This was posted 11 months 8 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Bambu Lab 3D Printer A1 Mini $439, A1 Mini Combo (w/AMS Lite) $699 Delivered @ Bambu Lab Technology via Amazon AU

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Looks like good reception last time in Jan when it was posted for $704.10 posted via bambu direct

Currently still 489/749 + post for a1 mini / a1 mini kit on Bambu website.

Edit: Bambu just updated their website it’s slighltyyyy cheaper to get it from them now. But honestly I’d rather just have next day delivery with Amazon and I bet better customer service for returns

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • +8

    Not a bad intro to printing especially to get kids into a fun hobby & potential career path but think carefully about the print volume. I regularly find myself wanting more than the 256mm of my p1s, the 180mm would drive me up the wall. YMMV.

    • Almost no info on a new model in the wings for the P1S is there, pretty much everyone wants bigger build volume and im holding off until they do. I keep looking at my ender 5 and think its downsizing. So keen to get one but i know they'll release a new model the day after i pull the trigger.

      • I was ready to hit buy on p1s (prob ditch ams for now), but yeah want to see what the teased new model is

        • Is there anything out on a new model or just "our flagship model" like they keep going on about

          • +1

            @dogzilla: ‘Flagship model’ - which I am hoping will push p1s a bit down … or be within my budget lol

  • Does p1s has input shaping ?

    • input shaping

      Apparently yes

    • +1

      P1S has resonance compensation and works pretty well.

    • +1

      All Bambu Lab printers have input shaping, it's part of what allows them to print so fast.

  • This thing some how looks very attractive to me.
    Although I already have the x1c……

    • +1

      Interesting… what for, secondary printing or?

    • Likewise as a P1S+AMS owner…
      that's a killer price and would actually fit on my desk instead of living in the garage 🤔🤔🤔

      • Well I was set on p1s as my upgrade path but now I don’t know what to think.

        • What size print volume do you need, do you need multi-colour (almost nobody does), and what materials do you need to print with? Once you can answer those questions, you know the one to buy.

          • @mickeyjuiceman: I never own 3d printer, thinking to get this one as a starter, do i need the AMS? what is this multi colour for? thank you

          • @mickeyjuiceman: Well that’s the thing using 235 235 at the moment but height not so important for now haven’t done anything taller than 100

          • @mickeyjuiceman: I'd say less value in multiple colours unless printing trinkets/toys, but printing in dissolvable filaments is awesome for post-processing of supports. Espeically something where you'd want more dense supports for a better surface finish of the part's underside, but having them in the print filament would ruin the surface when you take thme off.

            Kinda niche though, and so rarely needed that I moved from my much much older dual extruder to a Sovol Sv07 plus. Printers have gotten so mcuh nicer over the last 10 years. (Though I need to make an enclosure, and Bed-slingers are much less elegant than core-xy or ultimaker geometry)

            • @quick-dry:

              Kinda niche though

              Not kidding :-)

              Most people are printing crap like trinkets and so on, it seems, from watching FB and forums and so on.

              • +2

                @mickeyjuiceman: haha yeah I know, I wouldn't bother with funky supports to print the umpteenth low-poly bulbasaur plant pot :p

  • Bought this as my first printer about a month ago. I've had really great prints without much input from me, the few issues I've had were my print. Nothing to personally compare it to, but seems like a great printer to me.

  • would look great next to my a1. although 2 full size a1s would be better.

    • +3

      With the power of credit card anything is possible

      • +2

        never had one. sounds like a bad idea

  • +3

    I got A1 Mini (no AMS) from 3 weeks ago. Price was $486 - 10% (A1M-NY-10 code) = $440.1 + $25 shipping to Syd = $465.1
    This is $26.10 better deal, damn :)
    But this thing is very advanced. It calibrates itself against all resonances. Get $89 eSUN eBOX Lite filament dryer instead of AMS (don't throw away silica gel bag like I did, lol), you can print directly from eBox, duct tape the PTFE tube to the eBox. And look for High Speed TPU and PETG filaments.

  • Edit: Bambu just updated their website it’s slighltyyyy cheaper to get it from them now. But honestly I’d rather just have next day delivery with Amazon and I bet better customer service for returns

    • I previously posted a comment comparing the prices, but once you add Bambu Lab's shipping cost, it ends up basically the same. Perhaps Amazon took that into account with their pricing.

      • +1

        For the $10 ish I’d rather just get it on Amazon. Got some discounted gc to still blow up. Tempting

  • Its printing speed and quality are nearly as same as X1carbon and P1 series. I have A1 mini and X1c and they are all working same, just different bed size. And A1 AMS's colour printing is way faster than X1's AMS.

    • Pretty much the print size is the only thing holding me back… but like is it really such a drama? Even on 235 235 bed I’d still need to split the file down for some of these helmets on printable etc to fit my Rihanna sized forehead

      And .. will I realllyyy bother with abs/ need an enclosed printer?

      • Better get more printer than having one that does it all.

    • +1

      This is my experience too. Also the AMS Lite is better in every way except not having an enclosure.

  • I ordered the P1S from the official store a few weeks ago on a Thurs night, got tracking on Friday and delivered at lunchtime on Monday, so was quite surprised. Amazon support will likely be better though for returns, as I've seen people talk about Bambu support taking weeks/months.

    • P1s says next day del for me via Amazon, unfortunately no price movement for about 2 week now since I start monitoring

      • Interesting - Amazon delivery for me isn't till next Tues! Bambu ended up shipping it from about a 30min drive away, they must have a local distro in Sydney.

        It was $90 dearer on Amazon and there were a bunch of filaments on sale if you buy from Bambu when purchasing a printer (1kg for about $25). I've heard people having issues with other filaments in the AMS, so figured I'd stick with the OG to start off with until I got comfortable with the printer. It's worth every cent though, up and running in 20mins and didn't need to fiddle with anything to calibrate or troubleshoot.

        • I bought a whole bunch of siddament, unfortunately cardboard spools on ams lite looks ok according to YouTube but apparently it’s a nono for p1s ams

          • +2

            @Jimothy Wongingtons: Pretty easy to print rims for them, though

            • +1

              @mickeyjuiceman: Yeah and people suggest electrical tape on the edge of the spool works too. There are solutions to most problems - whether you want to tinker or troubleshoot is up to the person. I've also seen videos of people ripping the cardbard rims off and putting them into Bambu spools - likely dependent on brand.

              The Bambu RFID that tells the AMS what colour and how much filament is left is awesome though. And you can apparently take off the RFID tag and reuse it when refilling spools (not up to that yet.. especially cause I didn't buy any duplicate colours)

              • +1

                @aragornelessar: And print the QR for the plate as well if you've gone aftermarket (and a printer that looks for it)

  • This would be my first printer, want to print toys and figurines for my kids. Do I need to get the AMS lite? Does that just mean I can do it with multi colours? What else do I need to buy?

    • +1

      You can just get the base model if you don’t care multi colour

      FWIW I was watching a review yesterday where a creator was printing a dragon.

      Mono colour was 2 hour something
      AMS lite 4 colour, 12 hour something and a whole lot of waste

      I will say 4 colour looks great and the fact it’s automated is ace. Otherwise you need to split the models into parts and post process assemble

      AMS also is supposed to sort you out if a filament roll runs out - if you are using the bambu filament the system can pick the closest in colour.
      im not sure what the go is if you are using 3rd party.

      i think not a HUGE issue though - even mega entry level relics of the past like my cr6-se has auto resume (though it did fail the one time i used it) lmao

      • cheers i think im going to start with the base model

  • A1 mini is now $409 on their official site, not sure what shipping costs though.

    • delivery looks to be $25 for qld nsw vic (didnt try the others but i would assume same)
      i did see some people in the au nz bambu group also mention recently there was some international fee charged too through bank (so use a no fee card if you have)

      idk, for $5 diff id just get it from amazon

  • Looks nice, but generally prefer the Prusa printers as the firmware is less locked down and is more supportive of the wider opensource ecosystem.

  • Waiting for another P1S deal

    • I dare say Bambu will be more careful going forward

      Some people still got theirs shipped it looks like despite Bambu messaging them trying to worm their way out of the transaction

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