Great freebie. Make sure to have a new account signup!
Remember to cancel to avoid paying any fees after the 2 free months.
Title thanks to Scrooge.
Great freebie. Make sure to have a new account signup!
Remember to cancel to avoid paying any fees after the 2 free months.
Title thanks to Scrooge.
X marks the spot.
xManager if you're on Android
You read my mind. Cheers!
You just saved me a lot of money
You're welcome.
Has anyone tried their new AI playlist maker?
I just do it through the india method. cheap enough for me
Can you please gudie me how to do this way.
GCs are all OOS on Amazon.In
It was like that for me but I checked on another device or something and it was in stock not sure why
How can we do this? Please share the method.
I just switched to Tidal. Fantastic and cheaper.
Thinking about doing the same. My subs are starting to add up, so I'm keen to shave off a few bucks each month
Use the free 30 day trial (or $2 to extend that trial to 60 days) and see how you go!
I switched recently and am liking it so far. If you just want to save a few dollars, there's no reason not to switch tbh!
I used tidal for a while but found they didn't have quite a few songs I listen to which was annoying so switched back
Same here. Their library is definitely lacking
Had Spotify for quite a longtime (premium), cancelled. Tried Tidal. Quite surprised me. The windows UI cleaner neater for me than Spotify's….mess (not impressed by their attempts to get into podcasts and audiobooks - better experience in a dedicated app). I mistakenly thought it was super expensive then had a closer look at the price and tried the trial. Might actually pay for it. Hope the app is similar clean simple.
Gotta love services that punish existing customers for their loyalty.
How are they punishing you? This is an extremely common practice in order for services to try and get new users. You would have been entitled to a free trial when you signed up (if you're even a subscriber that is) just like anybody else.
As of today I'd be better off not being a subscriber, it's not that complicated. Give free stuff to people so long as they aren't already your customers…
Yes, it's a common practice which benefits the business but effectively discriminates against you if you already use the business.
Did you miss the part where I said that when you signed up you were eligible for a free trial as well? No one is punishing you…
lol, this is so new customers come and stay with them , u already are a customer, leave if u want.
Thanks OP.
It was 3 months free previously. Come on Spotify…Please don't blame this on Inflation.
Wonder what's the cheapest way to access Spotify premium, heard about subscription through VPN.
DO youtube premium using a vpn to Pakinstan and you get Youtube music for free. Total of just under $3 for youtube premium and youtube music
That sounds like incredible value, ta!
Is that for family? Mine's Argentina and the family is <$3. I'm in The Philippines for Spotify and it's <$7 for family, there's probably cheaper, but I created a Filipino PayPal account years ago and it's just easier to stick with it, still a lot cheaper than Australia.
I prefer Spotify for music, I have YouTube for the ad free videos.
Do u have to keep VPN on after sign up and daily use after that?
I've been churning 3 month intro offers for years. Music streaming is free.
This, did spotify not used to offer 3 months. looks like they cutting it down. also used to offer 3 months for the price of one for returning subscribers. im done with paying these streaming services for music i allready own or cant find in their dumb service.
FYI, if you want THREE free months for new accounts see below… :)
I redeemed this on Microsoft Bing Rewards, you might have the offer in your account too, costs MS points…
I am 95% sure this link/code has not been used. First in first served, see below
FYI if you cancel straight away it stays premium untill the trial ends (it does say works like "cancel today" but thats bs to not make you do it
cheers man! yeah how (profanity) misleading is that? I also just cancel straight adter signing up and even it it literally said I will fall back to Free plan and lose access Immediately, the premium sub is valid for 2 months lol. that's (profanity)!
@OP - >HamBoi69 - can you please update the title/description to say that the premium sub can be cancelled straight after signing up and even though it says you will lose access to Premium instantly and fall back to Free immediatialely, it's a blatant lie, you can cancel straight up and cancel your Autopay and retain Premium access for 2 months
Man the prices of Spotify are crazy, thanks OP
i tried 5109 pre-paid credit card from coles, not working, anyone have the same issue?
Better use revolut.
use your normal card then immediently cancel. It still does premium untill the end of the free premium even though it says it will "cancel straight away"
I selected France and used a German credit card and got 3 months for free. Cancelled immediately and the premium plan is still working.
I got YouTube vpn Argentina. Can someone confirm the Spotify pricing for Argentina? Do I need to make a new account for Spotify or keep my expired premium Spotify account?
Not expired for me. Deal seems to be extended for another 6 days.