Bunnings links are down so in store only.
Ozito PXC 18V 200mm Cordless Pole Pruner 2.5Ah Kit PXPPK-2520
Ozito PXC 18V 410mm Cordless Pole Hedge Trimmer 2.5Ah Kit PXPHTK-2545
Bunnings links are down so in store only.
Ozito PXC 18V 200mm Cordless Pole Pruner 2.5Ah Kit PXPPK-2520
Ozito PXC 18V 410mm Cordless Pole Hedge Trimmer 2.5Ah Kit PXPHTK-2545
Why? I use it all the time. Are you saying it's a Kwok of shit?
It’s a third party site that displays relatively current stock levels… been around for ages, nothing fishy
I will test the website out against my local bunning and give feedback tomorrow. Wish me luck with the stock.
It uses the exact same stock numbers as the in store inventory system / powerpass. So it's equally as accurate as the store's own records
Clicking a link is not going to burn your device.
Is it The Rick roll meme
Look like no one in Geelong or Tarneit (Vic) likes to trim their bushes.
Tarneit obviously, 300 sqm plots wouldn’t have bushes.
Both are great deals!
Might get the Pruner
Cracking post, more of this please 👌
more of this please 👌
Might get the trimmer too
😂 enjoyed 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
@dwarves: Just got last one at Greenacre
Was showing no stock but found it between the newer pruners
Yep posted this on Fb Ozito group this arvo. Got the hedger at Keperra. Had heaps of stock of both.
Unfortunately no stock showing of either near me in Brissie.
Keperra had heaps of both at 600pm tonight.
Thanks, but 50k return for me
Will eat into the savings.
I used one of these pruners to take down a dual trunk 8m high flame tree
No stock in Tas for either
I got a combined pole / hedge trimmer a couple of weeks ago with a 2.5 ah battery for around $230 and then got the 4AH battery kit for $99 (recnt ozb deal). This is a good price but I didnt get these as there appear to be a promotional model. The unit I got has the same interchangable pole saw and hedege trimmer attachments that you can buy any time meaning warranty replacement is easy. I previously has the 4 in one 36v and when the hedger packed it in(I thrrashed it) I could only get a refund as they were not able to replace as there was no stock as it was a promotional item. May be worth considering.
How awkward is it to use one of these at ground level? I have tall bushes I need to trim the tops and faces of, but don't want to own two hedge trimmers.
I found it pretty awkward but doable if your bush ain't massive.
yeah, I got the one from Aldi deal when it was available (returned after one use( as I found it really under powered (used 4 Amp battery) plus it was really hard to do the bushes on the ground in terms of manuvering. the regular one I have, I can use it very easily & nicely for carving bushes.
bunnings seems to be clearing them out, I can't find a single pruner part anywhere for awhile. maybe an improved version coming out?
I think these are the ones that don't have swappable head attachments IIRC?
Correct. Non swappable.
Check your receipts, Crossroads has the hedge trimmers marked as $50 but they ring up at $77.89 at register
Can you share the receipt… Thanks
That'd be great, Bunning's will match it if you have the receipt won't they? I've never tried.
They don't price match other stores
If this was Coles, you'd get it for free!
Can I go back to Bunnings and get some $$$ back?
Same thing happened to me at the Bonnyrigg store…
Not sure if it's NSW specific but it's frustrating the pricing isn't consistent.
I asked the girl at the self service checkout to do a price check for the Pole Hedge Trimmer when it scanned at $77.89. She called someone over the walkie talkie and said "another person" has the same issue with the Pole Hedge Trimmer being scanned at $77.89 instead of $50.
She got the approval to override the price and set it at $50. Apparently there were other people (most likely ozbargainers) that came in earlier and set the precedence which made my life easier.
yeah that was me. Glad it was easier for you.
I only got it at $77.80. Could you share receipt pic?
The link for the trimmer does shown $50. Still a good value at $78
My husband get the pruner at rockdale NSW for $60, still have 4 on the shelf this morning 7:30
$78 at mine. Still got it.
Cheers OP just picked up the hedge trimmer. Good value
Thanks got one of each.
None at Coburg, heeeapps on the end of the aisle at West Footscray.
Also got one from West Footscray around 3pm, was about 12-14 left. The ticket price was still $130 or so, got the bloke in store to scan and sure enough it was $77.89. Must’ve been the reason those pruners had so much stock there. Had no luck finding the hedge trimmer at Sunshine or West Footscray, bloke at the sunshine store told me some bloke rocked up at 9am to buy everything they had in stock for these. Looks like the hedge trimmer should still be in stock at Sunshine, though… might try again tomorrow with matching up the stock IDs
Just one each from Marsden park, NSW. Both were $77.89
Thanks OP, picked one up. Still 5+ in stock at the Acacia ridge store (Qld).
Where were they in store… In the aisle or different section?
Got one from Greenacre. Saw a couple of other Ozbargainers lurching.
Does anyone have a receipt as I couldn't find any and he website doesn't show them at all.
I'd be interested in the Bunnings SKU or product number.
If you click one of the links in the description it gives you the item number.
Thanks for the post OP, got one of each at Hervey Bay and for a nice change I needed these as opposed to buying stuff I dont need coz its cheap.
Plenty of stock of each, but not in the regular section. It's with all the non standard promotional stuff on pallets at the front of the store.
Tempted to add the pruner to my collection. Grabbed the hedger. Reckon you could get $40 for battery and charger?
Still 3 pruners at $77.89 in stock @10am Saturday in Caloundra (Qld) - at the front of the store. I also noticed a PXC 115mm Angle Grinder kit in the tool shop down to $60 from $99, seemed to be a single unit only.
Still about 6 at Virginia Bunnings this morning - also a $99 hedge pruner kit too
How much is Ozito PXC 18V pole dancer?
Just got the last pole Pruner at bunnings padstow for $60 and refunded the $78 one
Dang it…just broke my Aldi Pole Pruner. ..Thought I would check OzB… went for yay to boo…not stock left.
If anyone has buyers remorse in SA, let me know..