Just checked my app, may be targetted.
I got a 25% off min $10 spend at Maccas
They are likely trying to out discount KFC
Maccas doesn't like screenshots
Just checked my app, may be targetted.
I got a 25% off min $10 spend at Maccas
They are likely trying to out discount KFC
Maccas doesn't like screenshots
I know you don't want to hear it, but boycott. 😏
Boycott for multiple reasons
That's also true.
Can I boycott after eating a meal?
You can do what you want. :)
Thanks for the reminder, almost forgot and was about to order.
Hamburgler was a slave owner
Apparently McDonald's is giving out free meals to Israeli soldiers…
Sounds like torture to me, McDonald's should be taken to the haig instead…
Boycotters are dumb. Even if that's the reason, they should probably investigate what's being done about that.
The boycott should end, if it's honest:
@itsmoe: What makes you disbelieve it?
Or do you just disbelieve every report?
If so, then why do you believe McDonalds Israel gave out free meals to IDF soldiers? Did you personally verify that?
why for free ?
@garage sale: Because they like to support genocide, let's not turn this page into a political one. :)
@itsmoe: That is a very unusual (and political) statement.
McDonald's Israel is a company. I think it would be very unusual of they decided to give out free meals to support genocide.
Do they give out free meals to the Saudi government for its direct role in killing hundreds of thousands of Muslims in Yemen?
Or is this only about a few tens of thousands of Muslims in Gaza? Surely you should devote an order of magnitude more care for the larger group of victims.
…unless it's not about the victims, it's about the alleged perpetrator… :)
@Wolfenstein98k: Any company that provides food to an army in a war and uses it as a public marketing statement/stunt, and that army happens to kill thousands of children, it does make them look bad hence why people have boycott them, lucky for me, I was never a fan of fatty food and maccas anyways.
Also, for Saudi, I do not stand with a lot of things they do especially when they were killing the Yemeni's, believe me, as much as I am against Israel killing innocent people, I am and was against Saudi killing innocent people too. I have boycott a lot of their products too don't you worry.
I have lived in that region for many years and I have seen the aggression of Israel in the last 75 years towards innocent people including my own a lot more than I have seen Saudi do anything close to it.
People need to be held accountable for the things they do, including Saudi Israel US and many more. Innocent lives should be protected at all costs.
Nothing but love and peace at the end of the day.
@itsmoe: What sort of companies do you boycott for trading with the Saudis?
We sell them tonnes of beef, barley, etc - which companies are you boycotting for this?
@Wolfenstein98k: Dates mostly but also checking middle eastern food. They don't produce a lot of things to boycott.
@Wolfenstein98k: Oh I didn't think of it like that. I generally don't boycott but I didn't like what Maccas did.
@itsmoe: Hmm, okay.
So again - happy to boycott someone for allegedly being in favour of a few tens of thousands of killed Muslims (ignoring the context of this war).
But hadn't even considered boycotting the regime that is responsible for killing hundreds of thousands of Muslims.
As always, all this BDS shit is really about who the alleged perpetrator is, it's got nothing to do with the alleged victims.
Soon as it's not a Jew doing the killing, the interest and "care" disappears.
@Wolfenstein98k: Lol, I love how you turned it around to make look like this about hating jews or being antisemetic.
I don't hate Jews, please don't play that card with me. I don't hate anyone for that matter.
I don't remember maccas changing their wrappers to match the Saudi flag and supporting the Saudi army when they were killing the Yamanis so to me it's more about those big corporations that are involving themselves in wars that they should not have been involved in.
Also stop trying to justify the killing, just because Saudi killed innocent people which is wrong and just like Syria did and the US did in Iraq and Afghanistan, and like what's happening in Russia and Ukraine, it doesn't make it okay for Israel to carpet bomb the shit out of innocent people too.
They all need to be charged with war crimes and be punished for it.
@itsmoe: Again - why are you trying to spread a boycott for Macca's Australia, because Macca's Israel allegedly gave free food to soldiers of its country when they were invaded…but you don't even try to look into companies in your own country who are happily trading with war criminals?
Why do you only have the time and energy for one country (that happens to be the one Jewish country)?
@Wolfenstein98k: Maccas is a global company, I obviously can't boycott maccas Israel considering I don't live there so I can boycott the same company that supports an army that is happy to kill children.
The US happens to be happy to fund the killing and Maccas is an American company so it's a two bird one stone type of situation.
Also sus out how much companies like Maccas, Google and Apple pay in taxes in comparison to yearly profits, forget the war, those companies should be boycott for stealing from the Australian economy.
@itsmoe: All those words to justify boycotting a subsidiary of a conglomerate of the company that gave some meals to the army after they were invaded.
Zero interest or effort in boycotting governments literally dropping more bombs and killing more civilians.
We can all see where your effort and energy goes - it's only because of who the "perpetrator" is, not the victims.
@Wolfenstein98k: Okay, I'm not doing enough, what are you doing? Or you're also sending them money like our government? And feeding the child killers too? They are not any better than Hamas and Hamas are some of the worst. Lol
Love how you play the victim and so good at pointing the finger yet you're doing absolutely nothing brcause you love to justify their killings just because you think we hate the jews.
Well done. "clap clap"
@itsmoe: I'm not playing the victim at all. I'm not boycotting anyone. I'm not claiming to be a moral exemplar.
I'm just calling out people who very selectively and hypocritically boycott one specific country, which happens to be the only Jewish one, and also talk loudly about this to virtue signal and to encourage others to do the same.
It's weird, and no one ever does it to Saudi, or anyone else who actively commits more and worse terror and death than even the most fervent (and usually false) accusations made against the Jewish state.
@Wolfenstein98k: You are doing exactly that.
What you are doing is basically saying, because Saudi got away with killing women and children and innocent people, Israel should get away with it too. If you are so opposed with what Saudi did, then please go ahead and push for boycott against their products and companies and countries that support them. Maybe stop putting fuel in your car. I don't know.
Also, please don't make it seem like it's okay to oppress the Palestinian people for 75 years, take their land and push them out of their homes and then claim to be the victim, and please don't tell me that God promised you that land. This is exactly what the white people did to the Aboriginal people in Australia and you have our PM pushing for the Yes vote while at the same time he is sending hundreds of millions of dollars to support the war and the killing of the Aboriginal people of that land (Yes both Palestinians Muslims and Christians and Jews have lived there for thousands of year and are all considered Aboriginal). That is someone you can call a hypocrite.
@itsmoe: I don't boycott, I already told you that. I just oppose murder, and I tend to oppose murder of 100,000 more than of 10,000. Also the Yemenis didn't launch a war against the Saudi state.
As to "Muslims have been there for thousands of years and are considered Aboriginal", that is a tall order - Islam hasn't even been around for thousands of years.
Maybe you meant "Arabs", but at that point it's not clear what ethnicity you mean that is distinct from Jews.
@Wolfenstein98k: You can't justify the killing of innocent regardless of the numbers, regardless of who's getting killed and who's doing the killing but if you're going by that logic, would you then say that what Hamas has done is nothing in comparison to what Israel did in terms of the number of people murdered? Surely it's all the same.
I was more talking about the Philistines, obviously they were not Jewish, Muslims or Christians at the time but all of the three religions originated or somehow linked to them which is why I believe all should be able to live together in peace and harmony.
Once again, at the end of the day it's all about peace and love. I just want people to learn to forgive and live amongst themselves.
@itsmoe: Israel are not deliberately attacking civilians, they aren't taking hostages, they did not preemptively strike. They are taking actions to protect their borders so another atrocity like this never happens again. 50% of the deaths are hamas operatives and while civilian casualties are high they are very low for urban warfare in this region. As for the indigenous position have you ever heard of a place called Judea?
You need to check your facts and moral compass.
@poxy001: Bro, you need to check your facts. Have you heard of the Nakba?
Hostages? They are taking prisoners without any reasons which is basically a different word for hostages. Israel is trying to look like the good guy but they are just as bad as Hamas and the like of them. You would have to be blind not to see that.
I'm not saying Jews were not living there as well but you can't deny the fact that others have lived there for just as long and kicking them out and taking their land and still doing so by the settlers in unacceptable. There were only 56,000 Jews in that region before 1918 and boomed to 600,000 in 1946 because of what Hitler was doing and the Jews were more than welcomed until they decided to push the Palestinians out and take their land.
Just because the Jews were promised by their God that land, it doesn't mean you just come in, kill everyone and claim it to be yours. Not morally right.
At the end of the day, there has to be a solution and as hard as it may sound, they need to let go of the hatred have they for each other and try to live amongst each other.
I got 25% off $15 😕
It's 25% off a minimum order of $15.
App has pretty poor deals now.
Big Mac $4.50 used to come up for me at $3.00
Do they not understand that you would only eat there if there food was cheap?
They used to be $1, too. At some point you need to accept that prices rise. I assume your wage used to be lower, too!
ahhh when i was at primary school and four n twenty pie was 20c in the tuck shop, you got milk free at primary school, and in winter on mondays you got tomatoe soup for 5c per cup ….those were the days and people used to take pickles off the big mac and throw then up at the ceiling to see who could get them to stick, now people just eat the pickles pehhhh what is the world coming to.
I got a $8 medium cheeseburger meal with extra cheeseburger