This was posted 10 months 1 day ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PS4, PS5, PS Plus] May 2024 PS+ Games - EA Sports FC 24, Ghostrunner 2, Tunic, Destiny 2: Lightfall @ PlayStation


PlayStation Plus Monthly Games for May: EA Sports FC 24, Ghostrunner 2, Tunic, Destiny 2: Lightfall. All playable May 7.

Thought I’d post this incase anyone went out to buy FC24…looking forward to playing Tunic but wonder why Nintendo didn’t sue them for the character looking like Link in the Legend of Zelda. 😅

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closed Comments

    • +4

      Keep in mind FC 24 is essentially fifa 2024

      • +10

        Every year it's the same game with a different name.

      • +5

        The game may be free, but I can't afford the 150GB this thing will take up.

    • +7

      I'm curious but what games are people like you actually after?

      The games last few months have been highly rated top tier games (Tunic, Dave the Diver etc.), so what are you actually after? Do you just want a Call of Duty game or something? A Stellar Blade (which is rated worse than what's been offered this month and last on PS Plus)?

      • +11

        Same people having a whinge every month with the titles on offer. A combination of "I already have this" (cool, so they're offering a game that you like and others might enjoy then) or "This game looks shit" (so you haven't tried it then and don't know yet).

    • -2

      Entitled much?

    • +2

      Games have been going down hill steadily on PS Plus for the last 6-9 months. All they do is release these kiddy games or poor shooters. Games are terrible anyway these days. Bad storyline, Xray vision everywhere, flashing neon colours whenever you hit something or find anything. Even the so called adult games they mess up like Alan Woke 2.

      • +2

        what are you talking about

      • This all suddenly made sense when you said 'Alan Woke' bahaha wtf is that

      • Games are terrible anyway these days

        everyone is entitled to an opinion even if its wrong

  • +3

    I heard Ghostrunner series is good, already have Ghostrunner 1 that I never got around to play. Maybe now is the good time.

    • +3

      I'm hoping maybe the second one is better.

      The game required extremely quick and precise parcour and shooting. I have it on both PC and Playstation and it's pretty much unplayable on either platform. On the playstation the parcour feels great but the shooting is impossible. On the PC the shooting is easy enough but the parcour is extremely clunky. I really don't know who this game is for.

      After an initial outcry, they added some difficulty settings supposed to bring the game more inline with what most players would be capable of. But then they hid those deep in the settings and if you didn't know they where there you would never find them. The game does not offer you a difficulty level choice at the start, you have to start the game and then go looking for them, and if I didn't have some vague memory that those settings were there, I never would have known.

      On top of that, the game has a very strange difficulty curve. The tutorial is very fussy, the first area is extremely difficult even with some assists turned on. Then the game settles down quite a lot for awhile before ramping back up.

      The game is a troll, hard for the sake of being hard but not backing that up with a satisfying experience. And then when they were more or less forced into adding some difficulty settings, they did it in the most passive agressive way possible.

      But yeah, there is always hope the second one will be better because the concept was okay.

      • +1

        oh, tbh i am not hardcore gamer, i play games for enjoyment, if its very frustrating I usually tapout, but thanks for headsup.

      • +2

        Yeah, I tried the first one - I think it was on PS+ back in the day as well? I was expecting / hoping for something along the lines of Mirror's Edge (which I loved) but sadly, no.

    • +1

      Unlike the other commenter, I absolutely loved ghostrunner 1 and finished the entire game on hardcore. If you like games where you die a bunch and learn how to beat a level (soulsbourne style dying and retrying) then you will enjoy this. It's really fast paced unlike most games, and I've actually been waiting for ghostrunner 2 to become free for months. Very happy it's listed!

      • +2

        Well enough people liked it that it got DLCs and an sequel.

      • +2

        Yeah, I agree, I love Ghostrunner. One of my top 5 games for sure. It's got some bugginess, you can tell it didn't have the highest budget, but the core concept and execution is really good.

  • +13

    Inb4 "another shit mo-" dammit

  • +3

    Decent month but already bought FIFA. Looking forward to tunic

  • +2

    I was going to buy FC24, I'll hold off now, thanks for posting.

  • +4

    Loving all the free Destiny expansions, no need to buy them since they get added regularly

  • +2


  • +1

    I'm usually pretty complimentary of PS Plus games as they often have something I want, but this is definitely one of the weakest in some time.

  • +9

    Tunic is an indie classic. If you like the early legend of Zelda games definitely give it a go.

  • -6

    Game pass is so much better

    • +7

      These games are the equivalent of Xboxs old monthly 'games with gold', not the their gamepass service. These games can be played by people with the basic tier - playstation essential. Playstation essential dont have access to the plus or premium games : aka: gamepass.

    • -5

      I had a look and the games seem roughly the same if not worse on game pass?

      Unless you have a PC the offering on Xbox is pretty garbage lol? P

  • Does the download of FC24 remain after the month ends? Thanks

    • +4

      You get to keep and play the game as long as you have an active playstation plus subscription. Essential, plus, or premium.

  • +7

    People complaining about a "shit month" when one of the games is Tunic clearly have their heads up their arses.

  • +3

    Nice, another good month.

    Lol at the boomers who don't like good games like Tunic. I wonder why they even got PS Plus in the first place if they only want to play shooters or whatever they're missing out on.

    • Because if they don't have PS Plus they can't play their shooters. You need it for online play.

  • +2

    I've been wanting to try Tunic and Ghostrunner 2, so it's not a "sh** month" for me.

    However I don't really see a month's offerings as a bargain since a subscription is something ongoing that you pay for. One month is just a fraction of the overall product/service.

  • +2

    What ever happened to the days of 30% discount subs. It's double that price these days for the Essential sub. PS must be making some coin off that decision.

    • +1

      Yeah Sony have got really tight with their pricing this generation. Normally by this point in the cycle they'd have their "PlayStation Hits" or "Platinum" or whatever they call it range of older games re-released at cheaper prices. But not this time. Even launch titles like Spider Man Miles Morales are still basically at full price unless they're on sale. On PS4 we were able to pick up stuff like the Uncharted Remastered trilogy, God of War, TLOU Remastered, GT Sport etc for like $9 at places like JB.

      • I've bought significantly fewer games this cycle as a result. It's been a pretty dull generation tbh.

    • +1

      Unsubbed around when the prices increased. Just buy the games I actually want to play instead of hoping for them to be on delivered on this service. Save way more money this way.

  • +2

    Tunic is an incredible game.

  • +4

    im so surprised so many people sayin its a shit month, current month i thought was terrible.
    im looking foward to ghostrunner 2 and tunic

  • +1

    Curious to try D2: Lightfall. Though didn't it get a lot of negative reviews?

    • +1

      It's not great. Most of the worst issues (in my opinion) came with the overall changes to the sandbox that happened along with the release. Apparently the game is in a much better state now, but tbh, I'd still stay away. It's designed to be very addicting and not in a fun way.

    • +1

      Yeah the tone was off, the characters were cringey and the story seemed unfinished, rushed and irrelvant to the final act coming out soon. They added some further story but for most it was difficult to find in the menu, people were unsure of the release schedule and it wasn't highlighted. The difficulty was pumped up on the new area and the story focused on the new subclass rather than the imminent story end. Apart from that the gameplay is still as good as ever and the new subclass is amazing.

    • +1

      Cos Lightfall was basically just a big intro course for the Strand subclass and the actual campaign took a back seat with nothing being added to the story.

      You could just stick the beginning cinematic with the end cinematic and that's the story of Lightfall, whatever you did in between didn't/doesn't matter and you didn't miss out on anything.

      edit: the seasons in lightfall gave us tiny bits of story stretched over 6 of 10 weeks in a season and eventually over the 4 seasons filled in the blanks that should have been in the main campaign.

  • +2

    I just finished Breath of the Wild (I know… but I just got a Switch 6 months ago) and I'm really looking forward to Tunic.

    • +1

      It’s also on the switch if you want to keep playing on the switch or prefer portable play.

  • +2

    MAY the TUNIC ps 5

    Worth it to resub just to claim TUNIC alone!

  • +3

    Tunic 👍

  • +3

    Tunic is wonderful for those who haven't played it

  • +1

    Now I need a deal on PSN

  • I've been close to caving and grabbing a late copy of FC 24 after wringing out a couple extra years on 22, so this inclusion has essentially paid for this year's sub

  • +1

    Anyone have ideas on how to get deals/ discounted or discount codes for PSN store or its credit vouchers?

    I think many of us are awaiting for good deals of 30% - 50% off before subbing again for longer term - I know I am.

    Current subs pricing isn’t worth it IMO

    • +1

      Same waiting

    • +2

      I've always topped up during Black Friday. There's also discounts around their Days of Play which is usually in the next couple months I think. Pricing will never be as good as in the past.

  • anyone know the trade in value of FC24 at EB?

  • Any one got any deals on PS plus subscription? Mines due next week…

    • +1

      Usually goes on sale during Days of Play (likely early June), along with hardware like VR, controllers etc.

  • Want some new games with new storylines, not sequels or remakes.
    FC24 doesn't have any storylines and has definitely had many sequels (one each year!) :-)

    • +1

      I think Tunic may fit the bill

      • OK thanks

  • +1

    god i shouldn't touch destiny 2 again, That game triggers all the correct impulses my brain needs, its actually bad

  • +2

    How do you get the destiny pack? Doesn’t show up in the monthly games section of the app.

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