This was posted 12 years 4 months 3 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Dropbox Extra 48GB Storage for 2 Years for Samsung Galaxy S III (Stock JellyBean ROM Only)


Samsung has announced that that every consumer that buys and registers a Galaxy S III smartphone will get free 48GB cloud storage from Dropbox.

1 Uninstall any Dropbox on your device.
2 Download (…)
3 Copy the zip file into internal SDCARD
4 Boot into recovery
5 Install the zip file
6 Login with your Dropbox account
7 You will get a mail within min
8 Follow the link and complete atleast 5 of the tasks listed on dropbox site
9 Done…

Credits to… .

PU Edit
Edited title to clarify only SGS3 users are eligible

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closed Comments

  • Is this the same deal Samsung/Dropbox had severed months ago? Only this time its Jelly Bean.

  • +3

    I had my 48GB two weeks ago, so this is not a new deal. It was on my ICS GS3.

  • You missed some info

    "Please Login or Register(Confirm your Email) to view links"

    since you lifted the post from that message board that requires sign up.

  • nice deal, but according to the link its not every stock jelly bean Samsung android phone. Might want to change title to Galaxy S3 :)

  • +2

    What happens after 2 years? Do they delete your data if you don't pay for it?

    • Your limit drops back to what it was before. You can't add any new files while you are over your limit. So you must delete some existing files before you can add any more.

  • +2

    Is this in addition to the 48GB all S3 users already get?…

  • +1

    Is there a way to emulate a samsung galaxy S3? (on a pc)

  • Not a new deal, i bought a used gs3 2 weeks ago and when i sighned in the google accound it ask me to register with gs3 with 50gb of data for 24 months then got a link asking to complete 5 tasks

    • Yeah I thought all Galaxy S3s came with this offer except for some US models. And you don't need to go through all the steps listed to get it. Dropbox should be preinstalled on eligable S3s

  • +1

    I got my free 48gB about 3 months ago when I got my Galaxy SIII, is this the same deal as those recently, and this particular deal? My dropbox earned space bonus page says:
    Samsung + Dropbox Samsung promotion (expires 7/23/2014) 3 months ago 48 GB

  • Not a deal.

  • If you install a custom Samsung JB Rom for some other models, it may work too. I installed the Crash JB Rom for galaxy note from here, and got extra 48G in my dropbox account.

    • I got the extra 48gb with a galaxy s2 running cm10 :D

      • Worked on my Galaxy Nexus CM10 here. +1!

  • I have an S3 and have already claimed my 48GB. Can I claim another 48GB for my dad by uninstalling Dropbox and installing again with his username ?

  • Hell yeah!!! can I get you to update title with other Samsung phones running CM10? my SGS2 worked no probs!

  • To everyone who's installing this on non-S3 phones, Dropbox knows about the abuse. Probably not worth it since you could lose it without warning.…

    • Worse that could happen is that they will take the space back, well worth the chance IMO.

      • +3

        That would be sad, as this sort of abuse can discourage companies from doing such deals.

        • That is a different matter altogether, although remember that Dropbox are getting paid by Samsung for this so it is not like we are taking advantage of a completely benevolent promotion.

        • So it's OK for Samsung to be defrauded, as long as Dropbox isn't?
          Dropbox also has to dedicate time and money into fishing out these false accounts.

        • Installing a modified APK that isnt approved by Dropbox and using it to exploit the free storage is probably already a breach of its terms of use. Plus, it isnt really ethical to do so.

          Don't be surprised when Dropbox pulls the plug because it is within their right to do so.

        • Personally as I am a long time Samsung customer with both the SGS and SGSII at my household I don't feel any moral guilt about this although I can see where you are coming from. Like I said I'm aware they might take the space back but I'm OK with that possibility.
          by the way I'm also a very prominent Dropbox promoter that have introduced it to many people so I don't feel too bad about my involvement with Dropbox either TBH, but each to their own.

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