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[VIC] 36% off Electricity Default Offer (27% Guaranteed Discount on Total Usual) & Free Rewards Membership @ Covau Energy

  • CovaU are offering 35% off the Victorian Default Offer (guaranteed 27% discount on total usage) on their electricity super saver plan
  • 27% guaranteed discount on total usage applied to GST-inclusive energy usage charges. No discount will apply to the GreenPower component.
  • Free rewards membership included

Cheapest plan I've seen in VIC currently, am happy so far with the service!

Referral solicitation removed — Mod

Referral Links

Referral: random (60)

Referrer gets $50 EFTPOS card. Referee gets $50 credit.

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CovaU Energy
CovaU Energy

closed Comments

  • So when I look at plans I see 30% less than VDO I don't see anything about 35% or 27%, It might be specific to your postcode?

    and rates of

    Daily supply charge 104.67 c/day
    Peak consumption First 1,020.00 kWh usage per quarter 32.00c/kWh
    Remaining usage per quarter 32.87c/kW

    Are those the final rates or is there a discount on top of those?

    • +2

      rates are terrible. Im paying like 18c pkw with GloBird

      • I just did a quote on their website, Globird are offering me 24c for first 30kw a day. but the energy provider in my area gives shit rates.

        • probably. I'm in inner melb. CoverU rates seem over inflated though

          • @Gavman: Still globird looks to be better than I am currently paying I need to look into switching.

            • +1

              @denserham: Definitely. I switch like 3 times a year at least

            • @denserham: If you're not already aware the Victorian Government runs the Victorian Energy Compare site. It'll let you upload a bill and give you comparison yearly rates and features across providers in your area. Works for gas and solar, too.

          • @Gavman: They were the best rate going for me, 23.84 c/kWh but that's before the 27% discount - 17.04 c/kWh after. You need to look at the advertised rate and then apply the discount.

    • +1

      It worked with the VIC postcodes I tried. Check the energy fact sheet, it should state there that there’s a further 27% discount on quoted prices.

  • +1

    I would be worse off going with these mob for both gas and electric. So the deal is not quite for everyone

  • I am with them for electricity as they have the best rate for me after 27% discount on usage.
    It is not stated on the website but you will find it on the fact sheet pdf.
    But I am with Globird for gas, they are cheapest for me.

  • Their rates are shockingly bad in my area (3156)
    I'm paying about half of what they are quoting me

    • how much are you paying

  • wondering if Covau rates on their web site are already with 30% discount or not ?

    • No, you'll need to read the fact sheet, it states the usage rate and discount rate, then make your own calculation.

      • For my postcode in VIC the rates in the energy offer pdf are the same as the rates on the website, and same as on Vic Energy Compare.

        There's this line on the Vic Energy Compare:
        Discounts applied to GST inclusive energy usage charges. No discount will apply to the GreenPower component.
        * This guaranteed discount is included in the offer amount displayed.

        Double check or you'll be double counting the discount.

        • +1

          Yes the rate under "Offer rate and details" in the pdf is the same as website.
          That's the full price before discount.
          On the 1st page of fact sheet, there is also "Guaranteed Discount on total usages" & "Percentage of usage: x%"
          you will need to do your own calculation and find it out.
          The actual after discount rate IS NOT SHOWN in anywhere. Neither website nor pdf.

          I am with CovaU and I can confirm my actual rate is billed in this way:
          all consumption usage per day is 30 cents/kWh and discount is 27%
          30c/kWh X (100%-27%)= 21.9c/kWh

          I agree that their website and pdf can be a bit confusing. perhaps that's because the fact sheet is in a standardize format set by the gov.

          • @AsukaST: Thanks for confirming. Someone at Covau must've screwed up when entering the rates onto Vic Energy Compare since that usually takes into account all discounts and that starred note makes it extra confusing. Their estimated monthly cost calculates right though.

            Network: United Energy
            Estimated Cost: $90/month,
            Consumption: 4000kWh/year
            Rates: 26.378c/kWH less 27%, 85.426c/day

            Hope the discount stick around for a while cos Tango hasn't increased their prices just yet. I'm still on ~50c/day+20c/kWh

  • plans all got a bit simple a few years back so companies are fuzzing it up to maintain profits, its only fair.

  • Just checking my luck for property (in Adelaide)..and it shows me “22% more than reference price”..lol

    • did you read the fact sheet? usage discount is not included in the rate shown on website.

  • I’m with Covau for gas and electricity in inner east Melbourne. They were cheapest for electricity when I checked back in early November.

    Supply 91.05 c/day
    Usage 20.74 c/kWh (after 13% discount)

    There’s a 0.73% credit card fee.

  • I would avoid CovaU. I am with them for gas and very recently wasted a huge amount of time following up a billing mistake on their end. It's resolved finally but I'm moving asap.

  • I wanted to share my experience with CovaU regarding their referral bonus. I signed up for electricity using a random referral code I found on a forum. The referral offer was that both the referrer and the referee would receive a $50 account credit on their next bill.

    However, when I contacted CovaU support after not seeing the credit applied, they informed me that they require the account number or details of the person who referred me in order to verify if both accounts have been switched to CovaU Energy. Despite providing them with a screenshot taken during the sign-up process that clearly showed the referral information, CovaU refused to pay both me and the referee the $50 bonus.

    Has anyone else experienced a similar issue with CovaU's referral program? Any advice on how to deal with this?

    • This is BS excuse from CovaU

      • Agree. But what can be done?

    • Actually the exact same thing happened with me, I assumed I had used a referral code on here from someone who had already moved on from them, so coped it on the chin.

      I also asked the same question re: why did the referral bonus work and apply during the sign up process then? They told me the person failed the credit check, but I'm still confused how they were able to make an account and create a referral code if they failed the credit check?

      Ended up getting nowhere and it wasn't worth getting annoyed at someone just doing their job, but still frustrating.

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