This is the complete 11 seasons on 44 DVDs including all 264 episodes of the acclaimed US sitcom about the middle-aged Seattle psychiatrist - a bit over $6 per season delivered!
Please note, the price says £49 when you first head over to Amazon UK, but drops to £44.41 (including delivery to Australia) on the final page of checkout. These are region 2 DVDs so please ensure your player supports these before purchase.
UPDATE: Bonus: Buy this before 26 November 2012 and get a £10 promotional gift certificate added to your Amazon account. This promotional gift certificate can then be used when purchasing at least £40 worth of eligible clothing, shoes, jewellery and watches sold and dispatched by See… for terms & conditions.
Mod: Removed affiliate link
Mod, please update title to say "Seasons" instead of "Sesons" (it won't let me edit right now). Thanks!