This was posted 11 months 9 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Force Factor NAC (N-Acetyl L-Cysteine) 600 Mg, 200 Capsules $16.88 + Shipping ($0 with Prime/ $59 Spend) @ Amazon US via AU

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Sells for AU$36.30 at Iherb

POWERFUL ANTIOXIDANT SUPPORT: NAC is a powerful antioxidant that helps to fight free radicals in the body.
HELPS YOUR BODY REPLENISH GLUTATHIONE: Force Factor N-Acetyl Cysteine immune support supplement helps your body replenish glutathione, the most powerful naturally occurring antioxidant.
PROTECTS AGAINST FREE RADICALS & OXIDATIVE STRESS: N-acetylcysteine helps boost your naturally occurring antioxidant levels which help protect you against free radicals and oxidative stress.
MADE WITH PREMIUM VEGGIE CAPSULES: Unlike some immune support supplements, every dose of NAC 600 mg comes in a premium vegetable capsule, free of gelatin or animal byproducts.
NON-GMO, GLUTEN-FREE, & VEGETARIAN: With no artificial colors, artificial flavors, or gelatin, you can rest assured that you’re choosing a high-quality, better-for-you NAC supplement..Unit count: 200.0.Item weight: 8.1 ounces

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • Ooooo, yes please!

  • o heck yes!

  • +5

    Is this another snake oil or you guys notice any difference?

    • Has a similar effect on me to caffeine, strangely enough.

      • +8

        I read how this can cause mood variations on Reddit. Not buying. I exercise, eat healthy, sleep well and take my vitamins once in a while. Plenty enough. Not for me.

        • +7

          If you truly manage to sleep well consistently, that's better than any of these dodgy supplements and I wouldn't risk ruining that.

        • +31

          To be fair, a lot of things can cause mood variations on Reddit.

    • +10

      It is medically used for paracetamol overdoses.

      It has other effects, due to it's interference with sulphur bonds in protein synthesis. So it can loosen phlegm. Note that this same effect will also interfere with collagen and cartilage synthesis so long term use may cause arthritis.

      • +6

        That uh… doesn't sound like something people should just randomly supplement for 'antioxidants' lol

        • +1

          Agree. And multivitamins too.Only if you are deficient or on a very low cal diet.

        • +1

          It may make sense to supplement for people over 45 to address age related shortfalls, but there still isn't enough data to be sure.

      • +1

        Pretty sure it is via IV.

      • +2

        Interesting! I had it prescribed in the 70s as a mucolytic (for cystic fibrosis lungs) and still take it daily. And i did get terrible pain joints till i was about 38 and discovered glucosamine/chondroiton which helped tremendously (100% in fact for last 20yrs). Maybe thats because the little damage one does to cartilage the other one negates. I only take about 3 gluc/chon pills per week, and prob. 1200mg NAC daily.

        • Do you mind sharing the exact brand of Glucosamine/Chondroitin that you take?

          • +1

            @[Deactivated]: Any brand. In the first few years i wouod take one a day, now even less. Just look for the pills with most mg of each :)

            • @Waltervp: Thanks.

    • +1

      Of course it's snake oil.

      Utter bs

  • +17

    Helps against spike protein

    • I use spike protein powder

    • +3

      We love spike protein here, I remember the backlash a while back from some of my comments.

      • +7

        Tide has turned. My initial comments like this in 2020 had -50 votes

        • +5

          Glad to see another brother with brains that could see past the bs, like the deals here with rat tests in the past 🤣.

          Just wondering when the next plandemic happens how many people will wake up, I'm guessing a handful

        • You're the winner here.

          I got me a couple incase I feel the sniffles come on to loosen up me phlegm.

  • +2

    Wish they had NMN on sale

    • +1

      A lot of the NMN on amazon is fake btw

      • I buy liposomal NMN&NAD&NR from Renue by Science which has regular certificates of analysis from legit labs.
        I'm also a professional athlete that relies on that 1% difference and my peers include Olympic/Commonwealth athletes.
        Also personally involved in sports integrity roles at both state and federal levels with extensive experience in reviewing and managing lab analysis issued certificates.

        I'd be very wary of buying NMN online - as stated by many users before - most of it is fake.

        • Curious are you older (35+)? From what I've heard NMN is only useful when your levels start declining noticeably. I heard David Sinclair say there wasn't much point taking it before 35 and even then sparingly especially when you're already exercising regularly as that helps maintain your bodies NAD levels. I guess if you are chasing even the tiniest gain it might help but if I remember correctly there wasn't much research done on whether doing so could decrease your natural NAD levels? Interested to hear as you will know more than me.

          • +1

            @ChupaCabra: I am 42, took nmn for around a year from renue by science, felt no difference so stopped wasting money.

      • I buy pure NMN powder from Agemate and pretty sure it's legit as I've found I'm more alert and have more energy. I take 1 gram every morning like David Sinclair. Some days I wake up and it feels like I slept on a cloud. I recommend.

        • +1

          Not saying it doesn't work, and I used to take some for a while, but Sinclair has been discredited both as a scientist and as a businessman.

  • Thank you! perfect timing! was shopping for this!

  • how much is shipping?

    • Free shipping if on Amazon Prime

  • I bought one, assume others here did too, and still on 0% claimed
    edit - rocketed to 1%

  • -5

    Snake oil.

    People love spending money on vitamins / minerals / antioxidants they aren't deficient in.

    • +8

      You know this for a fact, in relation to this product, or is that just your opinion?

        • Education =/= Intelligence. Sorry to burst your bubble.

    • +4

      You just gotta do your own research bro

    • +7

      I doubt you've even heard of NAC but you're prepared to call it "snake oil".

      Clinical trials have shown its effectiveness in significantly reducing severity and symptoms of influenza and C19.

      NAC treatment was well tolerated and resulted in a significant decrease in the frequency of influenza-like episodes, severity, and length of time confined to bed. Both local and systemic symptoms were sharply and significantly reduced in the NAC group. Frequency of seroconversion towards A/H1N1 Singapore 6/86 influenza virus was similar in the two groups, but only 25% of virus-infected subjects under NAC treatment developed a symptomatic form, versus 79% in the placebo group.

      • -1

        Ivermectin is much better imo, look up the clinical term horse wormer 🤣

    • +4

      Buy it for your relatives 65y+ - there is research showing clear benefit for them when combined with Glycine (GlyNac)

      Plus if someone take too much Paracetamol- this is used in emergency rooms to detoxify them

    • Yeah, like those nuts who take creatine instead of just drinking more water. Absolute crackjobs.. 😅

  • +15

    NAC is one of the primary supplements for virus suppression, anti-cancer and general health.
    Here's your list: zinc, quercetin, NAC, vitamin D three, vitamin C

    • +3

      Where do you get your info? Webmd seems to have a lot of "mights", "mays" and "needs more research".…

      • +7

        Unfortunately mainstream medicine is owned by Big Pharma now. There's little profit in the best medicines. I don't want to start one of those huge discussions, but I'll give you for purposes of example, one person,… and one of his vids: He says Vit D3 is the best medicine for cancer prevention.

        • -3

          Even if what you said about Big Pharma were correct, taking these supplements does not prevent cancer in everyone who takes them.

          Thankfully “Big Pharma” does provide treatment options which help many cancer patients, with which even the unsuccessful former candidate of the populist right-wing UK Independence Party, Professor Angus Dalgleish, treats many of his patients. The site you linked does state, after all, that he co-founded Onyvax Ltd, “a company set up in 1998 to make novel vaccines for common solid tumours, where he is currently Research Director.”

          • +8

            @toasty: See. Here we go, attack the messenger not the message. Now this guy, rather than being one of the most eminent Profs in the UK and published hundreds of times is now an "unsuccessful former candidate" of a "populist right-wing party". This is how these things go these days when you try to help somebody. No one ever said any single thing will prevent cancer in everyone. How ridiculous. However he says D3 is the SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT thing anyone can do to reduce their risk. In any case, he's not the only one, there's a flood now. Believe whatever you want.

            • +1

              @trevor99: Don't bother with them. They're bots. They cannot think properly or comprehend what you're saying lol

          • +2

            @toasty: He had no choice but to join an independent party, as the establishment is in bed with the big pharma these days.

        • Interesting, appreciate the info and the links, cheers.

    • +1

      This stuff was laughed at back in 2021-22. Sad.

      • +1

        There was a specific & deliberate reason,
        why that was allowed to happen.

  • +2

    cheers op with a try, gonna try stack this with my tonkat ali mix and berberine, with my fast 800 keto and green tea lol, hopefully no reactions

  • Do people take this on its own? I've read that it's more effective if taken together with glycine.

    • +1

      i take on its own sometimes, on an empty stomach as it has low bioavailability

  • good price, they dont really sell this in Oz pharmacies
    after a while it starts to smell thought

  • +6

    I jokingly call myself a drug addict, because I take HEAPS of nutritional supplements. I used to mainly get these products via Amazon or iherb.

    However, as of recent, I became a little concerned after hearing about much of the products from the US could be either contaminated, not contain the supposed/described dose, etc. because the oversight by the FDA is not good at all (or they actually are not supposed to oversee this market?).

    I understand that many of the products such as the one in the deal are not readily available in Aus (at least in terms of reasonable price points) .. but on the flipside such nutritional supplement products are considered more 'safe' in Aus because we got TGA, not FDA?

    Can somebody share their experience or thoughts?

    I upvoted the deal by the way, great bang for the buck.

    • +3

      This price seems pretty good from an Australian store.…

      It is not caps, but powder is easy enough

      • +1

        Appreciate your input, Aureus!

    • -1

      I'm also big on bio hacking and have tried a lot of things, many of which I'm still taking. However, I share your concerns, as the supplements indus8is largely unregulated.

      And even for the things that are regulated, can you trust the FDA, that's made up of the the former big pharma execs. The whole thing Is corrupt and is incestuous.

    • Stick to well known and ‘trusted’ brands.
      NOW test their competitors, do their own third party testing. A lot of supps brand found on Amazon don’t meet label claims.
      Now are priced competitively.
      Otherwise go full blown and go Thorne.

  • +7

    I take these, they help get rid of toxins and increase my vitality

    • +4

      Do you check your toxin dipstick to be able to measure?

      • +2

        Not funny, I used to be really sick living in a moldy home and this supplement helped with the symptoms a bit. Some with long covid also reporting success. Not everyone is a Pete Evans shill

        • I can believe that, but you are also being more specific than toxins and vitality. You are also taking them to alleviate an illness rather than random health gains.

  • +16

    if you think that the cov!d vaccine was beneficial, then this vitamin is not for you :)

    • +3

      If i take this will I unwittingly find myself in a courtroom telling a Magistrate i was travelling, not driving?

  • Is this ok for children

    • as an aid for decongesting lungs or if they have ingested too much paracetamol

  • I've heard this is popular to take between raves as it helps clear neurotoxins, allowing you to have 'that' experience again sooner. Often comes up in a certain subreddit, obviously all anecdotal but some swear by it.

  • +1

    those are a lot of words I dont know the meaning to

  • this then Dan Murphy on the weekend. Precious times.

  • +3

    sounds like a drug you'd take in a fallout game lol

  • +2

    Do a reddit search on NAC and addiction. Apparently NAC is quite good at helping people with addictions, e.g. alcoholics, etc

  • +17

    I came here to read all the comments from the OzB brofessors.

    Never disappointed.

    • People without degrees obviously have no brains, how can anyone trust a person who hasn't been brainwashed by the System…these people are quacks…im with you i only trust people with very big titles because they would never screw the common man.

  • +1

    Powder is cheaper than tablet and NAC pairs well with any juice.

  • +2

    Pair with Glycine to maximize the effect
    Also, avoid any supplement that has Silicon Dioxide. And cycle it ( for example 5days on 2 days off ).
    Not advice*

  • I take this before I have a few beers. Definitely helps with hangovers.

    Also good when I've had chest infections in the past, certainly helps clear up the mucus and coughing quicker.

    • Surely you don't get a hangover from a few beers unless you're a lightweight?

      • 15% bourbon barrel aged beers, non of that 7% mid strength nonsense.

  • Long term use users point out that it blunts them and they feel nothing, anhedonia

    • So side effects only if you're under 30? Gotcha.

  • this was a better buy at $12 last week. Ranked #2 on IHERB…

    • Only 60 Tabs in there tho…

  • +2

    Should I add these to my 1kg of AG1 I take daily?

  • If only I could find a sale on R-Alpha Lipoic Acid too! I take them together 😊

  • +2

    I've been having bad congestion with mucus and sinus issues since 2020. I did some research and tried another brand of this from amazon 3 weeks ago, i was taking 1200Mg a day and i felt like all the mucus was coming out effortlessly. But at the same time I was getting heart palpitations.. dropped it down to 600Mg and fingers crossed, it had changed my life and has helped my sleep as well. Placebo or not, whatever works right?

    • How long after taking did it help with sinus and mucus ?? Sudafed and nasal sprays not doing itnfor me atm

      • Around a week with 1200mgs a day.
        I'm also using dymista as well (but started way before i started this)

        • Was given a starter pack of ryaltris which i believe is the same only been on it 3 days the taste is horrible when it goes into the bsvk of throat lol is it the same with dymista

          • +1

            @leasky: I'm pretty tolerant to tastes/smells. These supplements have a really bad smell too but it'd fine for me. The dymista doesn't have any bad taste for me.. I'd give it a shot! I don't use oral antihistamines too now since I've used this. Goodluck

  • +1

    Bought 30

    • 15% discount for 3+ so good call

  • It says in benefits Clinically Studied Dose, well what was the results of the study???
    convince me

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