AmEx 18 Months Wait Miscalculation

I made a big mistake today.

I miscalculated and applied for a velocity Amex for the 100k bonus points. After the application and instant approval, I realised I only had 17 months because my previous cancellation. I cancelled my last amex Dec 2022, ~17 months ago.

Does anyone know if amex might make an exception? Anyone been through a similar situation?

If no exceptions, would not activating the card, and not accepting the offer and cancelling my application, still mean I've held the card this month and I have to wait 18 months again? More importantly, can I not proceed with the application and avoid paying the annual fee?



  • +5

    Don’t worry, even if you’d waited the full 18 months they’d probably turn you down anyway.
    Amex are cracking down on card churners - there’s many of us here on OzB. You’ll likely get rejected anyway, even with a good credit record. It all depends on how many Amex cards you’ve had in the past

    • +1

      (Unfortunately), I got an approval at the end of application process. Also got an email saying i will receive my card within 7 business days.

  • +1

    Maybe best to ring AMEX and confirm your eligibility?

  • What are you going to say to the offshore support team who will send you crazy going around in an infinite loop of unrelated questions and hand balling you to every department in the organisation?

    • +1

      Thanks for sharing, however I'm not seeing the relevance here.

        • +3

          Your dissatisfaction with Amex has no relevance to the OP's question.

          • -3

            @goatwomble: Most banks have concrete rules, the customer knows 100% where they stand.
            OP asks if they bend rules and bending rules is no bargain and should go to Whirlpool!

            • +2

              @payless69: I've no idea what you're babbling about. Please go away.

              • -3

                @goatwomble: I still CAN process amex for dumb babblers if they insist!

  • -2

    approved, card being issued, no problem.

    • What did you mean by approved? Approved to be eligible for the promotion when you applied before 18 months?

      • If they approved the application the 18 months doesn't matter anymore, they didn't use that to decline the application.

        • If you’re saying OP will be eligible for the bonus, in the past I wasn’t eligible for bonus rewards even though the card was approved but this was for cashback not rewards points maybe different?

  • +2

    if amex might make an exception?

    They won't and why should they? That are the rules.

    If no exceptions, would not activating the card, and not accepting the offer and cancelling my application, still mean I've held the card this month and I have to wait 18 months again?

    That would be correct, wait 18 months. Maybe this time wait 20 months to be sure :)

  • Zero chance. AMEX hate churners and have been cracking down hard over the past year. If they can find a way to not give the points they definitely will.

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