No Point Waiting for Leaptel Deals?

Anyone aware whether Leaptel does seasonal sales?

Looking at previous deals on OzBargain Leaptel does not participate in any EOFY or Black Friday or other sales.

They offer $15 a month for first 12 months for their 100/20 deal as an ongoing deal. I think I’ll just bite the bullet with that.

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  • No Point Waiting for Leaptel Deals?


  • Superloop 100/20 is $69/month for 6 months. Keeps you going for a while.

  • +1

    Just jump on their long running deal. I've had no issues and don't mind the fact I can wait 12 mths before playing the 'jump to the next isp' game.

    Check the ozb referral system also if signing up, then make sure to add your own after you do sign up.

  • Their support is crazy good (and local). I reported that I was getting dropouts which ended up being due to some Opticomm upgrades that was out of their control.

    After the upgrade, they called me every week for a fortnight just to check if everything was running okay.

    • Ditto this experience with their support. Probably not quite as good as Aussie BB though.

    • That's because it wasn't a deal…

      $85/month for 50/20 (plus $50 setup) is more over 6 months than the Gold Standard, Aussie Broadband's, every day price for a Business Grade 50/20 service $85/month no setup fee.
      ABB's current deal actually significantly undercuts yours, offering 100/20 for $84 over 6 months with no setup fee!

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