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PJ Harvey - Rid of Me (1993) Vinyl - $47.34 + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $59 Spend) @ Amazon AU

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Back again with some real music.

Here we have one of Polly's early albums, Rid of Me at a reasonable price, well under 50 bucks anyway and in the scheme of vinyl pricingšŸ™„.

Also, this is the first time this album has had an official vinyl release since it was released in 1993.


Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • -3

    Baiting the OzBargain Swifties, lucky they're still busy decoding 31 tracks of "poetry".

    • +6

      Rent free in your head

      • -3

        Easy now, sheā€™s a billionaire but itā€™s not because of her music unfortunatelyā€¦.

    • -7

      "Poetry" you say, I doubt there's much decoding and thinking to be done there.

      31 tracks seems excessive, not to mention quantity over quality, but when mass appeal is the goal I guess it really doesn't matter how much you throw at the wall to see what sticks.

      • +1

        That's why it was in quotes. I guess I should have put the /s at the end…

        • -1

          Ah my apologies, thanks for the replyšŸ‘šŸ»(no this isnā€™t sarcasm btw!)

          • +1

            @scooba: Lame. Why so fragile over an alternative perspective on music, and a shitpost at that?

            • -2

              @Ham Dragon: What I donā€™t get is why these other ā€œfansā€ are so lame and fragile that they resort to downvoting me in such cowardly fashion instead of replying to me like you did?

              • @scooba: That's not why you're getting downvoted. Your lack of self-awareness might be part of it though.

                Especially considering it seems to go right over your head that you calling anonymous people "lame and fragile" is a socially acceptable thing to do and it somehow puts you in the right? Unless you're just intentionally trolling and are disappointed the supposed "Swift fans" aren't taking your bait.

              • +2

                @scooba: C'mon man, this stuff is juvenile. Is Taylor Swift my kind of music? Not really. Do I much prefer PJ Harvey? Yes, sure. Do I really want us all to just listen to the same music? Nah, that would make life boring.

                Let people be, it's not a big deal.

    • +1

      Why not? Doesn't seem to be any point to buying CDs at all. I don't know if I'd buy any more CDs really unless they were crazy cheap. While I don't have the gear for vinyl, I could see myself buying some one day.

        • +1

          Try telling that to my parents (73 and 80) who use CDs in their cars (both cars are old and lack bluetooth). They don't know how to download online.

          • -1

            @Mondorock: Poor buggers, guess they'll just buy another CD when they die from scratches and de-lamination(I mean when the CD's die, not your parentsšŸ‘šŸ».)

        • +1

          Lol most people feel the same about vinyl

          • -2

            @BeauKilla: Oh yes I can tell, you've got an upvote for your comment and I've many dumbvot….oops…downvotes for my comments lol.

    • Whatever makes me support the artist. I bet most artists aren't fussed about whether their 30-year-old record is being bought through vinyl more than CD considering that vinyl costs more

    • -8

      I've heard there's teenagers buying records and they don't even have a turntable.

      Now that's what I'd call sad

      (I'll let you guess what artist those teenagers are buyingšŸ‘šŸ».)

      • +3

        I guess the joy of collecting and actually owning the album and supporting the artist more than the shithole that is music streaming does seem nice to some people even though yeah it is counterintuitive

        • -4

          Yes it is about owning a physical copy and who wants a 5" crystal case with a 5" booklet and CD? I'd prefer the 12x12" cover, booklet and record, yes it's more of a pain in the a$$ because of it size but if I have to hand over money for an item because I like music, I'll take the record.

          I couldn't imagine how bad the streaming charts are….ugh, probably exactly how you described.

          Lastly, unfortunately buying vinyl/CD's/streaming isn't the best way to support the artists, the best way to support them is by going to their shows and buying merch if you can. I read a while back Spotify pays artists half a cent per stream and Apple pays 1 cent per stream, which is a bad joke.

          • @scooba: Congrats on achieving old man yelling at clouds level.

      • +3

        Why is that sad? How could that possibly affect you?

        • -1

          Because there's music on those records!

      • +5

        You're what I'd call sad.

        • -1

          Nawww, thanks lol

    • Why is it sad? Nostalgia is fun. If ppl want to listen to vinyl, what's the problem?

      • -1

        Vinyl isnā€™t nostalgic, itā€™s just another form of music. The hipsters are the douchebags saying itā€™s ā€œretro and keeewl dauudeā€.

        • Do you just hate everyone that doesn't like things for exactly the same reason you do?

          • -1

            @Faro: First off, Iā€™m not prejudice, I hate everyone equally.

            Secondly, if you think itā€™s ok for grown men past the age of 20 to like TS, then we may have a difference in opinion.

            Records = Music and just music, not nostalgia or any other ā€œtrendā€ that might be in fash-ionzzz.

            • @scooba: If you don't think there's an issue with your second statement, I'd consider a therapist because you seem to have a lack of empathy.

              • -1

                @Faro: So I have a lack of empathy for grown men that like TS past the age of 20?

                That's what you're saying, right??

                • @scooba: Comprehension ā‰  empathy

                  • -1

                    @Faro: You know when I saw a prime minister and a former prime minister, coincidently from both left and right cheeks of the same political ahe, at a certain billionaire's concert, I didn't have a great deal of empathy for them "shaking it off" while people can't afford to buy food or pay their bills.

                    You're right, it's definitely something wrong with me, isn't it……

        • +1

          What? Umm. Right. Ok. So…. noone is saying anything like that? Except for you.

          And very, very sure a big part of the popularity of vinyl is the nostalgia value. And there's nothing wrong with that.

          There's nothing wrong with people buying the music they like on the format they like also. But any normal minded person knows that already.

          I'm personally not about to start a vinyl collection myself, but more power to the people who do. We all need a hobby.

          • @Sxio: We certainly need hobbies to give us a break from the mindless drone w@rfare that is daily life. Some people resort to drink, I resort to music.

            • @scooba: Can totally agree with that.

              Although i have heard that music can sound pretty great with a drink or two as well.

    • Tell me you're out of touch without telling me.

      CD sales have dropped significantly, so it's not really that surprising. Younger folk are buying a heap of vinyl despite only 50% of record buyers owning a turntable.

      • "50% percent of buyers owning a turntable"

        Bloody hell, I didn't think it was that high!

  • +15

    Friendly reminder that liking and being strongly attached to a certain genre of music is perfectly fine!

    However, calling it "real music" with the implication of superiority when it also falls broadly into the genre of "pop/pop adjacent" suggests some emotional rigidity and lack of empathy for diverse experiences!


      • +4

        Cool that you're on a crusade to enlighten others re: your perspective on "good music" but legit one day you might grow up and realise your personal tastes in sound don't define you or cause anyone else to give more or less of a shit about your existence, and that there is a whole lot more to life than preaching to other people about what they ought to listen to, least of all when it's vanilla AF mainstream stuff.

        • +5

          That moment when you grow up and realise that being contrarian and "hipster" about mainstream shit is actually just putting your insecurities on show. Some of the best records of all time were absolute popular mainstream successes. The sad thing is you actually miss out. I can see the TS hating for what it is as bait, but objectively she's a very good songwriter and her consistent success across genres and time is pretty compelling. Her recent album is very good in my opinion, and the depth of quality across the album is admirable.

          Then to shit on people collecting things and enjoying their hobby and interests just leaves such a bitter taste in my mouth. I reckon PJH would think these takes are dumb af.

          • -3

            @JonnyCookieDough: ā€œHer recent album is very good in my opinion, and the depth of quality across the album is admirable.ā€

            Oh my, I couldā€™ve written the same thing about Pollyā€™s latest record but Iā€™m not hipster or contrarian enough, I think?

            The moment you grow up, youā€™ll stop listening to safe music like TS.

            Thanks for reading my blog and thanks for typing up yours.

            3 points lol.

        • -3

          ā€œbut legit one day you might grow upā€

          What kind of pigeon English is this?

          I canā€™t believe you seem so butthurt over 6 words or one line of text in the description of this post??

          And youā€™re trying to tell me I need to grow up, lol.

          • @scooba: You use the term "butthurt" and think you aren't the one being contrarian, yet the problem is with everyone else?

            • -2

              @Faro: I never said I was perfect by any means, in fact, I take joy in being imperfect because that's what's going to get me into heaven, supposedly?

          • +1

            @scooba: Au contraire pal, you're the one whiteknighting for a music celebrity on an obscure deals forum & behaving personally insulted because of an inference to another music celebrity. No one cares what you listen to or how it makes you feel, but sneering at others and insinuating your taste is superior is only painting a target on your own back.

            • @Ham Dragon: In my original post I didn't compare Polly to anyone, I just said it was real music. If that's an excuse for you to bring out the guns and ammo, go right ahead.

              • @scooba: Stop pretending it wasn't a loaded implication. We all see the evidence throughout your other comments.

                • @Faro: Speak for yourself lol.

              • @scooba: Music hipsterism is insufferable & will be treated with the requisite disdain.

                • -3

                  @Ham Dragon: You can say that again, Vampire Weekend, Arcade Fire and Bon Iver suck!

  • -5

    You and your ilk out in force tonight with the dumbvot….oops downvotes lol.

  • +2

    Amazing album, but did they finally fix one of the worst mixes in the history of music??

    • My thoughts exactly. The original mix/mastering was too dynamic - fine for a high-end system in a quiet room but forget about it anywhere else

      • -1

        If you can be bothered, have a read of the reviews on Discogs, seem pretty favourable in regards to the 2020 reissue.

    • According to most reviews on Discogs itā€™s a pretty good press.

  • +5

    What an absolute abortion of a post - this whole discussion is completely irrelevant and unnecessary. Why is Taylor Swift even in the frame? At least go after someone who isn't the most successful musician on the planet right now.

    • -4

      I know right, I didnā€™t even mention TS in my description but itā€™s seemed to attract all her minions, or should I say downvoting haters?

      • šŸ˜¬

        • -1

          Nice, in true trololololol fashion-ionzzzzz lol.

  • +1

    Maybe slightly off-topic but probably keeping within the theme of some of the comments, has anyone framed CDs before? I'm thinking of framing some signed CDs that I have. Hope the signatures are still OK. I didn't really look after the CDs.

    • -4

      Yeah, why would anyone want to frame a CDā€¦..?

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