This was posted 10 months 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Sight & Sound Theatres Offers 'Jesus' Production for Free Easter Weekend Viewing


Same as this popular deal from last year. Sight and Sound Theatre are offering a free three-day streaming of the "JESUS" theatrical production

Full disclosure and a trigger warning for the antitheists among us, this is a theatre production about Jesus if that's not your thing feel free to move along.

That being said for anyone else this is actually a pretty good watch, I was pleasantly surprised with the quality when I originally watched it and have happily watched it again. Suitable for all ages, it's a live theatrical performance of the story of Jesus with a brief Christian message at the end.

Here is the trailer for anyone interested.

And now for some cut and paste.

“Sight and Sound’s ‘Jesus’ show premiered 2018 and ran for two years, and the way it was produced was so cinematic in nature with the 300-foot wrap-around stage that it adapted perfectly to the screen,” Enck told The Christian Post. “When we saw it on the screen as a finished product, we were blown away by it. We’re so passionate about it because this story needs to be out there, told in this fresh new way.”

Over a million people have watched the live performance of “Jesus” at Sight & Sound’s theatre in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
Katie Miller, corporate communications manager at Sight & Sound told CP that the production takes a "very personal approach to the Jesus story.”

“We meet so many characters and learn the story of who they were both before and after they encounter Jesus," she said. “After watching the show, so many people came to us and said, ‘That’s my story. That’s how Jesus rescued me.' Act One is about individual rescues from the Bible; Act Two is about our rescue.

"I think that's one of the most inspiring and unexpected things that came out of that show. People saw themselves in the characters and in the way that Jesus was meeting every single person, right where they were at, and bringing to them what they needed to be rescued.”

The event also dramatizes inspirational moments from Jesus’ life, from challenging the Pharisees to healing the sick and hurting. According to Enck, the writers wanted to highlight Jesus' humanity and ability to connect with those of every walk of life.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    A theatre production about Jesus isn't likely to trigger much of anyone, especially around Easter, but it might be worth making note of why this is a deal (as in what one would usually pay for this) before the deal police get triggered.

    • +11

      You will be surprised at the level that some will get their knickers in a knot, It's normally about $15USD.

      • +5

        Looks like they're already tossing around the negs😂

        • -3

          If, especially, one mentions if it includes Jesus's affair with Maria Magdelana!

    • +2

      it triggers memories of absolute mind crushing inescapable boredom as a child*.. but yeh still a good deal in my opinion.. my mum will love it.

      *also a few priests gave me some full-frontal hugs.. which was the style of the time. lol.

      • As did some Uncles, Scout masters and swimming coaches.

  • +16

    Sweet, I got in early. Plenty of time to make some popcorn and settle in before the real show starts in this comments section!

    • +2

      The haters are going to hate

        • +4

          I'm sure the Irony of this comment is lost on you…

          • +2

            @1st-Amendment: This is the second time in the last couple of weeks you’ve shown you have no idea what that word means

            • -1

              @GrueHunter: More irony. This must be the irony Special Olympics…

              • @1st-Amendment: The true irony here is how many downvotes the comment attracted.

                • -1

                  @us3rnam3tak3n: Touched a nerve, and rightly so. It was a very long bow though, classic Ozbargain generalisation

                  • @Igaf: Yep, massive generalisation, designed to touch a nerve. Just ironic to respond to accusations of hatred by downvoting when Jesus said to turn the other cheek.

            • -1

              @GrueHunter: There's a very long list of terms he has no clue about. If you click my nic you'll find some of his better "misunderstandings".

    • +17

      Don't be a bigot.

    • +2

      Sorry, absolutely nothing fictional about it, the archeological evidence alone even if you are an atheist

      • +6

        It’s comical you believe this. Then again, the religious will believe anything…

        • +3

          Must be comical also that millions also believe and celebrate Easter and Christmas every year, so much it’s an established part of society that will never go away.

          • +24

            @UberIsCool: The sad reality is the established holiday is owned and driven by the capitalist consumer driven machine and not the religious component.

            *This is not a statement on the validity of any religions you personally adhere to

        • +5

          What's the alternative? Believing that everything is created from nothing, fine-tuning arises from a bang, and nonliving matter becomes living matter?

          • +19

            @gto21: It’s fascinating when you delve into it. What’s the difference between living and non living? At a fundamental level. How are atoms formed? Why is matter different?

            You can believe in God, but education and science is a worthwhile pursuit. They are not mutually exclusive, unless you’re a drone.

            • +8

              @WingedNike: I recall a survey from a few years back indicating that the majority of scientists are theists.

              • +4

                @gto21: If we're talking modem, this survey from 2009 asked a significant reduction over the general population.


                • +1


                  If we're talking modem

                  modulate/demodulate faith/matter?

                  • +2

                    @0jay: I've seen churches offer a free wireless connection. I'd assume some form of modem is involved(ha, just got modern - damn you glide keyboard).

                • +2

                  @ihfree: From the link you provided:

                  ..According to the poll, just over half of scientists (51%) believe in some form of deity or higher power; specifically, 33% of scientists say they believe in God, while 18% believe in a universal spirit or higher power…

                  I think you proved my point.

                  • +4

                    @gto21: Yes, but the point of my comment is the reduction over the general population

                    By contrast, 95% of Americans believe in some form of deity or higher power

                    18%(included in the 51%, 12% in general population) also do not believe in God and believe in a "higher power" or "universal spirit." That's very different to monotheistic religions.

                    • @ihfree: I was addressing a point about science, while you're attempting to make another point. Thus, my initial claim stands correct. I used the word "theist," not all theists are monotheists.

                      However, if the majority of scientists are theists, I would expect the majority of people share similar views. These are my initial thoughts.

                      • +5

                        @gto21: Just giving a bit more context. I think comparison to the general population is quite important.

                        An interesting question would be why the huge disparity in belief in God - 83% in the general population vs 33% for scientists.

                        • -4

                          @ihfree: The website states, "The public also views scientists themselves in a positive light." Additionally, it mentions, "Over half of scientists (51%) believe in some form of deity or higher power." I anticipate that most individuals would align with the majority view in the scientific community, rather than the minority viewpoint. However, there could be various reasons for this.

                          Do you not perceive it as positive that the majority of people agree with the majority view in the scientific community?

                          • +2

                            @gto21: That's twisting words.

                            Besides as already covered. If you narrow the focus to those who believe in God, then the majority do not follow the scientific community(issues with the survey aside).

                            In addition, with the survey being 15 years old, it would be interesting to see in what direction those numbers are trending.

                            • @ihfree: I copied and pasted what the website says, so I don't see how I twisted it. My point was that most scientists are theists, and that point still stands.

                              You're the one who posted the link, not me.

                  • +2

                    @gto21: Anyone with a basic understanding of how science works would know that you prove a theory by looking at a control group. As has been pointed out, the community at large believe in a deity at far greater levels, therefore scientists are clearly less inclined to believe the sky fairy nonsense.

                    You won't be disappointed when you die amd don't live on: you'll just have wasted energy and possibly damaged relationships in life needlesssly.

                    • -2

                      @JohnHowardsEyebrows: Based on your comment, it seems the majority of scientists endorse fairy tale nonsense.

                  • @gto21: That poll was very specific - members of the American Association for the Advancement of Science - and we don't know how the questions were framed. Only 33% actually said they were "theists". Both of those things suggest your point has a long way to go before being "proven".

                    One of the basics of science is to never totally dismiss a possibility - even ones which can (and have already) been tested. In that light, having religion or religious beliefs is a choice, sometimes philosophical, most often made via parental "guidance" - the latter is not too far from CCP fealty "education".

                    The problem you have to live with is the behaviour of many of your theist comrades over centuries. As this country recently experienced at the top level (not to mention Royal Commissions), the hypocrsy of some "Christians" is breathtaking. But, as you were probably taught - I know I was, humans are imperfect and make bad choices (wonderful get out of jail free card that).

                    Suffice to say that Christ wouldn't recognise what passes for modern Christianity. He may have thrown out "money changers" and "thieves" but there are more wolves in sheeps clothing than ever before in so called "Christian" institutions.

                    • -1

                      @Igaf: …there are more wolves in sheeps clothing than ever before in so called "Christian" institutions, and who identify as Christian but who fail to practice what they claim to believe.

              • @gto21: No you didn't

                I assume you're unable to link this mystery survey

                • @youfnc: Ihfree did link a mystery survey.

                • +2

                  @youfnc: The 15 year old study where the sample size was across 12 different sciences in one organisation in the US? Yep I read it.
                  I'd be interested to know how many Astronomers and Biological scientists are thiests.

                  • @youfnc: Ihfree posted a link, not me, and he proved my point.

                    • @gto21: I'm sorry what was your point again? Keeping in mind my previous reply to you.

                      • @youfnc: You can go back and read it.

                        • @gto21: Yeah I figured I'd get this kind of reply from somebody like yourself. Enjoy your easter.

                      • -1

                        @youfnc: If you need to refresh your memory, you don't have to ask me. Simply go back and read it again.

            • @WingedNike: Abiogenesis is not science.

          • +2

            @gto21: Yes

            Because all you’ve done is replace ‘everything’ with God, who has apparently always existed without cause but that’s fine to theists

            Do you have any other questions

            • -1

              @GrueHunter: What is the everything?

              • +4

                @gto21: FFS why do we always have to spell it out in crayon for you people

                You: the universe can’t have just have always existed and/or come from nothing, that’s stupid
                Me: fine, where did it come from
                You: God did it
                Me: When and where did God come from
                You: He has no creator and has always existed
                Me: why is that ok for God, who we can’t see and has only shown up in the last few thousand years, and not for the universe, which we can see and can also see when we look back billions and billions of years
                You: It just is, because God says so

                • -1

                  @GrueHunter: We don't believe that everything is God. Therefore, I still don't understand what you mean by substituting "everything" with "God."

                • @GrueHunter: The most popular view is that the universe has a beginning, so it's unlikely that it has always existed.

                  The steady-state theory is no longer the dominate view.

                • @GrueHunter: Since the evidence suggests that the universe has a beginning, the cause would be timeless, immaterial, and spaceless, much like what we refer to as God. However, it's not necessary to use the term "God" if you prefer not to.

        • +1

          I'm not religious or Christian, but the person, Jesus of Nazareth, is widely believed by scholars to have existed.

          • +3

            @T Man: Kim Jong Il existed but claims that he hit 5 hole-in-ones in a round of golf are dubious.

    • +4

      If it’s boring don’t comment, be respectful kid

      • Surely the disrespect is the reference to the story being fictional.

        The story being boring is simply a matter of personal taste. And should be respected.

        • +12

          Dude nobody is going to respect your opinion that it’s boring when you don’t respect their faith.

          You’re spitting in their faces and then acting surprised when they wipe it off.

          You don’t have to believe in religions but you don’t have to be an ass to people that do. You’re not enlightening them, you’re just starting fights.

          • @WingedNike: I didn’t call it a fictional story nor call it boring.

            I am simply commentating that if someone finds a story boring then that is hardly an attack. It is their opinion as a matter of taste.

          • @WingedNike: It’s crazy how fragile religious people are

            • +5

              @tompiggy: GMAB….fragile compared to LGBQTI, Zionists and Wokesters.

              Disagree with them and see what happens.

          • -1

            @WingedNike: I respect their opinion

            So much for that argument

            Not quite as persuasive when it’s just “some people won’t respect your opinion” is it

            Some people think the world is flat

        • +5

          I respect your choice to believe in religion, but your expectation everyone has to believe & respect a fictional story is nonsense.

      • +1

        Those who are negging him for expressing his opinion are being disrespectful too. Of course they're going to be too hateful to see it that way.

    • +2

      Jesus probably existed, but that doesn't imply that he was God. He was just a spiritual teacher, the equivalent of a Hindu guru. I read a article claiming he escaped being crucified, fled to southern France with Mary Magdalene (the only disciple to truly understand Jesus), married her and had kids. He passed his Gnostic teachings on to the locals who by the Middle Ages became Cathars and were put to death by the illegitimate Catholic church (the Cathars were the "real Christians").

      The history of early Christianity is interesting. There were all these different beliefs and interpretations, but eventually one group came to the top, persecuted everyone with different interpretations of Christianity (heretics), and decided which texts made it into the New testament and which were excluded (Apocrypha, including the recently discovered Nag Hammadi scrolls). The modern doctrine of Original Sin isn't Jesus teaching; it was formulated by Augustine in the 4th Century.

      Christianity didn't manifest overnight; it was a social construct that took centuries to crystallize.

      There is a book called "How Jesus Become God" by Bart D Ehrman that is worth looking at. He has written other interesting books on Christianity. Time for a Amazon 50% off coupon code on books.

      • +1

        Bart D Ehrman is an interesting read, but I can't see many Christians liking his work, regardless of how well he's regarded as a biblical scholar.

  • +11

    Praise Jesus, my guidance to my almighty GOD!

    • -2

      And pass the tambourine.

      • Guess we’ll just cancel Easter as a public holiday then

        • Uh oh I'll turn religious then

    • +1


  • -4

    This looks like the longest 2 hours and 10 minutes of your life. Completely witless.

    I'd watch Jesus Christ Superstar instead…

    In Jesus Christ Superstar there are no supernatural elements, everyone is just human, besides the very last song which shows Jesus in the afterlife, but I think they just did that as a goof. Maybe to not get banned in half of Europe at the time.

    • +1

      Ah, the Australian production - well chosen! Irrespective of your views on the story and themes you have to admit Jon Stevens’ rendition of Superstar is simply breathtaking.

  • +11

    Wonderful show with great production quality.

  • +9

    That production look epic af. Religious context aside. Definitely going to be watching this. Thanks!

  • +1

    Only seen Bible and Jesus on OzB. Where are the others? Hindu and Budda?

    • +1

      I’m sure if Holi or Ramadan posts were posted they would be upvoted

      • Most if not all of those were ebooks and 2021 and older

        Likewise, there are more churches around the towns when I travel.

    • +2

      Christian’s deny the existence of the Hindu gods and all the other gods of other religions. Denying literally hundreds of religions and thousands of Gods.

      They are athiests minus 1.

      • Which Faith say there's only one God?
        Which Faith deny any other faith?

        • The True one

      • +1

        athiests minus 1

        This is nonsensical, belief in any god/gods is what makes one a theist, and denying the existence of any god is what makes one an atheist.

        • +2

          Christians by denying thousands of Gods and by denying the validity of other religions puts them very close to the thinking of atheists.

          Not sure how this can be denied.

          • +2

            @Eeples: So basically Atheists are just like Christians because they lack belief in just one less in one less God?
            Theism and atheism are diametrically opposed, Sure both likely agree on lots of things, but that doesn't change the first premise.
            Your comment I replied to "atheists minus 1" is still nonsense, the two assertions are mutually exclusive, theists all agree on their being a deism, just not which one.

      • +3

        All theists believe in the existence of God. They just disagree about the details.

        All atheists deny the existence of God. They too, disagree about things.

        But on a certain question - does God exist - theists and atheists fall into opposite camps.

      • +1

        Let's extend your logic to other examples: It's not a triangle; rather, it's a square with one less side. That's not how definitions work.

    • Recommend finding Peter Brook's 1989 'The Mahabharata' for some learning about Hinduism. Made with an international cast rather than subcontinental, but a very sincere and engaging attempt to convey the epic tale and concepts. Clocks in at 5 hours lol

      • +2

        Read this as Peter Brock.

    • +5

      Yep exactly. If op wants to post some religious indoctrination material funded by churches then we can criticize it in the same space.

    • +4

      As long as your downvote complies with the voting guidelines I'm sure you can downvote whatever you like.

      • +5

        According to guidelines, If "The deal doesn't apply to you", then "No vote". That's the message to most of the haters :)

    • So I should have freedom to say I generally think prosperity & conservative alt-right/right winged christians can be the worst people.

      Of course, that is the idea of freedom. And likewise someone could say you are the worst person. As long as you accept that it works both ways.

      Would you prefer it any other way? Where some nameless faceless person somewhere decides what you can and can't say, what you have to like or not like?

      Also why is it not ok to downvote this post?

      Who said that? Voting exists and you are free to vote up down or neither.

      Is it discrimination now to express a counter view against christianity specifically?

      Who said that?

      Especially where christian lobby groups & previous liberal gov managed to essentially exclude christian churches/schools from any discrimination laws

      What are you talking about specifically? Religious freedom laws are designed to allow people to be free to have their own views, not be forced to go against their beliefs because someone else says so. If your religion says that you shouldn't eat pork, do you think that the government should force you eat pork so you aren't 'discriminating' against the pork industry? That doesn't sound like freedom to me.

    • I generally think prosperity & conservative alt-right/right winged christians can be the worst people.

      Conversely - there are people here would say that far left/marxist indoctrinated types can be the worst people.

    • cope harder HAHAHAHA

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