Baby Reindeer (& Controversy)

So now that the Piers Morgan interview has aired, I'm curious what people think of the situation, for those who have seen the show

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  • +3

    I want to hear what Santa thinks

  • +3

    tl;dr a Netflix TV series might not actually be factually 100% true. Shocking controversy.

    Because OP didn't feel the need to add any detail

    • Baby Reindeer is based on the comedians life, but heavily fictionalised
    • In the movie, he is stalked by a woman
    • Someone claiming to be that woman has come forward and said that the story is blown out of proportion
    • I thought the fuss was about people wanting to know the identity of the "manipulative older man" in the entertainment-industry who drugged and raped the comedian.

      • +1

        it is, it's just not what the Piers Morgan/OP's post is about.

      • Richard Osman has claimed that “everyone” in the television industry knows the identity of the sexual abuser

        Gadd has been very open to people in the industry about who that person was at the time. The real controversy is/should be that the abuser is not behind bars.

  • Haven't seen it yet. But so many memes on Facebook, probably should watch it whilst the hype is high.

  • +3

    I consider both Netflix and Piers Morgan equally weighted in terms of my sources of factual information

  • +4

    Piers Morgan. Yeah, I would rather use sulphuric acid eye drops than to watch anything that has anything to do with that fart stain of a human.

    • +1

      I reckon whenever the camera isn't on Piers, he's stuffing his face with tea cakes.

  • +4

    Can't stand Piers, but did enjoy Baby Reindeer. All I came away thinking from watching this trainwreck of an interview was that the actress who played Martha absolutely nailed it!!

  • -2

    did she condemn Khamas

  • Piers Morgan

    Anything with him in it is not worth watching. He'a complete twat who is best consigned into obscurity- all he wants is to cause outrage.

    • -1

      He has had some good points though, even if they were to just cause outrage.

      I think it's also that he tends to discuss extremes and deal with absolutes.

      Like when he had an interview panel with obese women talking about losing weight as if it were rocket science and he just said "eat less and exercise" which I thought was funny.

      • That's not really a defense… anyone who throws enough words will have 'some good points'. I'm sure that Tucker Carlson occasionally says something that makes sense, or might be funny. Trump is a firehose of nutso, but once in a while he says something that's not absolutely crazy too.

        If the overall tone and vast body of work is shit stirring garbage, then the person is not worth following. If the person's entire career relies on causing outrage and offense, the person is not worth my attention.

      • except not funny at all because women in particular have reasons like pcos they might be overweight. Which does need science to help. Yet judgement at weight always seems to be directed at women even though more men are overweight.

  • +1

    Donnie Dunn! Donnie Dunn!

    《Waiting for laughter or Applause》》

  • +2

    I really liked the Baby Reindeer show, it was a bit dark though.

    The only time I've watched Piers Morgan was to watch the interview with "Martha". Obviously, it is her,she does look unhinged.

    I wished Piers would have had more evidence, as in samples of real emails, confirm she had a conviction, charges of Martha harrassing the disabled kid, etc.

  • +2

    Watching her interview, I think the truth is closer to what the show represented compared to her side of the story.

  • My takeaway? Both the real life Martha (whatever her name is) and Gadd need therapy. They keep repeating the same cycle over and over again : her with her stalking and harassment, and him with going back to his abuser both literally in the final episode, and figuratively by retelling the story to his audience .

    I also found it hard to watch an alleged sexual abuse and rape victim re-enact the sexual abuses and rapes he suffered for entertainment purposes.

    Did it help him with his healing? Unlikely. He's trying to trivialise what happened to him, except that what happened to him wasn't trivial. He deserves better.

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