• expired

Referrer and Referee Each Receive Doubled Referral Bonus of $10 Credit @ Sharsies


Just got a message that Sharsies have increased their referral bonus credit from $5 to $10, free money on the table, not as good as WeBull or Trading123 but its something to help with the cost of living crises :)

$10 credit for the referrer and $10 credit for the referee, doesnt appear to be targeted and I can't see it on their site, I got it in my app feed, so its probably only just started

Mod note: The credit can only be used for buying shares. The store credit is not free money.

Referral Links

Referral: random (91)

Referrer and referee each get $5 credit.

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closed Comments

  • "48 minutes ago

    Get $10 for you and each friend you refer to Sharesies from now until 30 June 2024. Promo T&Cs apply.
    Refer a friend"

    They've updated the app feed with the above

  • +3

    The reward can only be used for buying shares and brokerage is $6. Garbage promotion unfortunately.

  • -1

    1.9% brokerage up to a cap of $6, doesnt seem that bad to me

  • its up on their site now as official referral rate :)

  • They are so much easier to use than WeBull, Tiger, etc

  • +1

    better than starship too, none of this $2.50 a month charge, and the promo doesnt require you to deposit, surprised it wasnt more popular amongst the OzBargain masses, I'm a newbie poster

  • Great deal OP!

  • Heads up all, my withdrawal and my referee's withdrawals were cancelled after a quick buy share/sell share/withdraw. Nothing in their T&C about holding a share for X period of time in order to withdraw the approx $10, but seems like they will block withdrawals at their discretion.

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