Suppose there are 2 groupbuy websites and they both are running the same deal at the same time, but at different prices. For example, let's just say the deal worth is originally $20.
1 deal @ 30% off ($14 deal price)
1 deal @ 70% off ($6 deal price)
Which will you pick? Why?
What if they run a 2nd deal @ $40 in value? Will the answers change?
1 is run @ 30% off ($28 deal price)
1 is run @ 70% off ($12 deal price)
What I want to know is, would people pay for a higher price in order to get better quality, or simply screw it coz it aint attractive?
I think we need a better example cause I have no idea what you're asking…
I'll happily pay more for a better quality item if I believe the quality difference is worth the price premium.
For example, I only buy Australian Made Drill bits… They cost a bucket-load more than the Chinese ones, but they Chinese ones are dead after a few uses wheras the Australian ones are still sharp.