For those that have signed up for an Amex Qantas card that includes the $450 credit, what do you do if you have no plans to travel but need to cancel/close the card? I know that you can book something in and then change it later but this attracts a $99 change fee. Stupid me didn't realise before signing up that you can't use the credit for jetstar or hotel booking.
AmEx Qantas Travel Credit

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why though. you have to spend more than the $450 just to not rock up?
Otherwise do nothing, forfeit the travel credit, accept having paid $450 cardholder fee.
I've recently booked a trip through AMEX travel to use the $450 credit. Can't say I've been in the exact situation you're in but maybe the below might help? You could also try call them as AMEX are easy to deal with on the phone.
- At the time of booking, you can pay with any card, though I believe you have to pay with the Qantas AMEX to be eligible for the credit. My guess because of this is that your booking is just like any other travel agent booking but in this case the agent is AMEX.
- The credit strangely comes through as a 'payment' on your AMEX. You get an email similar to one when you make a normal payment to the card.Thanks but I'm not sure how this would help? Whether I book online or over the phone, I'm able to use the credit, that's not the issue here.
The problem is I don't have any plans to travel anytime soon but need to close the card. I can book something in for the future but then if I don't/can't travel I'll either forfeit or cop a change fee to reschedule.
I want my cake and eat it too…I know.
Annoyingly they've changed the redemption process, from having a credit accessible in your account to getting it via reimbursement which now means you can't spend less than $450. But seems you're not the travelling type, so why did you choose a Qantas-affiliated card in the first place?
To collect points. I did think I would use the credit when signing up but didn't realise how restrictive it was.
The change from credit to reimbursement is a significant step backwards.
Also, I’m sure we had used it previously for hotels etc., so not sure if this is a further “improvement” or whether I’m misremembering.
Rental car trip?
Used it for those in the last few years. Always compare on how competitive Amex Travel prices are (which they can be)
This is a Qantas Amex card so unfortunately the credit can only be used for Qantas flights.
Pretty sure the conditions are it has to be a QF flight number flight
So unless your flying or can sell it to someone who wants to fly a QF flight, its pretty much worthless
Also … you dont "need" to use it, you can just cancel the card and forgo the travel credit
Thank guys but foregoing the credit is not in the spirit of Ozbargain so I won't be doing that 😁
Surely you can book a domestic return flight and worst case do a no-show?