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WXNANY 1lt Foam Cannon with 1/4” Quick Connector $21.99 + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $59 Spend) @ Amazon AU

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Was looking for a foam cannon and found this one on Amazon. Seems to be good quality for the price, so pulled the trigger and ordered one.
Similar ones are cheaper on ebay but not sure if the quality is the same https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/385312786546?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mk…

【Versatility】Provide adjustable foam thickness level and spray angles by turning the knob. Turn the top knob right (-) to get the thickest mixture. The size of soap bottle is 1000ml, big enough to do a full spread on at least 2 SUVs in one fill.
【Application】Ideal for Motorcycle, Car Washing; Roofs, Driveways, Siding washing; Floors, Windows washing, it is best product for Detailing Trucks or SUVs.
【Safe and Reliable】Made with heavy duty brass material, gives longer service time than other similar products; Offer excellent durability for residential and commercial usage.
【Universal】Works with all Pressure Washer Gun/Wand that has 1/4 inch Quick Connector fittings. Max pressure 3200 PSI; Up to 5.3 GPM; Max Temp: 60℃/140℉.
【Warranty】1-Year Manufacture Warranty. FREE REPLACEMENT if defective!

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • -1

    Does this work with a karcher petrol.

  • I don't know if my Karcher K2 has " 1/4 inch Quick Connector“.

    I have looked at the Karcher foam cannon and it's reviews are poor so I'd rather give this a go

    • +3

      Karcher doesnt use a quick connect it has its own style you will need an adapter.

  • +1

    You generally need to buy a connector adapter to suit.
    For example with a Karcher you could get - https://www.amazon.com.au/Pressure-Adapter-Fitting-Connector…

    Alot of these cheaper units end up leaking in the end if its not on the quick connector itself its on the gun, The foam begins to build up if its not properly cleaned and just gunks up and then with the pressure of the water and now limited paths to go begins to split out the plastics.
    If you want the gun to last at the end of the wash fill the bottle with just water.

  • -1

    Does anyone know which adopter would suit a Gerni + this cannon? Ta

  • The eBay ones are just as good and generally you can find sellers that provide different connector options. I've had mine about 10 years and still going strong

  • This was a good deal. Got to use mine for the first time this weekend and it worked really well when combined with a good shampoo (rated for foam cannon use). Thanks!

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