A general question when purchasing a new item online, to double-up on tracked purchases. The theory - purchase a new Dell laptop online.
First option, purchase through Cashrewards (or similar site) to obtain an approx 5-6% saving (appeox $170 saving)
Purchase through Velocty e-Store and earn 2 points / per $1 (approx 6,800 VFF).
Has anyone successful purchased through one outlet then claim through the other to double-up. I note Cashrewards have a 'Report missing transaction' option. Similarly, e-store have a 'Claim missing points' option.
Obviously in both scenarios, you would need need to click through their website and stop short of purchasing the item in question so they can see it being tracked in the first instance.
Thoughts on the above?!
Unfortunately only one tracker will be counter (dont worry i've tried). Dell will associate the cashback/reward with the sale.