I’m considering between two mobile plans, Vodafone 240GB plan for $150 and Kogan Mobile 300GB plan for $170. Is it worth paying a bit more for Vodafone?
Is Kogan Mobile Worse than Vodafone?

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Depends which way OP is looking at it.
As far as the network goes they are both on the Vodafone network.
But I suspect that Kogan has cut a deal with Vodafone that limits their use of the Vodafone network because Kogan is pretty bad.
Either way though, both Vodafone
Which is typically a "Vodafail" in regional areas.So depends where OP requires reception.
Metro is Ok. Regional not good.WRONG. Vodafone have a resource sharing agreement with Optus in rural areas.
If at any stage while in a country area, if your phone does not automatically go into roaming mode (make sure you have activated this in your phone set-up), just put your phone momentarily into "Airplane Mode" and then back to normal. This will trigger your phone to look for ALL available networks and whatever is the best tower for your present location.
Do you have a 5G phone?
No, but I might get one soon. Either way 5G doesn’t really matter to me.
I gather Kogan only does 4G so if that doesn't bother you Voda is probably not worth the extra.
Depends on the plan.
Large Kogan monthly plans such as Op is considering are on the Vodafone 5G network "trial"See here
I am using Kogan mobile and one of my friend is on Vodafone network. It's same (very very bad network for both) for us while using.
I’m using Lebara and it works fine for me so I suppose Vodafone should work too. Do you live in a rural area?
i have kogan as a esim on my phone its rubbish, probably because my main sim is "telstra" more telco
Is Kogan Mobile Worse than Vodafone?
In terms of network, no. Customer service is a different story.
although they both use Vodafone network, but Kogan doesn't have 5G.. Depends on how crowded the area was and if it happen to just have a 5G tower with no 4G (very unlikely though), vodafone can be better.
I don't think most average user could feel the difference though..
i tried vodaphone in my house and had no network coverage, only optus and telstra works in my suburb. Suggest you try before you commit
Vodafone and Kogan are the same.
Good speed, shit reception.
Is Kogan Mobile Worse than Vodafone?
They are both worser than each other.
Is it worth paying a bit more for Vodafone?
only really if you got another post paid service with vodafone. or need 5G connection (that you are unable to get on kogan smaller plans)
Vida reception is rather sketchy in NSW, they fail more times than actually being operational. The minute voda network get overwhelmed with new subscribers, it will fall over…. It has had the history of not being able to keep up with demand. No point using Kogan, it gets the dregs of what’s left of the voda network, which as I have just stated is quite poor directly from voda, so why get a secondary provider of voda? Find better options.
I have Vodafone and my wife has Telstra via Woolworths. Neither of our iPhone 11's are 5G capable, so the fact that both telco's only give us 4G is ok with us. As to reception, both are very good around Melbourne. On the rare occassions when we drive in rural areas, my Vodafone service often "roams" with Optus, and therefore seems to get good 95% reception, same as what she gets with Telstra, who don't have backup with anybody.
Thanks @ssmith3104, I'm looking to try Voda in Melbourne. Your comment definitely helped!
If some people - even most - have a bad experience with Vodafone and their resellers, doesn't mean it won't work for you.
I have Vodafone. But i'm definitely in the metro area, if on the outskirts.
Are you looking at a prepaid plan? You could go with Felix? They have unlimited data for $40 a month, month to month. And they are not stingy with the data under the 'fair use' policy.I've been with Kogan, they were no good, in my opinion. I've had issues with Kogan, specifically.
We have had Kogan and Lebara and no issues in Sydney metro. As other have mentioned if you go or live regional you would be better off with Telstra.
Avoid Kogan. They used to be good but now Vodafone (and others) stopped 3G so the reception is worse than before but Kogan doesn't have 5G so it limits the signal to only 4G. I have been using Kogan for last couple years but now i must change to another.
In summary
Vodafone: 5G+4G signal
Kogan: 4G only. They used to have good reception because of 4G+3GVodafone will more than double its mobile network coverage in Australia following a regional network-sharing agreement between TPG Telecom and Optus, approved by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.
TPG Telecom, the parent company of Vodafone, entered into an agreement with Optus earlier this year to access over 2,000 Optus mobile network sites in regional Australia.
The expansion of Vodafone’s mobile network – from around 400,000 square kilometres to around one million square kilometres – is expected to be switched on in early 2025. This will extend its reach to 98.4% of Australia’s population.
Now that will change things significantly for Vodafone.and probably Kogan (depends on the deal)
I assume it goes both ways and Optus will benefit from sharing Vodafone's coverage.
That will give Telstra some serious competition on a coverage basis since Telstra isn't everywhere either.
Vodafone has infinite data feature. Data never runs out.
To add: It may only apply to monthly or 28 day plans, though.