Looking for a chess set like they use in tournaments, so like 20 inch vinyl roll up board and triple weighted pieces. I see this (https://www.wheelsandmotion.com.au/best-chess-set-ever-moder…) set is that, but it's $100. There's this similar one on eBay (https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/355481345988) for $60, but unsure of quality.
I see you can get these boards cheap in the US Amazon for under $60, but shipping to Australia is huge and brings them up to over $100.
If anyone knows where to get a tournament style triple or quad weighted chess set for like $60 I'd appreciate it. Maybe there's some hidden chess school resellers or something I'm not aware of?
Go to a dedicated chess store. They are around. e.g. Chess World are in Melbourne and online.
Only single weighted but: https://www.chessworld.com.au/tournament-chess-set-95mm-sing… . I use a set like this for practicing/reading chess games.
I strongly recommend a folding board over a roll-up board. The roll-up boards never lie flat properly.