Hi all
I am going to the US for 4 weeks and this card looks to be my best option. This card is different to the Load&Go card mentioned in the other thread as it was only launched last month. More info here:
http://auspost.com.au/media/documents/loadgo-travel-full-pds… (Product disclosure statement PDF)
Does anyone see any warning signs with this card? There is no fee to get the card, no reload fees, a $2 ATM fee and as long as you don't need to speak to someone, I can't see any other major fees.
Am I missing any important details or is this card a good option for 4 weeks?
Why not sign up for the Citibank plus account.
posted here
and more in threads here
Simply put. NO transaction fees and quite good exchange rate.
Many 7/11's in the US have ATMs with Citibank (At least this is what I found on West Coast).
NO cost to set up etc.
Debit Visa as well, if you want make purchases. Plus you can top it up if you need to from an Australian account, as its a transaction account.
BTW enjoy your trip