Hi all, I'm trying to firstly for myself understand but also decipher a lot of HR speak policy that's around my partners job with regards to Maternity leave.
We have an approximate due date of 1st October and wanting to finish up work as soon as possible under the maternity leave rules and regulations etc. but wanting to make sure we maximise the benefits made available.
I'm trying to understand the mix of employer paid maternity leave and then the additional government portion of the leave as it's in the new currently with an additional two weeks being added in next financial year so should apply to our situation.
My partner is in a position where she will likely take the leave but there's going to be a very strong likelihood of her not returning to work after, but we are waiting to see how things progress with the pregnancy etc. We would be looking to use up a large balance of annual leave in the coming months before informing them of the pregnancy and then moving towards fishing up for Maternity leave early August.
Is there any proceedural things to do or would this fall on her worklplace HR to explain out these things?
It's all hit super hard and fast with finding out just recently and then also we're further along than we had thought as well.
I'm trying to make sure I OzBargain the most benefit.
First thing to do, start reviewing the employment contract to understand leave entitlements there are and go from there. Not only will there be maternity leave, but there will be sick leave (under Personal leave) that can taken in the leadup to birth too. Depending on how long she's been there, there might be quite a bit accrued. If there's any other leave or time in-lieu that won't get paid out (upon resignation), make use of that first.