but I don't think it's about what the backers actually want at this point.

      But yes. Good to see they're making 'serious' progress.

      • They're planning 3 single player campaigns as standalone products that fit your description.

        I assume buying a ship before the MMO launch just gets you a copy of said MMO, and there might be a subscription model.

        GTA 6 online will set the standard for all this, and how long ago did they start development on that, how much base work was already done with the engine and assets, and how many other games utilise the same tech and dev work?

        It's not ideal, but it was never going to be just the old school 6 year dev cycle, especially after COVID and disputes.

        The earnings made from the huge initial influx of capital and the financially predatory ship catalogue model are worthy of commentary though.

        • +2

          That's a very positive appraisal imo. Their initial release date estimate was 2016. We are 8 years past that.

          I think they're really happy with where they are at and are actively trying to keep this state of affairs going for as long as the money keeps rolling in.

        • +3

          Yeah sorry, covid is not at excuse for SC since they started this project in 2012. The game should have been released YEARS before Covid.

          • -1

            @Subere: I mean my point was other studios are taking 10 years with existing financial backing, properties using the same tech, and income streams and are being less ambitious.

            UE5 took 10 years, it's incredibly hard to take things to that level.

  • +8

    Must be getting desperate for new investors

    • +4

      You would have thought 600 million would have been enough already….

  • +6

    This game was supposed to have gone gold 10 years ago.

  • +2

    I actively play this, it's a weird wild ride, so many broken promises but it is actually getting some meaningful updates of late (big one being 2 weeks ago) alot more player friendly with the tutorial atm but still a long way from being something I'd recommend to people outside of those who enjoy the ride for amusing bugs (dropped a fps gun in a ship once which made the ship explode).

    It could be something great one day if they pull more people off their single player game Squadron 42 (which was meant to be out like 8 years ago but last year they say is in 'polish'' phase) and put them into Star Citizen itself which again they said they did at the end of last year but yeah don't go in expecting any symbiance of a normal game, only play if you can laugh off randomly dying to a bug and losing everything.

  • +2

    FFS just finish Squadron 42 already. The single player in freelancer was great. Was looking forward to something new since it was announced in what 2012?

    I dont see any point bothering with star citizen even if it did release now. The people willing to put up with the game as it is the past 10+ years would have such an advantage.

    • You know they will do a stat (and cash) wipe before they do go live, so not much of an advantage I would think

      • +2

        Nah its more than just stats. They dont just forget the 10 years of experience.

        Its like trying to pick up a FPS when everyone else has been playing it for years. You get absolutely smash by the experienced players for quite a while.

        I know its not a perfect analogy but still. The experience gap is going to be enormous.

        • Maybe.. but there will be more to the game than PvP. Lots of Solo missions and just doing non combat things like hauling, mining etc.. plenty to do without worrying about not winning every fight..

          • @OzViper: Sure, hence me being more interested in Squadron 42. Lost track of how many delays its had.

  • I played the last free play and enjoyed the whole experience. Was an easy install and played really well. And I don't have a top of the range pc (just 4070 and an AMD7600x).
    Sure there are bug (got to expect that from an Alpha game), but the graphics and general atmosphere of skimming orbits of planets was awesome. I'm looking forward to seeing this game progress further.

  • +2

    I backed game when first announced - i thought 'next year' to being able to play it.

    I still havent tried it. Hope to play proper release before I die.

    • +1

      I almost did back then also. Glad i didn't in hindsight.

    • +5

      I bought a joystick a couple of years after backing so i'd 'be ready'.

      No idea if it still works anymore. They don't usually last for 10years plus. Honestly I think it's a ponzi scheme. They're making more money from announcing all these extra features and getting whales to put money in than they'll make from actually completing a game.

      • How is the joystick? Still in the box?

        • Hahaha. No! But it's still packaged and bubble wrapped from when we last moved about 5 years ago, so I'm hopeful it's still ok. It's a decent one (i hope)so fingers crossed.


          • +1

            @Sxio: Could be fun to use with no man's sky or Starfield or something!

            • +1

              @serpserpserp: To be honest I'm not the gamer I once was. I've moved more to couch based stuff like playstation, or sex. Hahahahaha. I joke! or do I?….

      • +1

        Still no official HOTAS support last time I tested (T-16000M, which I use for Elite)

        Popped back into both SC and ED for a bit after Starfield fell waaaaaaaaaaay short of expectations and needed to scratch the space combat itch.

        • I just want the Freespace 3 but that will never come.

          And i will never understand why. What a game!

          • @Sxio: I'll even settle for a Freespace 2 remake with updated combat and flight mechanics, even better if VR

            • @Serapis: 100%. All day, every day. And much more excited about that idea than Star Citizen. Such a disappointment to be honest. Wing Commander 2 was the first game I bought with my own money and I loved it SO much. But after this…. whatever it's turned into, I really don't care what happens to Star Ctizen now. I spent that money over a decade ago. It's just ancient history now.

        • +1

          Unless you create your own bindings or import someone elses.
          I have Full support with my VKB sticks, I import SubliminaL settings.

  • +1

    Definitely the best patch content wise to date, but I'd probably suggest waiting till 4.0, to see if Server meshing will finally fix the server fps problems the game has atmo.

    Its the closest the game has felt to being a real game, but bugs can still be annoying and unless you have people to guide you the new player experience is still very rough.

    It is at least promising for the future, may have had an absurdly long road, but I do think SC will be an interesting experience.. at some point.

  • +14

    On 2nd June 2024 will be the 10th anniversary that I paid for this game, and it's not even close to release yet.

    Please stop promoting this Scam Citizen game

  • +1

    I wonder if they will have a deal on their $50k usd game pack


    • Gosh I hope so. Love to catch a bargain! :/

  • Played the game during a free weekend around this time last year and couldn't really get out of the station without blowing up or falling through the floor. I doubt this has changed much.. If you're every bored visit the refundstartcitizen sub-reddit. It's quite hilarious reading what people that aren't brainwashed think about the game (that have played the game for a decent amount of time).

  • +2

    Biggest joke I've ever seen for the time it's been in development and the money that has been given to these clowns.

    Unplayable due to bugs, serious lack of gameplay variety, content loops are what you'd expect from a first time Skyrim modder learning how to use their tools, and the focus is clearly on selling half assed ships missing half their promised functionality. LOL.

    • Duke Nukem Forever was the running joke for ages. At least they didn't take a bunch of peoples money while they waited.

      • Half life 3 is just around the corner

  • -1

    Gamers Rise Up!

    Didn't this game cost a billion dollars, 10+ years and it's still in development hell?

  • +1

    For what it's worth, despite being a buggy and long development time, I've got more mileage out of the $50ish I've spent on this game than I have on some $99 retail releases as of late.

    • don't you mean more light years out of it

    • +1

      Who buys AAA titles anymore? So much better value in indie games.

      Except Hades 2. I'm going to buy that the minute it is out of its testing phase

  • +1

    Great tech demo, but the world feels dead and there are a lot of features not yet active. You can't talk to NPCs, which makes it feel very empty and silent.

    I had to google how to uninstall it (ridiculous! I couldn't remove the game using their launcher and it wasn't listed in Programs and Features). I'll check back in 5 years.

  • +2

    tin foil hat on: I believe this is a money laundering scheme. it's been more than a decade and they somehow keep getting "funding" and digital ship packages cost tens of thousands of dollars, while the game is still unplayable, buggy asf, no real gameplay missions or working loops. Seems like a perfect front for washing some (millions now) money imo…. it's got all the hallmarks bruh.

  • +2

    I've played a lot of space games over the years and love the MMO type stuff… but at this point, I won't be getting into this game now even if it was released today. I watched when all this started over a decade ago, never bought in, and have just watched RSI destroy their credibility and the name of this game, all before it's even out of alpha. I just wouldn't trust them to run this as a live, full game. Plenty of other great titles out there to put your time into.

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