Hi, I am new to ACT. Can someone suggest me some plans that I can grow in this season I tried to grow tomatoes and coriander last year around this season but I failed because I think this is not the correct season. I am living in an apartment so I can only plant things on pots, I have planted coriander, spring onions, sunflower, peas last week and waiting for seedlings to come out. can someone suggest me more plants to grow. I only get direct sunlight for the courtyard for only around 2 hrs a day.
Thank you very much.
Good plants to start growing in this season (autumn + winter) in ACT

Last edited 06/04/2024 - 16:16
Well duh! Jazz Cabbage of course.
That makes Sensemilla, cheers.
COGS definitely the way to go
You can grow two cannabis plants per person, up to four per household. Assuming y'all are 18 of course. So it's probably your civic duty to do it, otherwise the lawmakers who let you do it wasted their time.
So that's
4 per household
2 per person and
0 if you're under 18Yup. And only in the ACT.
They grow all over Australia as police raid plantations all the time in other states.
@AndyC1: A 90 year old woman in my suburb was raped during a break in, meanwhile the police are using their resources on people growing plants. I don't even see who benefits from stopping the spread of cannabis. The alcohol lobby maybe?
You planted coriander and sunflowers just before Canberra winter? Need to protect them from frost
Autumn/Winter is cabbage, spinach, broccoli, peas https://cogs.asn.au/autumn-planting-guide/
2 hours of sun a day probably won’t be enough (almost certainly won’t be enough)
You could do some spring flowering bulbs in the pots at the same time
Snow peas is a a good start
There are a few community gardens about… I’d be going down that ‘root’ to get your hands dirty.
Sounds like you need to:
a) Read up on the ABC Gardening Australia web site about gardening around OZ
b) Find a local nursery to get seedlings from that are applicable for the season as you can ask them what you should grow
c) Read the info on the seed package as it shows you want time of the year you should plant the seeds around OZ.