I'm looking online to get a mini fridge for my office, I wanted to get a nice dark one with the glass front as I spend quite a bit of time in my office, y'know just not a plain white fridge. Don't have unlimited budget, but also willing to spend a couple hundred for a decent looking one.
I've come across this one on Amazon that is saying 80 watts but with 1 star energy rating, I get it may use a bit of power when cooling down, but I assume it would go lower when idle and everything is already cold? (See it here)
I've also found this one on Good Guys (See it here) that states it as a 3.5 star energy rating but they list it as using 75kWh per year.. (See the Product Card) I've never seen a company use this as the measurement. I was after the wattage so I could compare it to the Amazon one, so tried a calculator online and got something like 8 watts per hour to end up as 75 kWh for an entire year.
Surely this is just when idle and not cooling?
Can anyone help me out? Is this correct?
Energy rating uses kWh per year to measure consumption.
What does energy consumption mean?
What is the star rating?