Samsung's Apple Studio Display competitor, the 5K (5120x2880) S90PC Monitor, hits a new low of $1599.
Big Smile Sale Deal 30% off
Officeworks still at $2,299.00 if you wan to price beat.
Samsung's Apple Studio Display competitor, the 5K (5120x2880) S90PC Monitor, hits a new low of $1599.
Big Smile Sale Deal 30% off
Officeworks still at $2,299.00 if you wan to price beat.
5k is better than 4k for macos
Isn't it better for windows too?
At this size it's a complete waste and you'll be running with scaling on, probably 200%. Unless you are sitting pressed up against it or you have owl DNA.
@Masakari: How much owl DNA… ? I'm currently waiting for some 23-and-Me results to arrive, but we've always suspected there is owl DNA somewhere in the family tree.
I currently have a 43" LG ultrafine something, something 4K, that I've been using as a desk monitor for about 5 years now, shared between a few computers.
You definitely need to use upscaling.
Windows I have 150%
I recently wiped and re-installed a MacMini, and it defaulted to native resolution, and I nearly needed a telescope to see anything. :D
At this size it's a complete waste and you'll be running with scaling on, probably 200%. Unless you are sitting pressed up against it or you have owl DNA.
This is what Apple did when they introduced high-DPI "retina" screen in macbooks. The screen was 2880×1800, but by default the size of the interface was as it's 1440x900. But I get it, scaling different than the straight 2x has been fine on Apple laptops. I can imagine it would wreck havoc in Windows, now that I recall how less consistent it is.
Not in the same way. MacOS UI is designed to scale nicely at 5k because it's desktop monitors have been 5k for ages now. Whereas Windows is better at scaling to different arbitrary resolutions.
5k is better than 4k for macros
My Excel macros run fine on either
5K monitor is created for graphics designers and video editors.
The screen can display 4K content with 1:1 ratio and still have space for menu bars and options around the video content.
its good for editing 4k video because you can view it in full resolution and still have room on the screen for video editing controls. also helps in more details on photo edits etc. The more pixels the better.
Five is indeed an odd number!
Available for $1379.40 at Samsung EDU Store.
Wow, that is a seriously low price for a 5K monitor. What are its shortcomings compared with the LG, Dell or the Apple Studio Display, all of which are roughly $1K or more expensive? Probably not much.
The Studio display is metal while this is plastic. Probably worth the shortcomings for 5k. I believe they both share the same panel.
worth noting that apple will also charge you extra for matte screen, and adjustable stand, which this monitor has.
when the LG 5k ultrafine display came out back in 2016 they launched it at 1200 bucks. Today you have to pay 2k for it so the price is good though, compared to monitors like the apple displays.
its not much better than my LG 5K Ultrafine display very little incentive for me to upgrade.
Sexy as hell but I can never go back to 60hz, especially with phones now being higher refresh rates too 🤧 spoilt brat alert 🚨
this monitor is not for games, its for video editing and photo editing. high refresh rate is irrelevant in this case. its more about colour accuracy
Classic response, gonna have to add this to my classic response jar 🫙
I don’t even game, I exclusively use mac and it’s still just nicer for me interacting with everyday UI/office use/etc more smoothly. Vote me into oblivion! 📉
Classic responses to classic comments coming from classically smart peeps!
classic response from someone that doesn't do any work, or is unemployed one of the 2. put that in ya Jar.
alert accepted
$1379 in samsung EPP and EDU
And a $100 off if you have an Amex card.
I recently converted an 5k iMac 27" into a 5k 10bit monitor run by my M1 MacBook Pro.…
if you feel up to it have a read
Yeah I did that too. But my LCD had pink bleed around the edge and then the one I ordered online arrived damaged.
I actually ended up getting a Studio Display on sale but was still watching the Samsung.
yeah I think the lg panels are pretty promo to that. I know my 22" ultra fine has it. the late-2015 5k panel seems good so far.
I would love the studio display. but I can't afford it lol.
what was the cost of doing this?
have an old 27 iMac that I don't know what to do with.
could be a nice second display with the Samsung I just purchased
I put the LCD back on my 5K iMac so PM me if you want to buy any bits.
The R1811 Board I payed $442 (it’s the top tier board. 10bit full colour and 90w PD over TB/USB-C
There are other boards at 8Bit for around half the price.
I paid $50 for the crossovers to connect the orig iMac speakers.
I already had the iMac 5K with a dead power supply.
Pretty much around 500. Worth it if you have an iMac already lying around.
The board price has slowly been creeping up in price as the demand has gone up.
Yeah there was no way I was trusting my MacBook Air with PD from one of those cards. The Mac Rumors thread has a guy that killed two Mac with one. Thats why I went the R9A18 with Dual DP1.2. Got full 10bit colour, just had to use a HP Dock ($70).
That’s odd.