Why does the Vic Market deli section have no prices?

So I've been getting back into the habit of going to the market and saving a bundle on fruits, veggies, meat etc. All fruits and veggies are clearly marked with the price with some of the sellers yelling out specials. You only need to do 1 lap to figure out who is selling particular items for the cheapest.

Same deal with the meat/seafood section.

The exception is the deli section where you get deli meat, cheese, dips etc. There are barely any prices. It's not very productive to wait in line for each store and ask the price for each item to compare especially with the weekend crowds.

I'm not sure if this is a regulation but I thought that when businesses sell a product, there needs to be a price shown. I don't get why the meat, seafood, veggie and fruit section have prices but the delis don't? Anyone know?

Related Stores

Queen Victoria Market
Queen Victoria Market


  • +3

    Because they want to bend you over & violate you.

    I don't think there's any obligation to stick prices on or near stuff that is being sold. There's a bunch of laws about scanning prices at a checkout from barcodes when items are not individually priced, but that's not what you're on about.

    BTW the not pricing policy of some outfits doesn't cut it with me - knowing what substitutes are available at what price is a key factor in any decision to buy a particular item. Effectively preventing me from engaging in this analysis (which requires knowing all prices) shows contempt for their customers. I have a policy of walking in these circumstances.

  • +1

    had as similar experience with a takeaway in NSW where they had a wall where the markers did not show all prices, wrong prices etc.
    council did not want to know
    fair trading said there were no laws asking them to in NSW and the ACCC recorded y info without action for their database.
    just be aware that society is geared against honest citizen towards self itnerested businesses which will take your money and then rely on governement leaders to chicken out of responsibility for good regulation and enforcement while they gut the public service by pretending to be good economic managers cutting costs which mean staff.
    other countries in the world eg singapore are stricter.
    but then we live in paradise.

  • +5

    I also walk away from businesses when I see no prices. I refuse to book at restaurants who just put their menu on their site with no prices too.

    Stand by your product!

  • +2

    I was just in Melbourne and feel the same. I've always felt the same about that section of that market.

    The South Melbourne market is, in my opinion, far superior to the Queen Vic market if you are looking for food. The QV market has too much crap, not enough food. When I lived in Carlton, that whole aisle with organic crap and wine was fruit and veg and it was a much better experience.

    Another thing that really infuriates me is the small convenience stores that do not have prices on ANYTHING. I generally turn around and walk out. It really makes me mad.

    • +1

      I gotta say i completely disagree about south melb > QVM. QVM is like 4x the size, and the fruit, vegie, meat and deli offering is much larger. Plus much more competitive. South melbourne market prices are as much or more than woolies around the corner i find.

      I can't answer Niels question as to why there is no pricing, but if you see a lot of people buying from them it's highly likely that you are seeing repeat patronage and that the prices/quality are probably competitive.
      One reasoning i can offer for not bother to put up a price is coz all their loyal customers know their price and usually clean up all their stock anyway. (just a theory)

      • +2

        That may be the case. I guess people buying the fruit, veggies, meat and seafood are price conscious buyers as there is a lot of yelling of specials, buying whole trays at a discount. On the other hand, the deli section never has any of that and I suppose a lot of the stuff they sell there is unique. I bought some kind of Polish wurst deli meat and buffalo mozzarella over the weekend. You also don't receive a receipt so if you buy a few things from one of the stalls, it's anyones guess at what price it is.

        I couldn't find any legal stipulations that require retailers to put the price on items but I feel it's at the consumers best interest, so I'm surprised it hasn't really been brought up. I'm actually amazed at the difference in taste between ham sold there and ones sold at Woolworths/Coles so would definitely recommend it.

        • +4

          You also don't receive a receipt…

          Always, always, get a receipt.

          There was the recent case of serious consequences following food poisoning after the purchase of a KFC Twister. Here's the original reporting of the outcome, however it is now on appeal. Here's the actual judgment for the hard core.

          One of the early matters for determination was whether or not they actually purchased the Twister as they had no receipt. The good judge held that they did, but it required them to present a lot more supporting evidence.

          I have a joke when i pass through the supermarket & they ask if i want a receipt. I always say yes, "in case i get food poisoning". Well, i'm not really joking…

      • Higher quality at SM mkt. I thought prices were the same, but the only things I bought were upper end seafood, fresh pasta and cheeses.

  • +5

    I usually make a comment that since an item doesnt have a price tag therefore it must be free and then proceed to
    haggle a price, if they are firm on their price then i point out that they should put that price on the item and walk away leaving them with a weighed bag of produce to deal with.

  • +1

    If an item doesn't have a price, its not for sale.

    So I cant spend any money there, So I just leave.

    • Exactly. A lot of places in that shithole, KL were "no try ons".

      I said - "No try, no buy" A lot of clothes there were "one size" which is dubious sizing option for westerners when shopping in Asia.

      • "No try, no buy"

        Me love you long time.

        • Yesssss,,….Mista Greg (or Tom or Bob or Frank or Hugh)

  • There is a small local convenience store near my house. It's a dodgy looking place that has hardly any prices at all. I've only been in there once and I walked straight out.
    Thank god they've opened a mini Foodworks across the road - they have regular specials which is great for a store that I only visit when I'm desperate and can't worry too much about the price!

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