Yesterday I had to get a pink slip for our car (passenger vehicle).
According to Transport for NSW a pink slip should cost $46.
My wife took it to a local mechanic (that states on their website the statutory fee is $40 - though I suspect that hasn't been updated).
All good, except they charged her $68. When she asked (I told her before taking it that it should be $46), they said that the RMS previously subsidised the admin fees/labour, but now they don’t. Apparently the additional cost is the labour and admin.
She wasn't going to make a big fuss over $22 and I wouldn't expect her to. But I'm putting my petty hat on out of principle, do I bother calling them up about it? To be honest, I couldn't even be arsed going back to get $22 and dealing with them, but I also don't want them taking advantage of people.
Does the extra fee seem legit? Is this legal?
Happy Friday :)
Edit: Thanks for the help all. I managed to get there this afternoon, and asked for an invoice. Sure enough it was for $68 with a $3 admin fee and $19 for "consumables".
I quizzed them on that, and the spiel I got was that RMS used to reimburse them for the labor, but they're not anymore, so this is their way to recoup some of that loss. I knew based on the responses here that was likely not true, but I played dumb, and thanked them for the invoice.
So now I just need to get that to RMS and understand more. Thanks for the advice.
My dude charges me $46 per car. That's all I get done there is the Safety Check. I'd guess it's an illegal fee and should be reported to the RMS. AFAIK, RMS does not provide a subsidy to cover costs. It would be a nightmare and goes against the government policy of slamming motorists to the maximum extent possible.
Here are the published fees:…