Was just searching Google for M2 Pro Macbooks for the missus and this popped up. I'm not an Apple guy but thought this was a good price??
I'll let you guys decide when I see the the upvotes (or lack of) haha.
Was just searching Google for M2 Pro Macbooks for the missus and this popped up. I'm not an Apple guy but thought this was a good price??
I'll let you guys decide when I see the the upvotes (or lack of) haha.
You're gonna spit on my 8gb ram m3 then!
I have to say it runs blazingly fast for my usage. Best laptop I've ever purchased!
100% this. I’m using an 8gb m1 from launch years ago and it’s still as snappy and responsive as the day I bought it. Ridiculous machines.
as a 8GB m1 user myself go look at your activity monitor and memory then swap usage…. thats why you not noticing it. I regret not going 16 coz i was like its just a laptop for the couch…. too many tabs and the odd application and i'm hammering swap.
@quikstix: TBW on a 256GB is still around 150TBW, and up to 1200 for 1TB models. People were freaking out in the early days but the maths tended to put the lifespan at around 40-90 years…
At any rate, browsing isn’t going to contribute heavily, but video editing might.
Isn’t it because they don’t cache the tabs therefore each page reloads every single time you open it?
Video editing eats into a lot of memory. If no memory then it eats into the swap life of the SSD. Its very fast, but if SSD is dead, whole machine is dead. Thanks to apple's greed.
pro with M3, 8GB is a great power user machine, but the moment you start doing anything creative (think editing photos, let alone video processing), it'll struggle. I've had 8GB M1 mac before, and learned it the hard way. this is why I got 16GB MBP from apple refurb (14" 16/1TB) cheaper than this.
I am not sure which M3 you are on but for photo editing even high res 4k video editing, it runs better than my PC with a dedicated graphics and a core i7.
@dealsucker: It depends on what you’re doing.
I do astronomical photo editing, which is extremely memory hungry (I need to work with multiple channels of 32-bit images, at up to 19152 x 12776 resolutions). My 8GB MacBook used to flat-out run out of memory. With my new MacBook at 16GB RAM, many operations actually work on the laptop, but it’s hit-and-miss.
That said, most of this work is done on a PC with 64GB RAM, and it’s sitting at 100% memory utilisation during some operations.
Most people don’t need more than 8GB of RAM. But there are those of us who do. In fact, next PC upgrade, I’ll be looking at putting in 128GB RAM.
@axyh: Ok well that isn't "photo editing", that is an extremely specific and resource-intensive workflow. It isn't anywhere near touching up your holiday photos in Lightroom.
@dealsucker: like mentioned above, I first had an 8GB version, then got M1 Pro with 16GB. yes even 8GB version was tons faster in photo editing in the same app compared to my i7-1260P laptop with 64GB RAM and RTX 3050 Ti which was crazy, but I could see a lot of paging, and when I got 16GB M1 Pro things were even faster, and I can see the whole thing fits into the RAM. paging is reducing the lifespan of the hard drive, and is slower than working entirely from RAM.
I find 16GB ok on my MacBook, but I’m not doing video editing. If I was on Apples site and had to pick between more RAM or storage, I’d probably throw the money towards going to 1TB internal myself, even if for the money maybe a USB drive makes more sense. Think I’d feel constrained by the storage before RAM, personally.
I am however on an Intel MacBook without the same unified memory architecture, which possibly impacts my experience.
Storage is expandable. RAM is not.
Just buy a 1tb card for $120 when on sale and bump it up to 32gb
I assume you mean an SD Card? Those are prone to failures. Not sure it's a good idea unless you're running TimeMachine backups constantly.
@PainToad: Everything is prone to failure. You need multiple backups. I’ve lost about if irreplaceable pron with my own complacency.
@Icecold5000: Sure. But it's all about level of risk. The chance of an quality SSD failing in between backups is a lotttttt lower than an SD card.
I hope you have a network hosted TimeMachine that runs constantly .
@PainToad: And then that TimeMachine should be in RAID1/10 or an equivalent redundant FS and also have its own backup offsite and online lol
mydeal it! I got 512GB for a bit cheaper than this, it's perfect for expanding those MBP storage. especially for files that don't need to be on fast storage. music collection, old photos, you name it.
it's double benefit really: sits flush with the body, protects the SD port, expands storage. easy!
I’m using M1 Pro 16in 16GB, 512GB.
Usage: lots of Safari tabs open mostly, 1 external monitor, few apps open at once such as Spotify, word doc, photoshop, WhatsApp.
Don’t notice a lag.
Edit: include Safari
For these use cases you'd be happy with MBA.
I would think most use cases that demand a Macbook Pro over a Macbook Air would also demand a minimum 32GB of RAM, if not 64GB.
But if your use case does warrant more/faster CPU cores, with low memory demand, then sure - go for it.
This comment is delusional at best.
Bro stop comparing camry to AMG benz
I have a MacBook Pro M1 with 64GB RAM and a Macbook Air M1 with 8GB.
The Air is certainly capable, but you'll eventually notice it's limitations (both in terms of CPU thermal constraints and RAM) if you do any demanding work on it.
If you don't need large amounts of RAM, chances are you don't need a MacBook Pro anyway - stick to the Air.
A machine this caliber will definitely be used for next 5 years. That is till 2029. Definitely 32GB if you are video editing or developing software and runnings VMs etc.
I realised a while back I abused the tab feature but I’m only really regularly looking at 1-3 tabs max.
Unless your work demands the extra ram, you can change the way you use tabs and save yourself the extra cash for a ram upgrade
Bro wants 32gb and will be running Final Cut Pro + Adobe premier + Adobe Photoshop + Final Fantasy + Solitaire + Google + Safari + Netflix + P***hub + Left for dead + Watch eclipse + shopping with wife at Ozbargain + Commbank app + Amazon + Kangaroo showing + Chicken recipe
I had the 8gb m1 before my current 16gb m2. Feel no difference at all. Run heavy loads too.
If you do a lot of video editing, why stop at M2 Pro? Might as well go M2 Max or better. Furthermore, only the RAM is the issue? You also want SSD upgrade.
You use cases mean you are the target users where Apple want you to go for the extra upgrades.
Always see this feedback on any deal for laptops and phones. It really depends what you use it for. For me, I use my laptop mainly for internet browsing and emails etc, along with some Youtube watching. 8GB is plenty for my use case. Would it be enough for you? Probably not…
Yeah, but that use case would mean you'd be better off with an Air not a Pro.
The 16" Pro is a bulky machine. You don't want that bulk if you don't actually need it.
Quite bulky in fact, my colleague using one and seeing him putting it into the backpack is clumsy, think 14" more suitable for daily use
@kaikor: It's basically a more portable Mac Studio with a screen. You won't care about the bulk if you need the horsepower. But if you don't need the horsepower, you're going to regret the bulk.
This is my M1 Pro 32GB RAM and I just restarted it. Its chucking 20GB just normal tasks and not even open my editors
Pic (https://ibb.co/bmWgz0j)
RAM will spread itself out if it can, my 16GB M1 Air has a few GB as compressed. As long as you're not dipping into swap then its ideal.
It's cheaper than the apple refurb store, but doesn't really fit my use case of Youtube and web browsing.
got M1 Pro MBP 14 with 16/1TB for $2539 from Apple refurb around Xmas
came cheaper than speccing out any Air similarly, brand new
happy as. best machine ever. 16 is so much heavier, but if you need a 16 then you know who you are
thanks bought 5
OW has matched it but unavailable online
Great find man
Great price OP, well done.
Yo.. good deal.
I feel like i should upgrade. This is a steal!
Still running a 15" 2013 MBP with discrete graphics, 16G ram, 512HDD.. got it for 3.5K back then!
strange as i thought these ram/hdd specs would be the minimum standard 10+ years later!
This is a no brainer for you
I just upgraded from a MBP 2013 Retina / 16gb /512gb running a recent macOS with open legacy patcher with a new battery to a MBP M2 Max 1TB / 32gb. Had to go Max as I need heaps of external monitors (running 5 incl laptop screen), otherwise I would have gone Pro.
It’s good - the UI is way faster and I can move around quicker. But the 2013 was and still is a fine machine (I was driving 4 screens incl laptop screen and it was fine!) and surprisingly good for today depending on your workload (coding primarily for me).
Main reason for upgrading was “hey I better upgrade once every 10 years” :)
The most CPU intensive task I have is converting the odd video so it can play natively on our (2014) TV.
Open laptop and drives 3 external monitors (HDMI, 2x mDP).
I SHOULD change the battery for safety's sake… holds about 15 minutes of charge now.. hahaha.
Good price, but…
I’d seriously reconsider not buying an M3 considering the recently discovered M1/M2 unpatchable hardware exploit.
Apple can only patch this using software workarounds which will reduce performance.
Readers should remember that whatever penalties result will only be felt when affected software is performing specific cryptographic operations. For browsers and many other types of apps, the performance cost may not be noticeable.
Even so, I wouldn’t be dropping nearly 3 grand on hardware that has a known unfixable security vulnerability.
Software workarounds will never be as good and will become a game of cat and mouse.
Whilst the exploit now is quite specific, it’s still an entry point. From here either the exploit can be refined to be quicker, more damaging or different attack vectors.
Australian Consumer Law needs to be expended to treat security issues like any other product fault. If a company doesn’t (or can’t) fully fix a security issue in 90 days on a product less than 5 years old, consumers should be entitled to a refund.
The M3 is also affected by the same vulnerability and disabling the affected feature also results in a performance hit to certain functions
LOL then no tech company would sell anything in Australia.
Didn't the previous intel / amd chips have similar issues?
As for the exploit itself, it's installed via an app, right?
Edit: Spectre/Meltdown from Intel.
Spectre was what made me switch to AMD. That was nasty.
I know AMD have their own issues but Spectre was impacting performance
It’s not like a hacker could penetrate your system for this hardware exploit if one doesn’t install malware laden dodgy app(s) to it.
is there a 1tb model? I dont' buy any macs with less than 1tb of storage.
go look yourself
I got a 16” M2 pro 1Tb around Christmas from Good Guys for $2900. The had a few just sitting there, staff said the were impossible to shift, customers considered them too expensive so they were on clearance.
Pays to ask around.
Which store is this?
Tweed heads South
Wow that is insanely good price.
thanks made now i don't' need to look like the last guy said lol.
what is this ? $3k for 500gb of space, serious apple?
don't like don't buy.
apple are a very valuable company and many people are happy to pay for their products.
be happy with your sub 1K laptop with 250nits screen
lol, apple fan boys are real
lol fanboi!
facts are facts
I have an android phone, never owned an iphone. I got a macbook for work long ago and have used them daily ever since. Nothing compares, especially after the M1 chips were released.
Buy what you want with your money, but complaining about paying 3K and only getting 512GB of storage is sad
but hey 4 down votes so maybe I'm the one who's wrong and I'm indeed a 'fanboy'.
hey man don't be a dick.
Wait until you see how much they charge for four Mac Pro wheels.
or the Pro Display stand.
cheaper than a refurb unit from Apple
Yeah my thoughts exactly, strange. I always just keep an eye on refurbs. Never expected new to be a better deal.
deal or not, they are different models.
That’s the 14in version you porkchop
*porkchop pro
OW price matched the same 16 inch model to avoid people asking for price beat guarantee.
OP's has 2 more CPU cores, 3 more GPU cores, 2" larger screen…
Great price.
After my free keyboard repair, I got a new SSD, Logicboard ect so basically my MBP from 2019 is brand new again!
Won't need to upgrade for another few years yet.
But if I was in need this is an absolute no brainer
Potentially use of GC can bring this down further + if going overseas in next 60 days could claim 10% TRS at the Airport. Nice find op
Just to clarify, you aren't claiming "10% TRS".
Via TRS, you're claiming 10% GST back, which is effectively 9% the original price back.
I just had a look at the online stores of Apple, Good Guys and JB, if you want a 16" MacBook Pro with 1TB of storage it's six f@#king grand from Apple! Then, to add insult to injury, Good Guys and JB don't stock that model of MacBook Pro so you can't get 10% of it when either of those retailers have their 10% off sales.
Such an altruistic company that spruiks equality and justice, but prices their products like this is a pure contradiction.
Timmy Cook and his marketing team need massive kick up the coight for this ridiculous pricing in Australia.
You are looking at default configurations. Only M3 Max comes with 1TB SSD as default. M3 Pro 16 inch with 1TB upgrade is $4600 RRP (still expensive). M3 Max is really for people who really need that configuration (work related) or people with really high income and have legit reasons to buy such a laptop (i.e. doctors, whom have an annual budget for tech related gears). Those who can afford M3 Max laptops normally don't bother checking OZB.
Chill there and stop manipulating.
Go to https://www.apple.com/au/shop/buy-mac/macbook-pro/16-inch-sp… and change to 1TB to get it for $4599, which is quite far from your "six f@#king grand" claim. Also that's the newest model.
Not saying that's cheap, but it's like you're crying about an apartment you want costing "six f@#king milions", and getting all worked up the world being against you, not adding you're looking at 6 bedrooms at the 70th floor in the CBD, that you probably don't even need.
I'm not manipulating, it is six grand for a default configuration of 1TB 16" MacBook Pro from Apple. What I didn't notice which netsurfer pointed out is that model has the M3 Max chip in it which makes it even dumber on Apples behalf, because the M3 Pro machines don't have a default 1TB option.
This is called "upselling" if you didn't know and Timmy Cook is doing a great job at bending us over down here in Oz.
Also your claim of $4599 is so good because it's built to order and you can't get 10% off when JB and the Good Guys have their sales which I was also pointing out with the six grand machine.
Nice "real estate" analogy there, got anymore you want to throw out while you're at it?
2 points, try again.
You're clearly confusing the models, and also what you're replying to - "Also your claim of $4599…" was to @netsurfer, not to myself.
Anyway, all good, we all know the marketing drills, you just sounded so dramatic I let myself do that too.
Just picked this up from TGG Castle Hill - thanks @beyond2k
Deal at a rather perfect time.
Ah I just noticed that is was the Max chip, which makes it even more r3tarded.
Look pal, you don't need to justify the price of these devices to me, I've used Mac's for many years and would defend them in the past just the same as you've done, with you're post, right now.
"M3 Max is really for people who really need that configuration (work related) or people with really high income and has legit reasons to buy such a laptop (i.e. doctors, which have an annual budget for tech related gears)."
So what you're really trying to say is only people with a high income should look at buying the higher end MacBook Pro's and there aren't any hobbyists out there that could do with that extra power, but are on much lower incomes so let's just let, Apple price the middle class out even more, yes?
You're sounding a bit….capitalist…..or should I say, elitist right now….
Your reply might have been to @netsurfer, but I'm chiming in.
If you're actually making money thanks to such a powerful machine, you'll get your investment back pretty fast, I'm sure.
It's just that you sounded as dramatic as some of the peeps complaining about these ridiculous prices as if they desperately needed these computers, or as if someone forced them to buy it. I'm all for everyone owning one, but that's very, very unfortinately not possible, so then: having a whim of a $6k computer with little justification for it and making a fuss out of it is a bizarre hobby.
In a perfect world, yes you'll make your money back, but as you know, this world is far from perfect.
Oh I sounded dramatic did I? No I was just pointing out how Apple, the altruistic company that believes in equality and human rights, are a bunch of c#%ts for pricing the middle class out of their high end machines.
Not sure if you know this mate, but we live in a democracy where not only doctors can buy expensive computers, sorry.
Work gave me a Macbook Pro 16 inch for my job. You want me to go and whinge it is too expensive?
Yeah, it's straight from the most capitalistic democracy in the world (where it's relatively much cheaper, BTW, because they're wealthier) to the other very capitalistic, very democracy.
Would've been much nicer if these were cheaper, I'm not gonna lie.
@pizzaguy: Also straight out of the most altruistic, virtue signalling companies too. I even said to the staff in the Apple stores that "it'd be nice if such a wonderful, altruistic company could lower it prices that also might do the world some good hey" to which they stare at the floor and say, "yes".
@scooba: Apple, like other companies are not charity and they objective is to make money. The purpose of the CEO of every profitable company is to make money and as much as possible, exceeding the year before otherwise they’ll be forced to step down.
Asking Apple to lower its prices is like asking Rolls Royce to price their cars cheaper. There are many other car manufacturers out there and if we don’t like their prices, we can buy another brand. Same as computers. There are a lot of people buy Apple but there are also a lot who don’t buy because to them they’re not worth the price.
@FrugalNotStingy: After all these years behind the wheel of a Macintosh and people STILL make these dumb analogies that compare Apple to a luxury car manufacturer like Rolls Royce.
Yes they're a computer company out to make money, but you're missing the point silly, or should I say my point of pointing out they're all about human rights and equality, but they're going to f#%k their customers at the same time!
I think this is what the Apple loving hipster douchebags call "irony".
I would take it if only Ram is 32GB. Im not sure how others feel but I would never get any 16GB RAM in 2024. I do use lots tabs, 2 external monitor to do video editing.