Chips, popcorn chicken and 6 nuggets. Pretty alright serve for the price imo. Can add on a can of drink for $1.50.
Chip portion should be just shy of equivalent to 2 regular chips
Available via the app, and front counter. Excludes delivery
Chips, popcorn chicken and 6 nuggets. Pretty alright serve for the price imo. Can add on a can of drink for $1.50.
Chip portion should be just shy of equivalent to 2 regular chips
Available via the app, and front counter. Excludes delivery
And part of an OzB professionals diet.
Help the cost of living crisis while getting even more people obese.
Fill up box was better value IMO. My KFC never put enough chips or popcorn chicken in these
I agree.
Not real chicken though, all scraps
throw the bones in a wire brush machine and then use that sludge to make nuggets or popcorn chicken
Stop it, i can only get so excited
Seek immediate medical help if you experience an erection lasting more than 4 hours.
Great for calcium intake lol
Can confirm that being a machine callibrator at one of big poultry suppliers for kfc, mcdonalds chicken nuggets, the nuggets are made from chicken breast, tenders and chicken skin. No filllers added to the mix
Chicken nuggets are healthy up to the point they fry it.
Chicken nuggets are healthy
That's all I need to know.
Had me at chicken
Interesting, must be why both kfc and maccas nuggets come frozen in a blue bag :)
I think the processing plant purposefully uses blue bags so that plastic is easily identified by the naked eye, as there is no plastic detecting machine. Blue bags are used for incoming fresh chicken, transferring meat from one equipment to another, even the gloves worn are blue.
I guess its to make sure that the fast food chain employee doesn't have it mixed up in the customer's food as well?
@supaderp: Single colour for single process prevents all chances of cross-contamination. Nobody wearing green touches anything blue and vice versa.
What happens to the other parts of the chicken?
Add it to the list of fast food fallacies, like Maccas burgers getting smaller.
yeah the reheated cheap seed oils are the worst part
No offense Mr Sanders, but the KFC menu has had some really good value items lately. I'm loving it
That's Colonel Sanders.
No offense Colonel Sanders!
Hot Rod Fill up was way better for $2 less =(
Guess I can be healthy till the next fill up box deals lol
Giant? Knowing the slop this mob dish up, it’ll be about ten soggy undercooked chips, a few pieces of shrivelled dry popcorn chicken and six nuggets..
There are other places to get your slop, if you are not satisfied with your kentucky fried slop
ask for everything fresh then, should take less then 5 mins :)
Lol would they actually do that? I’ve asked for fresh chips at maccas before, it’s the way to go.
They would, nuggets/chips/popcorn chicken all take 3 mins per product to cook in the fryers
Tell them you're willing to wait too :)
@spaiydz: You can always ask for it in drive thru, however they may ask you to park, or just say its fresh when it's not. Everything is being timed in a drive thru, and employees get rewarded if the store hits #1 on the leaderboard.
@DansDeal: Unpaid overtime to make up for lost time.
Blame it on Moe who tries to flirt with every girl for 5 minutes in drive through
@Quarter Pounder: What is the reward for fastest TP? Never knew there was a actual incentive, more of a pat on the back no?
@toneypaloney: at my store, we get rewarded with 2 dozen krispy kreme donuts to share, sometimes milkshakes too.
Probably just your local.
Thanks to Quarter Pounder at KFC
Not gonna lie these are a godsend, even when the employee skimps its still a buttload of stuff, gets the job done when I forget lunch.
Not bad thanks op
Would still rather the hot rod fill up box! Was also able to add a extra 2 rods on for $3 which was a decent meal.
Hot rods are gone already it looks like :(
Only had.a chance to get them once because I was sick.
You just need to make friends with a chicken farmer or someone from your local steggles/chicken processing plant. I've got 10kg of hot rods sitting my freezer for like $20. Have had the same for zinger. Mind you, they're not coated, but it's not difficult to get a KFC-like coating. Flour, egg, back into flour - that'll give you the same texture and look as KFC's batter. Mix in whatever 11 herb & spices recipe online you trust. White pepper is the main flavour componant in KFC I'd say. Even a relatively plain coating goes alright on hot rods and zinger; the zinger marinade alone gives a real "kfc" vibe.
That's a lot of effort for <$10 savings per meal…also you need to have a large freezer which I'm not sure makes you net positive if you don't already have one.
Making any friend that can net you +$1k salary per year beats this by a long shot…
Giant Snack Pack - Half Filled
Everytime I have had one it has been enormously overfilled. Might depend on your kfc.
Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in!
2 regular chips
Sadly thats about as many chips you get in that size packet.
You can't tell the size of it all up but at $6.95 for 4922kJ, it's good value.
The old snack pack (chips and popcorn only but with supercharged sauce was 3901kJ I believe)
I wonder how long I could survive eating two of these each day. Maybe throw in a multivitamin as well, to ward off scurvy.
I added up the kJ of 2 regular chips, a snack popcorn chicken and 6 nuggets, and it came out less then this at 4762kJ
If people were being sensible from a calorie perspective this could probably do lunch for two, which for $7 is definitely pretty nice value. For one, 5kkJ for lunch is seriously overkill lol.
depends on the person, and the amount of breakfast eaten, but 5000kj for lunch is perfect
5000kJ is objectively a large lunch for people that eat 3 similarly sized meals a day (the norm). Sure, if you’re big and active then it might be spot on, but for the vast majority of people it is above their calorie needs.
Even for an 80kg man that needs ~2000kcal/day that leaves only 3500kJ for everything else you consume. Most people aren’t capable of having 60% of their intake for the day occur within a 15 minutes period.
@abjsdhasehasee: Yes, the calorie needs of a sedentary (average light duties, drive to job, sit at desk) male are not significantly more than 2000kcal, especially as they get a bit older.
The average Australian male is over 85kg and the average height 5ft 9in… we're not talking about people with significant muscle mass that would increase their calorie needs.
Why add drink for $1.5, when filling out a survey will give you a free drink?
Why fill out a survey when saving you filled it out will give you a free drink?
Thanks auto correct.
Was a jape, meant "why bother filling out a survey, when SAYING you filled it out will suffice"
@Quarter Pounder: Yeah probs. In my decade or so of doing the surveys, only one store had ever insisted on seeing the docket more than once. Even then, most saw the docket and pissed off.
So far with this new stupid generated code, no one has taken it, no one wants to punch in the code I guess lol. Even the manager the other week I asked and he's like yeah nah if we see the thing it's all good lol. I did one back in Feb and just keep a screenshot on my phone in case lol.
How do you redeem it if you order in the app?
How do you redeem it if you order in the app?
Ask at the front counter to redeem it after you place your order - they sometimes check the date, so make sure you didn't order and just fill out the survey the same hour.
You can use coupon for 2 weeks because they don't enter the code in the email
Can't see it in the app :(
It's in the secret menu
Whats the giant part about it? Is the box size going to be bigger? Or just that nuggets are added in too (meaning less popcorn).
This is not a snack, it’s definitely a meal!
then the title is explicitly descriptive, expect it to be not as described
GSP set to take over the Hoods
Thanks OP
Just had this for lunch, came in the small sized chicken box.
I doubt there was 2 regular chips in the box I got and the cup used to measure the amount of popcorn chicken must have gotten smaller thanks to shrinkflation as there wasn't much there. Sucks that you have to buy the supercharged sauce seperate to make it a proper snack pack.
Was okay but it has been so much better in the past.
Just ask for sauce at the pickup window. Usually they chuck in 2-3 as well.
Just ask for sauce at the pickup window. Usually they chuck in 2-3 as well.
depends on the employee, i know some who will charge if you ask at the window, and some who will chuck them in
I very begrudgingly got given 1 sauce at the drive thru window and I had paid for it already on the app.
it would be just shy of 2 regular chips if they followed procedure
You get a a shot of popcorn chicken.
Don't forget to add Supercharge sauce
Cookers oil
It's definitely not giant, but it's pretty good. Would take 2 of these to fill me up, but then that makes it expensive again :(
Giant snack :)
Would take 2 of these to fill me up,
That is exactly what she said lol
I got one for lunch (have had them previous times), and it is more than I can eat, though I got given an extremely solid sized portion. Was also the freshest KFC I have ever had (and I have it like once to twice a week).
Great deal…until you get the bill for that stent.
Worth it.
No sauce = no deal
Would have been perfect with some gravy drizzled over the top. Thought about buying a gravy to share between two snack packs but it costs $5.45. WTF?!
Yeah that sounds bloody perfect.
6 nuggets alone cost $7.95
This is alright
This is just normal pricing for a giant snack pack. Nothing special for $6.95.
This should be a staple on their menu!