Custom Faceplate for Head Unit for Toyota Corolla

I installed the Teyes CC3 9inch head unit into my Toyota Corolla Hatch 2013 but it is larger than the original 200x100mm stock head unit, it is protruding out and not flush. The cables are exposed and it actually moves up and down and vibrates when I drive.

Is there a custom face plate/ facia for my car that I can use, so this new unit is flushed in place?


  • +8

    What did your research show as suitable parts before you decided to purchase an oversized headunit?

    • +1

      It was my mistake

      • +8

        Looks like you're in the acceptance phase. Great effort. We believe in you. Now get yourself a 3D printer and sign up to a Udemy course.

    1. buy 3d printer
    2. learn modelling to generate the required instruction file
    3. ???
    4. profit
  • +1

    Is there a custom face plate for my car that I can use so this new unit is flushed in place?

    Yep, being custom, you can make it…

    Or, go buy a standard double-din size which will fit nicely

  • PIctures might help?

      • Is this the item and car in question?…

        Looks like you should have been supplied a fascia/frame to match your car and that headunit - depending on where you sourced it from of course.…

        • Teyes didn’t sell this for my model of car. I was hoping there was someone else.

          The one you linked is for the sedan model, my faceplate is different.

          • @Ladiesman24: Who did you order from?
            Assuming it wasn't the teyes site then I would be trying to contact them with a picture of your existing fascia to see if they have a frame that suits at all. I'm not sure you'd have any luck finding someone who makes a plate to suit your exact requirements since it's such a unique use case. Based on the links provided I THINK that might fit but I can already see a cutout for an SD card and something else on the left which your photo doesn't have so I could be very wrong. Don't have a Corolla so you'd need to do your own homework on that one.

            Best of luck

      • does the screen tilt? it doesn't look like it's mounted deep enough into the slot.

  • The last time I had to install a Headunit, I got a faceplate off AliExpress.

    Here's a few examples that might fit your car

    Make sure the button/holes line up and to purchase the correct side (RHD).

  • Why didn't you screw the brackets in properly? That's the cause of the wobble.

    • That was my mistake

      • +4

        Not good at screwing? Username doesn't check out

    • It is an eye sore

  • What did the place you bought it from say when you asked them?

    • They didn't have the facia for my particular model, they had other corolla models but not mines.

  • Just go to Bunnings and grab some Spakfilla bro

  • Your Chinese garbage head unit is suited for a facelift ZRE-182R Corolla (2015-2018) with a 230mm head unit space. You could try obtaining a facelift fascia from Toyota parts, can't guarantee it'll fit the pre-facelift dash though..

  • Why not just get a 3D printed faceplate Maybe one of the good folks of OzB has a 3D printer who could help you out for a few dollars or a slab? Or even has a workplace that allows occasional use of their 3D printer…

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