This was posted 12 years 4 months 2 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free 4 Games with Any Purchase 2 Cans of Lynx


Free games? Lynx is here to hook you up! Simply buy two cans of Lynx, enter your barcodes and receipt number here, nominate 2 friends and we'll give you all a free game download!

Games available with this code are:

  • Anno 2070
  • Assassin's Creed Revalations
  • Driver San Francisco
  • Heroes VI

I just used the bar code from the old ones and received email immediately.

EDIT: You can only use the code for only ONE GAME.

Deal is back on 8/11
Games available with this code are:

  • Assassin's Creed Brotherhood
  • Prince of Persia The Forgotten Sands
  • NCIS
  • Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2
  • From Dust

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closed Comments

  • +3

    so whats the bar code number?

    edit: thanks kendo below for 0083 (used in both), and just random digits for the receipt worked a treat

    • thanks to opasx below…… also adding your own gmail account with a modifier gets you 3 codes all up per facebook account ([email protected], [email protected])

      • +1

        Noticed in the terms and conditions it says:

        "Multiple entries are permitted, subject to the following: (a) The user can only submit the form 5 times (using the same email address)."

        So you should only need one email address :)

  • +1

    Cheap Lynx cans here - $1.69 using chemistwarehouse's price match policy.

  • there is a cheat for this if you use the internet and search for barcodes

    • tired a couple from google but still invalid

  • Tried barcodes from Lynx "Dry" range and the website said barcode not valid. Could you please share you barcodes? Cheers.

  • +5

    i got 1 - 0083

    i have the other one but they say the code is not valid???

    • cheers, got it :)

      • Assassin's Creed Revalations = 8128MB

        • plus a update 554MB

  • +1

    eek the games are available only via the ubisoft online store…. free is free but have they dropped the god awful DRm yet?

  • I wonder if they're Steam activatable…

    • +1

      Nope, you get it with uPlay :|

  • .

  • +1

    also more games than just that 4 appeared for me, the others were from the 'classics range' like Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 and Prince of Persia.

    • Can you please share the barcodes??? Thank you.

  • receipt number?

  • +22

    5354 is the last 4 digits of Lynx Excite
    1948 is the last 4 digits of Lynx Voodoo
    4144 is the last 4 digits of Lynx Click

    These should always be the same.

    My receipt number was 292078, maybe you could change that by a few digits??

    Just ordered Anno 2070 for $49.95 & Assassins Creed Revelations $59.95 using my wifes email address for free! Thanks OP. Cracker of a deal.

    • the anno 2070 was less than 20 a few month ago

  • +1

    also, i tried by adding the 'friends email addresses' as some of my spam accounts, they all got an email and i managed to redeem all 3 codes with different games on one ubi account (disposable) so you can indeed get more than one game out of it.

    also just realised, using the gmail address modifier, [email protected] and spam2+ etc you could send all the emails to the same gmail account and get the games that way.

  • Do these games come up in your Origin account?

    • no, they are from ubisoft site, you get a link to a downloader and a serial for the game (which wont work in origin or steam, I tried the ones for anno2070, assassins creed revelations and driver san francisco).

    • +2

      Origin's for EA games. These all seem to be Ubisoft games so uPlay like mentioned by kendo above.

      • Oh yeah .. I don't know what I was thinking .. also are you guys seeing more / different games [on the ubisoft site] then the email advises .. the code doesn't work on them though - and I don't have Heroes VI (searchign the store I only see Gold and delux editions and it does not work on those).

  • Anyone else get Payment Authorisation Failed? Might be because I took advantage of the last offer they had free games for.

  • +2

    Adding a modifier to your own email (Gmail only) will allow you to receive the "friend's" code as well, as stated by opasx above. eg. [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

    A simple refresh of the Facebook Page after you submit the form will allow you to re-enter the information and get 3 more codes.

    There is a limit of 5 times you can submit the form per Facebook Account.

    • +1

      lol I wrote it wrong but tested it right. I need some sleep

  • Love games?

  • +3

    Worked fine for me using 2 Africa bottles, codes 2606. Just used the same receipt code as gooddealmate but changed the last 3 numbers to a higher number.

    Got all 3 codes :)

    Cheer for this deal!!! Been looking to get Anno for ages.

  • +12

    For those who played in the last Origin game grab you might remember this trick.

    Add item to cart ..
    Apply code - item goes to zero.
    Empty cart
    Add next item and repeat above steps.
    After you have added and zero'd the games you can add them to your cart again for $0 each and complete the transaction.

    For some reason I thought I was on EA site and tried this thinking it couldn't still work … why Ubisoft does the same thing I don't know… but saved me messing with emails.

    • +1


      edit: They may have fixed it now. When I come to the final stage of adding all games to the cart after 'adding and zeroing' them individually, as soon as I add the third game then all 3 games go up to full price.

      edit 2: I think they caught on. Site seems to be down.
      ERROR_PROBLEMOCCURED - We are sorry, an unexpected error occurred processing your request. Please try again.

      edit 3: They've changed the promotional/claim link now so I guess the jig is up.

      • Tried it again an hour later and Elijha's method works once again but the checkout errored a few times before it would successfully submit.

  • +1

    Thanks, used 2 old cans 5354(exite) & 4327(choco)and used an un-related woolies receipt no # 1232 and worked.

  • Got Revelations. Playing thru AC3 atm but MAY play Revelations. If not, nothing lost.

  • Thanks heaps for posting this, fantastic!

    Having trouble figuring out which Heroes VI this code is valid for, but Anno is a steal regardless

    • yeah .. I couldn't find one that work it wasn't on the page but others were [ie from dust, Beyond good and evil and others]

    • +1

      The picture on FB has NCIS, where does it say Heroes? I had no luck redeeming Heroes BTW.

  • Thanks!

  • +1

    In the email I got it listed Heroes VI as a game, I can't get it to reduce to $0 though.

  • +1

    Thanks got driver anno and AC rev. 3 games i just couldn't bring my self to spend money on, just didn't seem worth it.

  • -2

    Thanks :) Would be awesome if Assassin's Creed 3 was an option but I don't have Revelations so I'll gladly take it !

  • +1

    accidentally "bought" driver pc (not the pc download version)

    what to do =s

    • +16

      Brace yourself for an out of this world driving experience based in the most realistic representation of San Francisco yet.

    • +1


  • +3

    If anyone is tempted to buy a game from Ubisoft after this remember the "10THANKYOU" code knocks 10% off still.

  • UBI can suck my balls, worst DRM ever!

  • +1

    I don't seem to be getting any email from them.

    I got a 'Thank you and goodluck' screen but no email came through. Tried on 3 different email addresses too, none received it.

    Oh well, seems a good deal for everyone else.

    • +2

      same here

    • +1

      Be patient, it'll go through eventually.

    • Yup, just wait, you'll need to wait a few minutes for the serial to show up too

      • well they never showed up on the emails I did there.

        But I made a new facebook on a different computer (that doesn't have adblock) and I got codes instantly.

        Managed to get AC:R, Driver and Anno.

        Nice deal OP.

  • Thanks everyone for contributing yer codes :D

  • +1

    Seems to have worked great, thanks OP! :)

    Here's a tip for those with multiple email addresses:
    Just list your other email addresses as your friends, and then you get 3 game download codes ;)

  • Is anyone else having problems apply their codes to the "That's hot range"? I have added a game to the cart and press apply but nothing happens, appears to work OK for the other games.

    • The code ONLY WORKS for 4 games which is listed in email.

      • Might want to take out Heros in the description and add in NCIS then. Maybe make reference to the 'That's hot range' not working because they are listing them as free.

  • Did you have to enter credit card details when it's a $0 total? Mine seems to want them

    • i didnt

      • I reset the form and tried again and it was ok. Def some glitches… I gave up on NCIS it didn't like my codes.

  • awesome.. 3 free game codes!

  • Payment Authorisation Failed


    • +3

      Woo, found a fix!

      • Add your free game and code to get it down to $0.00
      • Add a second game (doesn't matter which) that has a cost
      • Select Paypal as payment option
      • Proceed through to the "Review" section of the process and edit the cart (small link at the top right)
      • Remove your paid game
      • Continue to complete the transaction successfully

      Okay, now back to bed. I only got up to get a glass of water. #ozbargainstyle

      Cheers OP!!

  • +12

    Just went through my cupboard and found these barcodes. All are just the regular Lynx Bodyspray. i.e. not Dry or Roll-on.

    2012 - 5550
    Africa - 2606
    Anarchy - 5727
    Anti-Hangover - 0083
    Click - 4144
    Cool Summer - 7298
    Dark Temptation - 4327
    Excite - 5354
    Fever - 0090
    Instinct - 7304
    Legend - 2872
    Shock - 0106
    Twist - 1868
    Voodoo - 1948

    • +1

      Very grateful and I'm hoping you don't show for the next OzBargain meetup. pew
      (kiddding) ;)

      • +1

        Don't worry, I got some Adidas fragrance from the free $10 Grays That's Life promo. :)

    • You must be one sweaty hog.

  • OzBargain is broken at the moment, and the backend will be restarted "very very soon".

    Did we just OzBargain OzBargain?! ;)

    • +4

      OzB server restarts just after 3am every day.

  • Amazing thanks guys!

  • I was offered different titles:

    • Assassin's Creed Brotherhood
    • Prince of Persia The Forgotten Sands
    • NCIS
    • Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2
    • From Dust
    • +1

      Same here. Doesn't work on the AC Revelations.

    • Same. :(

    • Same, and I tried it a few times… Wonder how they draw these? Did they run out of AC Revelations keys, or is it random and I just have bad luck.

  • Thanks was able to grab Assassin's Creed Revalations

  • +3

    I just 5 games at once and only used one code.

    • Select a free game off the list
    • Apply the code
    • Click back through the browser to the free game page
    • Add another game to the cart
    • Reapply the same code

      And just keep doing that till you have all the games.

    • +1

      Thanks, did the same.

      - Assassin's Creed Brotherhood
      - Prince of Persia The Forgotten Sands
      - NCIS
      - Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2
      - From Dust

      No Revelations option though :(

  • is everyone else getting different games as well?

  • So had 2 cans of Lynx. Get the emails using the gmail trick. Go to the link, lists 9 games including Anno 2070 which is only one I want (or don't already have) yet code never works when I add that game. Works fine for NCIS but I don't want that.

    • Yeah, doesn't seem to work on Anno for me either.

      Edit: just checked, doesn't work for any for some strange reason.

      It seems the codes are only working on the cheaper games on the list, I think there's currently a glitch.

  • +1

    What combinations of Barcodes/Receipts are people using to get Anno/Revelations?

  • +1

    i click on "install the app" and nothing happens …

  • One or more of your products has been removed from your basket because it is unsupported by the currently selected country. — WTF?

  • I was able to get everything except Revelations and Anno 2070. Will try again later. Thanks OP!

  • HELP……….
    I installed the app from iphone. enter all the details, accepted & said "thank you & good luck". what happens next?? no further screen with code or game download? I am at work using iphone for this.
    Am I missing something???

    • Ask your boss to check his mail box

      • +1

        NO email as of yet.

        • +1

          No email either.

        • those not getting emails you will probably notice that a field has been marked / highlighted as yellow for not being completed correctly … it seems to say "thank you" anyway even though it has actually failed - for example the phone number entered has been flagged as a duplicate from a previous entry.

        • No highlighted field. Just did it again, no email.

  • Same here, no email yet - its been 30 mins. Tried two different emails.

    • Yep same here, two different e-mail addresses and no e-mails from them on either.

  • expired!!!???

  • Do you have to install the app on your phone for this to work?
    It's not mentioned anywhere that you actually need to install the iPhone/Android app as part of the promotion.

    I just skimmed the T&C though, it says limited to 30,000 downloads, perhaps the limit has been hit?

    • Heard people are having problems getting some of the games

      • Codes came through at 5am today, that's the kind of speedy service I like to see!
        A damn shame that Anno 2070 wasn't available for my codes though :(
        Got Assassin's Creed Brotherhood and From Dust.
        The checkout screwed up when I went to claim Ghost Recon Adv Warfighter 2.

  • Thanks OP. I am waiting for my codes now, hope its still on.

    • got email? I am still waiting

      • No still waiting.

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