A userscript to properly hide users you want hidden

I've already suggested that the 'hide' user feature should hide them better, such as not showing replies.

I figured I could use my considerable spare time to make this happen (what's the saying? Idle hands are the…something's playthings).

Anyway, the script is here: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/490404-just-vanish. Put that into your favourite userscript extension (tampermonkey, greasemonkey, etc.).

  • Add the usernames to the script from line 14 into the array (cbf building the UI to edit lists)
  • If you have hidden/blocked users, you'll also need to add them into the second array (under 'hideUserIds') because the username isn't in the DOM
  • This script will hide the user's posts from 'Live' and forums
  • It fully hides the user's content, including if it's 'hidden' (i.e. "Comment blocked. Show")
  • Also hides replies to hidden users (if I don't want to see their comment, why would I want to see replies to it?)

Anyway, have at it.


  • +17

    Admit it - you wanted to call this the 'official jv filter'

    • +5

      I've left 'easter eggs' in the code. It's enough for me 😉

      • +1


        • +4

          That's one. 'sb' is 'shadowban'. I realise that's actually not what it does but that's left in there now.

          The other one is in line 2.

          • +2

            @ozbargainsam: Does that mean you won’t be attending the goat sacrifice hosted by @jv?

          • @ozbargainsam: If you had also included a parameter to reference a users total post count to their include exclude condition that would have been golden :)

          • @ozbargainsam: Just Vanish?

    • +6

      Jv is the reason i read this. Lol.

  • +1

    If I hide you, can I still see this post?

    • +2

      Alas, it only works on replies.

      (also, I knew that comment was coming)

  • +2

    Pastebin deletes Guest pastes after a period of time, if you want somewhere to upload it and have it stay permanently you will need to upload it to https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/by-site/ozbargain.com.au

  • +4

    They have the internet on computers now?

    • +2

      Can’t believe that thing is still around!

    • I hear there's a computer company about to release a "breakthrough internet communications device."

  • +1

    Maybe if we ignore them, don't reply to or vote on their comments they'll Just Vanish.

    • +1

      I feel like people like jv wouldn't care.

      • They're here for the negs.

  • +2

    Odd, I haven't installed the plugin but yet I can't see any JV comments in this thread. This code is amazing!

  • +1

    I like JV, there, someone had to say it.

    • +3

      Ya filthy animal!

    • This is the way! Variety is the spice of life.

      • +2

        The amount of conversations had about jv and the amount of down and up votes they get, I just think this place would be a little boring without characters like jv.

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