Looks like my Akai 45L Portable Fridge Freezer has stopped cooling after just shy of 12 months.
I am going to look at doing a return for it and will require a replacement. What is everyone got in the 45L/50L range?
I saw the Brass Monkey 50L is on special. Alternatively may be a 50L Kings.
Don't want to break the bank and using it as more of a Fridge than a Freezer at the moment.
The Akai should still be under warranty??
Best fridge I've used was a Waeco (owned by BIL who lent it to me for a while).
I don't really use a fridge to much but I have a Kings (but it has a secop compressor - apparently they're good or so BIL told me and I was too lazy to look any of this up). Been twpo years and I've been happy with mine.