This was posted 11 months 18 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC, Steam] Days Gone $18.73 (75% off) @ Steam or $16.48 @ Fanatical


You can also get it @ Fantatical for $16.48

I really liked this game, very nice open world, great mechanics, the bike is great, and the possibility of running out of petrol out in the woods really gave me the heebie jeebies.

Main character sometimes comes across as bit of a psycho when you're clearing out bases & muttering to himself but this is one of the best games I played on PS5. I'd rank it up there with Ghost of Tsushima and Horizon Forbidden West.

I know it's about the same price @ GoG at the moment but a lack of DRM doesn't really mean much to me when I actually own a game and there's too many quality of life benefits to having a game on steam.

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closed Comments

  • +7
  • +6

    just finished this the other day. Loved it. Those hoards could be a pain.

    • +3

      After I finished I added the extra horde numbers from Vortex. Super fun.

  • +8

    Loved this game on ps5.. underrated

  • +3

    Is a steal at this price, such a good game.

  • +6

    Fun game. Runs great on Steam Deck.

  • +3

    Great game.

  • I thought the story and characters we're pretty cringey in parts. The extended fuel mod on PC makes cruising around on the bike wayyyy better

    • +3

      If it does what I think it does, IE, just more petrol, it would probs ruin a big part of the game. I specifically mentioned that in the description?

      You may as well get unlimited ammo and invincibility mods. Or just watch a Let's Play on YouTube. :shrugs:

      • +2

        I get what you mean but filling up with fuel was just an annoyance. And with the amount of fuel you poured in the default fuel efficiency felt super unrealistic, and it made me not want to ride it. The mod doesn't make it unlimited fuel, you still need to fill up

      • +1

        I really liked the fuel mechanic and the ammo scarcity for a while, but after about 30hrs in the game I got a bit bored of having to stealth or avoid situations, or risk going somewhere with low fuel and play that scenario out again, so these sorts of mods make the game more enjoyable for me. (and no, I have zero interest in watching a youtube playthrough haha)

        But yes - absolutely banger game once you get past how cringe the characters are!!

    • Oh yeah the characters were ultra cringe. Definitely skipped the cutscenes.

    • I played this game for maybe an hour before I resorted to mods. Fun game, needed some work on the gameplay loop.

    • Depends on what your after. I thought it was an important mechanic. Loved this game.

  • Is this multiplayer?

  • Wanted to love this, but it really is such an average, average game…….soooo repetitive.

  • +4

    Great game!

  • +1

    These are ATL for these stores but GameBillet has had it for $14.50 in the past

  • +8

    Loved this game so much.

    It starts a little slow and does drag a little at the end but geez it was an achievement for an open world zombie game.

  • +7

    I played it all the way through and I don't do that often. Would recommend.

  • +3

    Been playing this for about 3 weeks. Would recommend it.

  • Are there many jumpscares? How scary is the game?

    • +6

      I'd say similar to Walking Dead? You can outrun the zombies… it gets pretty tense sometimes imho, like i mentioned, running out of fuel in the woods and having to walk home. Hordes are pretty creepy… you can outrun them but sometimes you got no where to run, get cornered. Etc. They did a good job of making a Zombie apocalypse world that feels very real.

    • +1

      Just finished it a few weeks ago. I don't think there are any intentional jumpscare moments. But the world is full of zombies, so it gets scary sometimes. I enjoyed it a lot!

  • +3

    It's an excellent game, probably have the fondest memories of it out of all the ps4 exclusives. Highly recommended if you have even the faintest interest in zombies.

  • +5

    Such an underrated game.

  • +4

    That main story-line was a rollercoaster of hope and despair. Really well done.
    Clearing hordes was a lot of fun, planning out routes to run to with mines to lay and barrels to shoot.
    I got this game for free on PS+ and was the only game I've ever platinum'ed.

  • +2

    Really enjoyed this game. I picked up not knowing much about it, surprised how enjoyable it was.

  • If any one of you want a 100% DRM free copy of Days Gone that does not need internet (once you get the full offline installer) and happy to pay somewhere between 6 cents to a bit about 2.31 AUD more, then you can get it from GOG here at AUD 18.79 . So that's an option too, but totally your choice.

  • Loved this game, the story was great, and the hordes of fast running zombies were such fun to deal with. Very tense when you're in a tricky situation and you manage to throw a couple of molotovs and mow down the last few zombies before you run out of bullets!

  • Awesome game, bought this on release at full price and felt it was worth every dollar.
    Even played through it again last year or so (and I'm not one to usually go back to games I've finished before).
    Some stressful parts dealing with hordes but good storyline and the gameplay loop was fun.

  • +1

    Man I loved just riding my bike around the beautiful Oregon (inspired) mountains…

  • +2

    Echoing others, loved this game. Beautiful Oregon scenery, spooky abandoned town gameplay, supernatural (zombie) elements combined with post-apocalyptic tribal elements… ahead of its time for its vision of America.

    It launched on PS4 which wasn't powerful enough to render it properly, so it got bad reviews on release but the story, graphics, gameplay, characters (despite what people say above about them being "cringe", whatever that's supposed to mean) and mechanics were excellent.

    • -2

      You don't know what cringe means?

      • -1

        It originally meant to die in battle. Now I understand its meaning to be 'arbitrarily and non-specifically bad in a way I don't have the skills to articulate properly'.

  • +1

    I heard so many people loved this game and I gave it a go. Wish I hadn't, it was so clunky and lame imo

    • Might have been the PS4 issue - not the devs' fault, it's the publisher pushing a game early onto a last-season console. If you've played it since the PC release then fair enough, horses for courses.

      • +1

        Yeah I played it on PC. Was not for me. I guess rdr2 just sets such a high bar it's hard to be bothered.

        • +1

          Totally agree with you there. Loved RDR2 and played this the following year when I had some time off, it was a similar feeling exploring the world but a post-apocalyptic Pacific Northwest one rather than the Californian frontier of RDR2. I guess some games just get their hooks into me and I keep playing even if there are some plot points that don't sit well with me. The PNW setting (Crater Lake was amazingly reproduced) reminded me a bit of the end of TLOU, which isn't exactly open world but is a similar third person shooter, particularly with the zombie elements. The game whose plot point early on I felt most betrayed by was TLOU2, but that's another argument to have! Days Gone had a believable protagonist and the way relationships between people were told through flashback cutscenes was well done. Fair enough if none of these games grab some people like they do others, there just doesn't seem to be a lot of reasoned debate between gamers - everything's either a hivemind love or hate reaction it seems these days.

  • Playing it on Steam Deck. 👍

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