I have just sent money to the wrong account. The account number was correct, but the BSB was wrong. I swapped the last two digits of the BSB.
After having multiple panic attacks and cursing myself, I have contacted my bank and they've told me they've submitted a Mistaken Internet Payments form.
I've tried contacting the receiving bank, but it is Citibank, and they don't seem to have a "branch" per se. They are surprisingly difficult to contact. Each Citibank BSB seems to correspond with a business, rather than a branch, which makes me concerned I've just sent the money to the wrong Business.
Does anyone have experience with Mistaken Internet Payments? Did you end up getting your money back? If so, how long did it take? Was there anything else that you could do to assist the process?
depends - if by chance the bsb and account is valid, can sometimes be hard.
if its not valid, it should just bounce back. it doesnt just get sent to a black hole.