Is it possible to have electricity generated via solar panels power your home in the event of grid power outage?
the current solar setup is Sunpower panels and Enphase micro inverters. I am just curious to know if Enphase Ensemble will do it without batteries or is batteries a must for backup power. If so I would like to understand why?
Solar Power during Grid Blackout

Not sure why this was negged. OP will need an island inverter and battery storage.
Just curious, why would that be?
The Inverter is designed to match it's voltage and frequency output to that of the grid (actually just higher than).
If the grid is down, then the inverter does as designed and powers the Solar system down.2 reasons
1) physics
2) grid safety - usually when grid goes down it's a broken transmission line. If a linesman touches what should be dead line and it's actually Live cause your solar system is misbehaving, he could be killed.If you have an inverter and battery capable of islanding (not all can), there will be an isolating relay to isolate your system from the grid while the grid is down so as to prevent reason 2 from being an issue.
Thanks, I always wondered about this.
grid safety - usually when grid goes down it's a broken transmission line. If a linesman touches what should be dead line and it's actually Live cause your solar system is misbehaving, he could be killed.
This would still be an issue with battery. Also Grid isolation is done with battery back up so why not without battery also?
what next maths???
Grid isolation is done with battery back up so why not without battery also?
Can be done, not "is done", not all battery systems can island.
A battery simplifies the process greatly by supplying a "grid substitute" as both a source (discharging) and sink (charging) of power and therefore a Voltage and Frequency that the Inverter can sychronise to as well as something that can fill in the gaps to supply devices with power in the event that a cloud passes over the panels.
Others here suggest that there are Solar only Inverters that can island and supply power, but not to a whole home probably due to the fluctuations that are likely to occur in supply.
Cause if the Inverter is not pushing a Higher voltage than the grid, power will not export.
Yeah you need the batteries.
What kind of scenario are you thinking you may need to depend on a backup power source for a prolonged period (short of a natural disaster like a strong storm/flood)?
Power flow goes solar panels - inverter - grid.
Still, unfortunately due to export limitations with the grid unfortunately you won't be able to generate/use it without a battery.
No. Otherwise when a cloud passes your whole house circuit will brown out/trip, then turn back on again. This can be a safety hazard. Unsure of this is the real reason why.
Another technical reason is to do with synchronising with the grid phase. No grid, no phase .
You've got the right general idea. If at any time the load is more than the panels can supply - like when a cloud goes over or there's a rainstorm or whatever - the inverter can't maintain 230/240V, and that can result in damage to some electrical equipment. You need a battery to supply the extra power when the panels aren't generating enough. Just as a grid-connected system imports power from the grid if your panels are generating enough for the amount you are trying to use. Either the grid or a battery has to supply the extra when that occurs.
Grid-connected inverters lock into the frequency and phase of the mains. An off-grid system generates its own 50 Hz. It only has to, and can, re-synchronise when the mains comes back after an outage.
I see why the neg. I didn’t read the Enphase Ensemble part. My bad.
Is it possible to have electricity generated via solar panels power your home in the event of grid power outage?
Yes you can!! But you need a Delta E5 inverter (~$A3000) or Enphase IQ8 microinverters …
The Delta E5 is a hybrid that goes into a Stand Alone mode on grid loss … that mode flicks the Automatic Transfer Switch inside the inverter to cut any energy exports to the grid, but maintains supply for the critical load circuit. When the Current Transformer detects a load it converts the DC from the solar panels to AC and supplies exactly what is needed to the local domicile! A CT-clamp also monitors the loads as they rise and fall.
Can see more about the Delta E5 here:…Just ask your Solar installer about "Multiple Mode Inverters", there are a few brands that can do a similar thing to the Delta E5 Hybrid ;)
Thanks, will have a look at these.
I am just curious to know if Enphase Ensemble will do it without batteries or is batteries a must for backup power
You need a battery, get a Powerwall 2, it'll fake a grid during an outage that allows the solar panels to work on the backup circuits.
Is it possible to have electricity generated via solar panels power your home in the event of grid power outage while the sun is shining?
I have a Sungrow hybrid inverter and have the kit it comes with installed so it powers a circuit in my house if grid is out and enough generation.
Hey @2jzzzz, could you please share your solr installer details. I would like a similar setup.
If you already go the micro way, expect to go with enphase because his set up will totally be different to yours, maybe a tesla powerwall can do it
G Solar in Far North Qld.
Some inverters come with a 240v outlet that will work in a blackout to power things such as a fridge.
I thought all inverters primary output would be 240v?
There's certain models that have a power point on them that provides limited power during a grid outage.
It doesn't, you need batteries or the grid to take in solar production.