This was posted 10 months 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC, Steam] Helldivers 2, Standard Edition A$49.76 @ Fanatical


First time poster, be gentle. It seems like the team at Fanatical are once again offering a discount for Helldivers 2 Standard edition (did not test it for Super Citizen Edition).

Original price for product was $59.95 will come down to $49.76 with code "OMEN17" in check out/cart screen (saving of $10.19).

Get to your pods and bring about managed democracy!

Edit 11/04/24 6:50 pm someone reported the deal as expired, but I just tried using the code and it still works…odd.

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closed Comments

  • +22

    For Super Earth

  • +4

    Great price. We need more soldiers to spread democracy!!

    • Spread managed democracy

  • +9

    How about a nice cup of LiberTEA!

    • Biffa would be proud

  • +9

    Same price on Greenmangaming with an account. SWEET LIBERTY, MY ARM!!

    • +2

      Green man gaming always delivers

      • -4

        Nah they stole my Age of Empires 4 key, they're dead to me

  • +2

    Waiting for $30

    • Good for you

    • +13

      shrug I often don't buy games so close to release but I made an exemption for this.

      Glad I did. Great game

      • +6

        Yeah my friends keep mentioning it crashing or disconnecting from matches and stuff so Ill wait till they patch it for the first 6 months like most games.

        • It's a pain when you join then get CTDfrom a few games.

        • +5

          That was an issue when it launched because they did not expect it to be so popular, but I currently have about 50 hours and there's been no recent issues.

          • @Morkai: well the arc thrower and any lightning based weapons used to crash the game. now it seems to crash after a match.

        • +1

          This was a very early issue that they fixed very quickly. I haven't crashed for a while and I'm running some underpowered hardware.

          Even so, you can always just join up mid-session.

        • The latest patch as of a couple hours ago seems to have resolved the crashing and disconnects introduced in the prior update. Honestly, with about 20 hours of playtime on that path I crashed once or twice - people are often dramatic.

        • Generally it doesn't crash, for me at least. Sometime their are certainly issues, but most of the time it is just funny, like robots flying into the sky.

      • Totally, the satire in this game is lit.

    • -1

      Me too.

      I'd be playing it with my teenage sons, so it needs splitscreen co-op or a cheaper price.

    • +1

      bought it for $60, worth every cent.

  • +1

    Has anyone entertained the thought —- that the whole reason we're fighting terminids is for their oil (E-710) only and the bots aren't actually going to invade us? Like perhaps they want to be friends.

    Not to be undemocratic or anything. Just thinking out loud.

    • +50

      Sounds like traitor talk to me

    • +12

      500kg eagle bomb headed your way sir

      The ship's C.O. states that all communications over the Galactic Wide Web (GWW) are continuously monitored by Super Earth in search of "alien sympathizers"
      Super Earth

    • +18

      I have reported scrimshaw to my democracy officer

    • +24


      • +37


      • +4


        Needs something bigger

    • +5

      Are you one of those crazies who thinks bugs can fly?

    • Sounds like treason talk to me

    • When the bugs are slurping your brains out through a straw you might see that as defensive or offensive but not for long!

      But, yes, its a play on the word OIL and the BUGs when discovered where farmed for their OIL production & while its unclear if they evolved or were the result of humane genetic manipulation, it matters not. All bugs are bad, period and saying anything to the contrary will be reported as sedition!

      Bug sympathisers are a scurge, doubters will be given a fair trail before execution!

    • Thought crimes are illegal in helldivers. I sense an incoming barrage your way…

  • +2

    How is this game if I'll be playing with randoms most of the time?

    • +6

      I started off just playing with a friend and then after a bit we started joining randoms, and it’s been great. In the past few weeks had our first loser in our crew that tried to kill us at extraction.

      Otherwise, it’s been a lot of fun joining randoms.

      • Are the servers local? Whats ping like?

        • P2P, never had issues with lag.

          Was playing at 4am a few weeks ago and joined a lobby from America, didn't feel any lag

        • I get teamed up with randoms all over the world and dont notice any lag or rubberbanding

      • LMFAO

      • Do you have to use voice chat?

        • Nope. You can buy you don't need to

    • Match matching is really good, most of the time people just know what to do and you move with the flow.

    • +2

      Lower difficulties can get sketchy with new people and what not but higher difficulties have more seasoned players that know what to do.

      It's rare that I hear people on pugs with mics, map pointers are enough for a smooth run.

      Crossplay on the other hand is still somewhat broken. I get dropped from the game when I join lobbies of some friends playing on ps5. Sometimes I won't even be able to connect back, would have to delete some cache files for it to work again.

      • This is very true, difficulty 7/8 has been much easier for me than when I started in lower difficulties. Not sure if it's just better skilled squads or I just got better over time. Sometimes I do drop down to 5, and it's still difficult to have to take care of some team mates who randomly attack hordes and can't take them on, then bring them over, overwhelming the entire team.

        • Alot of pros doing sample farming on 7. I often see a high level commando going off on his own and clearing poi's left and right. Everyone carries their weight on this difficulty.

          • +1

            @krisspy: Im that farmer (super samples) lol, although less incentivised now after upgrading everything. It's just the awareness and having each other's back. Clearing enemies coming towards a blind spot of another diver, shooting a heavy (titan or charger) from afar via laser cannon/eat, knowing when to retreat and go off different angles to manage hordes better. Knowing priorities on who to get rid of first. I don't see these with a bulk of divers on 5.

      • i've definitely met my share of incompetent individuals at higher difficulties. saw a level 50+ that just would not stop dying

    • It's good. I'll randomly drop into lower lobbies to help out lower levels.

      Have had the occasional griefer but by and large the community is really solid.

    • +1

      It's fine honestly, the game has a great tagging/ping system, and a quickbar for simple comms like yes, no, thanks, sorry, etc.
      I mostly play with randos and have had a blast.

    • +1

      Piece of advice, don't join other randoms at lower levels, as then they're the host.
      If you create your own game, with matchmaking public and cross play enabled, people will join you and you're the host.

      So if people are acting the maggot, you can easily just kick them.

      Most annoying thing is either people just killing tmates repeatedly, either intentionally or because they're brain dead.
      Or the worst, when people trigger an extraction by themselves while the rest of the squad is on the opposite side of the map.

  • +2

    For Democracy!

  • I’ve read that the servers can’t keep up with the demand and players struggle to join a session, is this still the case?

    • +6

      I haven't had any server issues for a while now.

    • Pc player here, 10pm-1am I can get in fine, not congested.

      Crossplay still has some kinks though

      • I heard crossplay is fked for console players

        • I play on PS5 with crossplay, no issues in the 14hrs racked up so far. Anecdotal of course, can't speak to others experiences.

        • Not sure which side is broken or what but I'm on Pc and I often get dropped when joining friends lobbies who are playing on ps5. Usually when this happens I can't rejoin them, my hellpod deploys but boots me back to my ship after it loads.

          What's annoying is I can hear their voices on chat while it loads, then nothing.

  • +2

    fun game but it disconnects from matches for me a lot in the past two weeks

    • +1

      patch in the works for this, due out any day now.

      • +1

        Right now actually. Just dropped

    • I was last left in a level 7 game heading to extract and got DCed :(

  • +2


  • +4

    Been playing a lot of this since it came out, can highly recommend it. Other than the gameplay, what's amazing about this game is how you can farm the premium currency (super credits) within the game itself and there's no limit on how much you can obtain this way.

    It's also one of the few examples I can think of which really feel like a live service game. They constantly change and add planets / enemies / weapons seemingly without any prior notice. E.g. right now the automatons have 'disappeared' in the game leaving only the terminids after a week or two of pushing against the bot front.

    • +1

      While enjoyingly challenging, the surprise release of factory striders and gunships were a bitch. Gunships were especially painful if you don't deal with the fabricator asap, having almost 10 hover over you is fubar.

    • They came back on the day after posting.

      • Yep, gone for a total of 3-4 days.

  • +2

    My legs

  • +7

    PSA: use a no foreign transaction fee card when paying fanatical. Even though it shows AUD at checkout and charges AUD, it attracted a fee on my card.

  • +1

    The game has been at $50 for a while and even cheaper according to GG deals:

  • +1

    I was against buying this game for a while when I heard that it has micro transactions whilst costing $60 as a live service game.

    But it's actually not that bad, you can unlock all the warbonds/battlepasses just by playing the game, and the micro transactions would only be if you wanted gear from the shop which isn't that appealing anyways.

    Very fun, highly recommend for coop.

  • +1

    This game has a current bug where you might not be able to add friends and play together. I've tried adding my mate on PC to my friends list (also on PC) and it just wouldn't add.

    • +1

      I'm lucky to have been able to add all my mates who currently play this (6 of them) - some on PC and PS5

    • If you're both on PC shouldn't you just be using the Steam friends list?

      • Yep, added on Steam but it just wouldn't show in game. Tried manually adding via the game and the invite comes through, but clicking accept does nothing.

        • Check steam privacy settings. I had a cross play add issues but thats all sorted now

  • Bought it at this price back at the end of Feb. Really enjoying though!

  • +3

    is this game good for casual gaming?

    • +2

      Absolutely. I play maybe an hour a two a week if I can. Can just jump in when you have time. Plus you get the rewards everyone unlocks I’m even if you are not playing so I jumped on today and got two lots of medals for doing nothing.

      • Do u play with mates? None of my mates play

        • +1

          Not usually. A few times I have played with one mate (twice) but he is not online when I have my 30mins-hour time in between kids and housework. Just jumping on and match making with random has been fine.

          • @EvilOverLord: ah ok i will give it a go i guess! Is it too hard for beginners now that everyone has pretty much played it alrdy

  • -1

    For rootkit!

    • +3

      the only person to mention the dodgy anti-cheat and you get downvoted.

  • Just be warned that the game is still pretty unstable. I bought it over a month ago and still haven't been able to get to the main menu no matter what I try.
    I'd have refunded by now, but I can't cos I got it through fanatical.

    • +2

      Its your system

    • Servers might be unstable, but the game is fine. Check your rig

  • Should I try Helldivers first?

    • +1

      Nah just jump into this. Great fun.

  • +4

    This has been th best online coop experience I’ve played in a long time. Really easy to match/play with randoms

    No overt pressure to buy micro transactions and FOMO. You can get the premium currency just by exploring and playing the game. Can just farm it on easy levels as well. So refreshing compared to other live service trash games.

    Plus it’s just great fun to squish bugs.

  • +4

    This is a blast. If you want to squad up for another ozbargainer I'm lvl 79 with maxed ship and all weapons and stratagems, friend code 3714-2953

  • Is there a quick way action the Stratagem on PC?

    • streamdeck and map it to buttons

  • Is it true what I keep hearing about the anti-cheat system on PC? Basically being akin to malware?
    I've hesitated getting it because of that…. but dam I really want it lol

    • I'm not sure about helldivers but quite a few anti cheat systems run at kernel level.

      Ricochet - Call of Duty
      Denuvo - Doom
      Vanguard - Valorant

      blah blah.

      • Relatively new to the PC gaming world since coming from console, so this was the first game I really heard about that kind of anti cheat.

  • Can I claim a refund on this through steam if I don't like the game?

    • "Valve will, upon request via, issue a refund for any title that is requested within 14 days of purchase and has been played for less than 2 hours. Even if you fall outside of the refund rules we've described, you can submit a request and we'll take a look at it." - source:….

      When they say "played" they mean the amount of time steam detects it as running. Not actually in a match playing fyi.

      I have refunded 1 or 2 games and it was approved very quickly; but the 'refund' was credited to my steam account and not back to the bank (fine in my case, wanted to buy other games anyway).

      • I think Palomino is asking because this deal is via Fanatical.

    • My guess would be no if purchased via Fanatical. Spend the extra $10 via steam if you’re not certain you’ll like it.

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